Archive for June 18, 2024

Who’s bankrolling anti-Israel demos?

Posted: June 18, 2024 by chrisharper in Uncategorized

By Christopher Harper

A variety of foundations and high-rollers have been funding the anti-Israel demonstrations.

In a recent editorial, Investor’s Business Daily
outlines some of these links.

–The Rockefeller Brothers Fund has bestowed nearly a half million dollars during the past five years to one of the organizers of the student demos at Columbia University and other campuses, the anti-Zionist  “Jewish Voice for Peace.”

–George Soros’s Tides Foundation finances the Adalah Justice Project, which was involved in the Columbia demonstrations. Tides has assisted the Palestine Legal Defense Litigation Fund, offering representation to the demonstrators. Soros also backs Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity, whose website promotes pro-Palestinian agitation.

In the last several years, California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom raised more than $11 million for the Tides Foundation, almost all of it from the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies, established by the late Tulsa-based Russian emigre and oil tycoon Charles Schusterman.

In an earlier analysis in City Journal, N.S. Lyons reports on the support the Ford Foundation provides to anti-Israel groups.

For example, prominent activist Linda Sarsour has participated in several high-profile demonstrations that attack Israel and support Hamas. Sarsour, an American of Palestinian heritage, has received $300,000 from the Ford Foundation for MPower Change, which states its work is “to build grassroots Muslim power.”  

“The Ford Foundation’s history of funding radical, even openly violent, racial identitarian groups extends back far earlier than the 2010s. One could even say that the foundation helped invent American identity politics as we know it today,” Lyons writes.

It is a stretch to argue that these foundations and bigwigs have formed a conspiracy to help Hamas. What is clear, however, is that a lot of money is going to agitators with an anti-Israel agenda and pro-Hamas bent.