Posts Tagged ‘election 2024’

It never ceases to amaze me how many people are shocked at the acts of the Biden Administration concerning Israel, particularly folks like Jonah Goldberg (a nice guy in person) and friends.

It appears that the folks who could have made a difference but decided to let the steal of the last election slide presumed that the goal of said steal was simply to remove Donald Trump which they were completely on board with. They now appear shocked SHOCKED that said folks had an actual agenda they wanted to push and are using said power to do so.

You mean to say if you let a bunch of bought and paid for crooks have power they might just use it? Amazing!

Apparently the shock SHOCK of Joe Biden deciding to suspend arms to Israel over attempting to destroy a group of terrorists who tired to annihilate them and still hold Israeli (and American) hostages is too much for some US senators.

 of the Democratic senators running for reelection, most are staying mum, including those running in swing states. They include, at the time of publishing, Wisconsin’s Tammy Baldwin, Montana’s Jon Tester, Ohio’s Sherrod Brown, and Nevada’s Jacky Rosen. Michigan Rep. Elissa Slotkin—who is running to replace the state’s outgoing senator, Debbie Stabenow—has also remained silent, as have her fellow House colleagues running for Senate seats, Rubén Gallego of Arizona and David Trone of Maryland.

Oddly enough those who are shocked into silence are almost exclusively running in either red or swing states. Senators from deep blue states like Massachusetts, Vermont and Connecticut where even supporting the slaughter of Jews can’t hurt a democrat have no problem praising the move.

Unexpectedly of course.

One person who is incapable of being shocked into silence is James Carville who at 80 is just as loud as he has ever been. However while he is not silent he is in fact shocked.

He is shocked that nothing the Democrats seem to do in this campaign is working against Trump:

What you might note in this tirade is no mention of Biden’s policies or the overreaching of the left or the abandonment of Israel or the Economy that’s tanking faster than the Chicago White Sox. He might take a lesson from this old piece written on the day of the Scott Brown vs Martha Coakley election so many years ago: (My comment) in bold underline

If Brown wins today in Massachusetts, we’re going to hear all kinds of explanations. Misplaced voter anger is already being invoked. Coakley ran a horrible campaign. The incumbent party is unpopular when times are bad. It snowed. Or it didn’t. Whatever. The simplest explanation is that a majority of the citizens of Massachusetts oppose ObamaCare. Maybe they shouldn’t. Maybe they don’t realize how great it will be. (HA! DTG) But if Brown wins, the simplest explanation is that the most important issue, health care, was decisive. The voters don’t like ObamaCare and this is their chance to say so.

The actual performance of this administration or the state of the country is not relevant to Mr. Carville. It’s all about the game. He’s a salesman one might even say a master salesman and his product is Democrats any democrats no matter what they do, no matter what they say and after decades of selling a crappy product to a gullible public he is shocked SHOCKED that there doesn’t seem to be enough marks falling for the pitch.

So let me get this straight:

Bill Maher does an excellent eight minute monologue on the media covering irrelevant things for the sake of clicks and agenda:

And then leads the overtime segment of that very same with a story about a Virginia school district that had renamed two schools named after confederates restoring the original names.

Because on a weekend when Joe Biden is withholding military aid to Israel to the point where even Jonah Goldberg’s friends are done with him there is no issue bigger that needs to be addressed than a school named after Stonewall Jackson who died in 1863.

I can’t contain my degree of shock that he might just be another self serving liberal after all.

Finally I laughed aloud when I saw this story out on the Daily Wire:

Speaking on the support that RFK Jr. enjoys from some on the political right, Penn said: “I think that it will drop in half if Republicans learn the views, right now they don’t know these things.”

“And there’s a group of Republicans that don’t like anybody and he’s now the alternative to the alternative,” he continued. “So he’s got some votes, but I agree with you, he would lose a lot of Republican votes if this screen that you’re putting up there really got out and got broadcast.”

Here is the video

So let me get this straight, Republican votes are going to be shocked SHOCKED that a President Candidate:

  • Whose Father was AG in a Democrat administration and ran for President as a Democrat
  • Whose uncle was a Democrat congressman, Senator and President
  • Whose other Uncle was a Democrat senator for 40+ years
  • Who has been a democrat all his life
  • And who initially attempted to run for the Democrat nomination

Might have a bunch of opinions that are completely consistent with the Democrat party?

My degree of surprise can’t be understated!

