Posts Tagged ‘sarah palin’

To steal a meme from the good folks at Instapundit:

How it started:

So it doesn’t matter that Politifact crowned “death panel” its Lie of the Year in 2009 – the phrase has staying power. It’s easy to see why: “death panel” evokes an image of faceless bureaucrats rationing health care and sentencing the elderly and the infirm to death.

Ben Cosman The Atlantic: ‘Death Panels’ Will Be Sarah Palin’s Greatest Legacy 5/30/14

How it’s going

In a recently reported horror story from The Associated Press, Alan Nichols, 61, was successfully killed after a quick one month waiting period as he was suffering from hearing loss. Nichols was an otherwise decently healthy guy, but his brother claimed he was railroaded into killing himself. Nichols’ family said that hospital staff helped him request euthanasia and pushed him to do it, a story that has been repeated many times by other disabled or sick Canadians

…Canadian federal data shows that 10,064 people died in 2021 by medically-assisted suicide, a massive 32% jump from the year before. 

Douglas Blair: The Daily Signal Canada Is Euthanizing Its Sick and Poor. Welcome to World of Government Health Care. 8/24/22

I’m old enough to remember when the motto of “Do no harm” from the medical profession referred to the patient, not to the Hospital or the government’s bottom line.

I’d like to think that the folks who decided to edit the Hippocratic oath last century didn’t realize what it would do to the practice of medicine, after all you don’t lose a lot of money presuming human foolishness, but the longer I’ve lived the more I’m coming to the conclusion that this was the desired endgame, because the reality is there are only two sides in the fight vs right and wrong and I know who is in charge of the other side and there are and always have been plenty of folks who at best are his dupes or at worst are his allies.

Palin was never either.

Tricking NOW into defending Sarah Palin from Misogynistic remarks. After all as NOW’s rep pointed out:

The National Organization for Women (NOW) refused to comment on Maher’s use of the derogatory term. A rep told it is a “known fact” that NOW does not correspond with FOX News.

Yeah what a dirty trick of Fox to ask NOW to comment on a story, the next thing you know they might want an actual interview!

How horrible that they were compelled to say this:

“You’re trying to take up our time getting us to defend your friend Sarah Palin. If you keep us busy defending her, we have less time to defend women’s bodies from the onslaught of reproductive rights attacks and other threats to our freedom, safety, livelihood, etc,” wrote Bennett. “Sorry, but we can’t defend Palin or even Hillary Clinton from every sexist insult hurled at them in the media. That task would be impossible, and it would consume us. You know this would not be a productive way to fight for women’s equal rights, which is why you want us stuck in this morass.” …

Yes because we all know a public statement will so disrupt their schedule that they won’t be able to do anything else. Sister ToldJa gives the lie to this nonsense:

Personally, I couldn’t care less about any statement – or lack thereof – coming from so-called “women’s groups” denouncing the sexist treatment of female public figures, no matter their respective party affiliations. In fact, conservative women don’t need any defending by any duplicitous “progressive feminist groups.” But all the same it’s worth pointing out when they don’t. More importantly, it’s imperative to know why they don’t, which I explained above. Simply put: You’re not 100% woman unless you buy 100% into the radical liberal feminist dogma about “reproductive rights.”

Yeah NOW has been busy helping advance women unlike Sarah Palin:

When it comes to politics, who was the one who helped provide a boost to the election of the first female Governor of New Mexico, Susana Martinez, first female Governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley, or first female governor of Oklahoma, Mary Fallin? It certainly wasn’t NOW. NOW has asserted that they won’t waste their time defending Secretary Clinton or Governor Palin, both of whom stated just last week that it’s time for a female president. Female candidates and women in general can officially say, “women need NOW like a fish needs a bicycle”.

In my opinion the real reason why NOW is so angry about defending Palin from Maher’s remarks is that they agree with Mahar and would love to be able to say it aloud, but that would give away the game.

I guarantee we will be talking about this on our April 2nd show.

Who are you going to believe?

Posted: March 19, 2011 by datechguy in opinion/news
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Bill Maher talking on his show

Or an actual video of Sarah Palin answer question from a crowd in India?

I am sure this will get very little coverage in the normally Palin Hungry MSM. When you actually see Palin unfiltered by a hostile media it’s hard to paint her as some kind of idiot.

…he’ll be a guest on Morning Joe by the end of the week. Anyone in the GOP willing to hit her is guaranteed such a seat.

Anyone care to make book against me?

BTW I have to disagree with Stacy. It isn’t a case of Palin Phobia it’s a case of Gregg doing legwork for another GOP candidate so he doesn’t have to get his hands dirty with a grass-roots that won’t forgive or forget.