Let me tell you something Mr. Penn, any republican who votes for RFK doesn’t care what his opinions are. They just want to be able tell their republican friends at GOP events they didn’t vote for Biden and tell their celebrity friends at events attended by all the “right” people that they didn’t vote for Trump.

Other than the Professional activists who are being paid to upend universities I would be real money that the girls at the “Free Palestine” protests are there for status and self esteem and the guys are there in the hopes of getting laid.

In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if more than one guy at these “camps” are taking liberties that they shouldn’t and the ladies who are being taken advantage of are told not to talk about it, complain about it or report it for the sake of the cause.

I don’t care what Radio host he said it to does anyone really believe Joe Biden circa 2024 is going to take a stage opposite of Donald Trump?

Cripes they don’t even let him walk to the airplane or helicopter without being surrounded for fear of people seeing how fragile he is and you’re going to put him in front of Trump who will ask Biden before millions of eyes how heavily did they have to drug you up to get you to this podium?

If they thought Biden could stand up to Trump they wouldn’t have spent the last year trying to jail him.

The White House Correspondents dinner is going on as I type. The folks at the Lincoln Project are suggesting it’s going to be a big win for Biden. Given the hundreds of protestors outside making trouble, all leftists btw, I think this is another example of redefining words.

The real irony is just about all the journalists in their spend most of their time whitewashing the crimes both of Hamas and the protestors themselves, but every revolution eventually eats their own allies.

As you might have heard Bill Barr who did his level best to ignore and enable the steal of 2020 by inaction endorsed Donald Trump for 2024 on the grounds that whatever he might think of Trump, Joe Biden and the Democrats are an actual threat to freedom.

Trump being Trump accepted the endorsement listing all the names that he has called Barr and stated from now on the label “lethargic” will be removed from the list.

CNN hoped to pounce on this but Barr just laughed and when pressed listed all the ways that freedoms are being threatened by the Biden Administration rules that were not being done under Trump.

That’s how bad this administration has been, they’ve got Bill Barr doubling down on an endorsement of Trump.

Finally I was out with a devout young friend of mine who was once my boss. He was part of the layoff at my place but because he is a hard worker and very talented he quickly found another job at a better pay and has by that hard work advanced himself admirably.

We went to Buffalo Wild wins and caught the Celtics vs Heat game and the end of the Red Sox Cubs game while we were at it. As I watched the finish of the Redsox game which carried into the 2nd quarter of the Celtics playoff game I saw something I had never seen before.

The Celtics have a spectacular defense and put on a show during the first quarter of the game. How much of a show? It took the NBA’s Miami heat until 2-3 minutes into the 2nd quarter before they managed to outscore the Boston Red Sox who put up 17 against the Cubs today.

If the Celtics play this kind of defense during the rest of this playoff run I don’t see how any team beat them. Bill Russell would have been proud of them.

I firmly believe that abortion is murder.  No one has a right to commit murder therefore there can be no right to an abortion.   For the past 50 years we have witnessed the most heinous genocide ever perpetrated, the slaughter of hundreds of millions of unborn children worldwide. 

Because abortion is murder it should never have been legalized here in the United States.  Roe v Wade was a particularly monstrous decision because it overturned abortion bans that 46 states had enacted.  This I learned from Google.

Prior to Roe v. Wade, 30 states prohibited abortion without exception, 16 states banned abortion except in certain special circumstances (e.g. rape, incest, and health threat to mother), 3 states allowed residents to obtain abortions, and New York allowed abortions generally.

Roe v. Wade was profoundly unconstitutional because the Constitution did not grant any branch of the federal government the authority to overturn state abortion bans.

Thanks to the Marxists who call themselves Progressives, abortion has polarized the United States like no other issues.  This past Monday President Trump issued a major policy statement on this most thorny issue: Read Trump abortion statement | The Hill

Many people have asked me what my position is on abortion and abortion rights, especially since I was proudly the person responsible for the ending of something that all legal scholars, both sides, wanted and, in fact, demanded be ended: Roe v. Wade. They wanted it ended.

“It must be remembered that the Democrats are the radical ones on this position because they support abortion up to and even beyond the ninth month. The concept of having an abortion in the later months, and even execution after birth — and that’s exactly what it is. The baby is born, the baby is executed after birth — is unacceptable, and almost everyone agrees with that.”

Pointing out just how radical the Democrats’ position on abortion is was a strategically sound decision by President Trump.

“My view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint. The states will determine by vote or legislation or perhaps both, and whatever they decide must be the law of the land. In this case, the law of the state. Many states will be different. Many will have a different number of weeks or some will have more conservative than others, and that’s what they will be.”

“At the end of the day this is all about the will of the people. You must follow your heart, or in many cases your religion or your faith. Do what’s right for your family and do what’s right for yourself, do what’s for your children, do what’s right for our country, and vote. So important to vote.”

At the end of the day it’s all about will of the people. That’s where we are right now, and that’s what we want. The will of the people.”

I believe taking the middle ground was a strategically wise decision by President Trump.  Taking a hard line on this issue would have been a major turn off for moderates and would have energized the left.

“Like Ronald Reagan, I am strongly in favor of exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother.”

“You must follow your heart on this issue, but remember, you must also win elections to restore our culture and in fact to have our country, which is currently and very sadly a nation in decline. Our nation needs help. It needs unity, it needs all of us to work closely together. Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative, everyone. We have to work together. We have to bring our nation back from the brink, and that’s where it is. It’s at the brink. And we will. We will do it. I promise you, we will do it.”

“Always go by your heart, but we must win. We have to win. We are a failing nation, but we can be a failing nation no longer. We will make our nation great. We will make our nation greater than ever before. Thank you very much.”

Taking a hard line on abortion would have made it easier for the Democrats to steal another election because it would have shifted a significant number of votes to Biden.

President Trump is Constitutionally correct when he stated that abortion is an issue that must be left in the hands of the states.  The Constitution does not grant federal government the authority to define or punish the crime of murder.

The reviews of President Trump’s abortion speech were mixed. Check out these two articles:

Trump nailed it with his statement today about abortion – American Thinker

Today, Donald Trump issued his statement on abortion, disavowing federal involvement. It was both a correct decision and a politically smart one. Democrats have always used abortion to bring voters into its fold. Now, it cannot do that anymore.

Everything Wrong With Trump’s 2024 Abortion And IVF Messaging (

The Republican once hailed as the most successful pro-life president in American history made clear on Monday that he is softening his position on abortion and beefing up his support for in vitro fertilization ahead of the 2024 general election.

“Saying the issue is ‘back to the states’ cedes the national debate to the Democrats who are working relentlessly to enact legislation mandating abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy. If successful, they will wipe out states’ rights,” Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America President Marjorie Dannenfelser said in her response statement.

The Biden economy has not been good for the work force at the place I’ve been working at for 6 plus years.

During the Trump years we were booming, three warehouses at full tilt with a huge workforce including temps that we regularly recruited full time employees from. Since the dawn of the Biden years we had, the shrinking then disappearing peak season, followed by the closing of two of our warehouses, we had the laying off and buying out of a bunch of management and salary people, then we had the elimination of our 2nd shift and the buying out of hourly workers.

Yesterday just before lunch hour there was a meeting and we were told that because there is so little work at this time my shift (Sun-Wed 7-5:30) is going to have Wednesday off unpaid, although if we wish to use a vacation day. and the Monday – Friday shift is leaving 2 hours early the rest of the week.

We are told this is only for this week but they can’t promise it won’t happen again.

Now oddly enough I had planned to take the entire week off starting today because of this event of 36 years ago today:

April 9th 1988

and the beginning of PINTASTIC NE 2024 on Thursday (and it amazes me that I’m only now getting to mention it on the blog as it’s only 2 days away!) but as DaWife couldn’t get today off I decided to give it a miss. Now with the prospect of being short 25% of a week’s pay and taxes due I’ll burn the vacation day after all.

As you might guess yesterday’s announcement caused a lot of buzz but as English is the 2nd or 3rd language to Spanish & French at my place I didn’t hear most of it but there is a fellow there who speaks English that I had a chance to talk to a bit. He’s the oldest worker at the place 74 years old, naturalized citizen, used to be a teacher in the Boston schools. A Haitian gentleman who is as socialist as they come and who expresses the opinion that Haiti would be better off with China’s influence than the US in the country.

We were working the same area and expressed dismay at the situation. I commented on this being one of the costs of a stolen election and this black Haitian socialist said this:

“I don’t know if I’m going to vote this year, but if I do vote it will be for Donald Trump.”

If we’ve reached the point we’re the best case scenario for the Democrats in the Biden economy is black socialists from Massachusetts staying home then this election might be really something.