Posts Tagged ‘blogs’

Some Sound Advice for Billy Eichner

Posted: October 6, 2022 by datechguy in blogs, entertainment
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One of the more amusing things of the past week that I didn’t bother to write about was the incredible tirade by director Billy Eichner concerning the reaction to his movie Bros.

His unmitigated rage at those unwilling to contribute their hard earned money and time which one can not supplement betrays one of the most common problems among people.

White the two of us are very much unlike in terms of age, cultural background and certain tastes, allow me to provide some perspective that he apparently lacks.

There was a time when this blog’s readership was in the hundreds of thousands a year, where we were in the top 100 conservative blogs regularly and that my blogsite actually had cracked the top 100,000 website in the world. At that time I dreamt of making a living doing this full time and providing for my family in this way, of my secular radio show DaTechGuy on DaRadio going beyond the small syndication that it had and being a national figure and there have been several big moments and several big stories that we have covered that makes me extremely proud of what we’ve accomplished in the days when the blog started when the election of Obama heralded the end to my tech career.

As you can see this has not happened. Our monthly draw of readers is what we used to do on one good day. We rarely draw links from the larger blogs as we used to. Our tip jar hits are nearly non-existent and the subscriber base while not at the point where it fails to cover expenses is slowly heading in that direction.

Fortunately if I want to confront the person most responsible for this turn of events all I have to do is walk in front of a mirror

While there may be a few extenuating circumstances here and there and a bit of bad luck occasionally when it comes right down to do it the reason this blog isn’t as big as Instapundit, or as well read as HotAir or as edgy as Ace of Spades or as prominent in the Conservative press as The Gateway Pundit or as skillfully written as The Other McCain or as able to cover large events as Legal Insurrection or as respected as Don Surber all comes down to me either not working hard enough or making the wrong calls or wanting a particular direction or simply not being as good a writer or promoter as others who have done a better job in this business better over the years with their eyes on the goal of achieving what those giants in the conservative blogosphere have done.

I’ve reached an age where it’s not prudent to take the risks necessary to try to change this direction nor do I have the ambition that I once had to make those goals. For now I’m content to rest on the laurels I have (there are a few) to keep thinks rolling and to put my two cents in along with the excellent writers who remain until I’m too old to go on or until they censor me away.

and that brings me back to Mr. Eichner.

He is still a lot younger than me and in the end he has produced a large movie with a large cast that has been shown in thousands of theaters across the nation which is an achievement.

But if he is looking for a larger scale of success the first thing he has to learn is to take ownership of failure and learn from it rather than blaming people he hates for it.

Until and unless the likes of Billy Eichner can understand that the father of one’s failures is almost ourselves he will will go from an angry young man to an angrier old man.

Take my advice, that’s no way to live.

Closing thought. If anyone of you think we’re still worth a ten spot a month or more your tip jar and or subscription will not be unappreciated.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

By: Pat Austin

SHREVEPORT — As usual, I am a little late to the party, but in January I decided to start writing on Medium in addition to keeping my own blog, as well as keeping my Monday slot here.

Medium is basically a blogging platform, but it seems to be a decent place to post from time to time because of the built-in audience.  Launched in August 2012 by Evan Williams, one of the co-founders of Twitter, Medium has a pretty solid, worldwide following. You can read three free articles a month before you hit the paywall. It’s not clear how many subscribers have signed up for the $5 monthly subscription fee but estimates range from 200,000 to 400,000. 

I kind of stumbled on Medium this spring when this article by Tomas Pueyo went viral and was showing up all over my social media. I thought the article was really well done and if that was any indicator of what kind of work was on Medium, I wanted to know more. I’ve been reading there ever since, and at some point I subscribed. 

On Medium you can tailor your home screen to the types of articles you want to see by simply following  specific categories. In the beginning I set mine to coronavirus articles, culture, history, humor, environment…that kind of thing. I have tweaked it a bit since then; you can also follow tags.  I like a mix of things to appear on my home screen. There is a category for writing, but I’m getting too many articles about how to write on Medium that are weighing my feed down. I am going to take that one off. I took the coronavirus category off as well; I’m tired of reading about that.

The site hosts professional and amateur writers and so again, pick and choose. Famous names include Susan Orlean (a favorite of mine – I loved The Library Book), Nikki Haley, Senator Marco Rubio, and many others. Authors are paid by internal views and engagement: how long someone spends on your article, claps (which is similar to the “like” button), and shares. A writer on Medium earns zero revenue from readers outside the Medium subscription base; external views do not earn money, but in theory they can lead to more Medium subscribers.  It is all about exposure and building a following. 

I have concerns about spreading myself too thin but I am curious to see if I can spark up a following on Medium which would then develop into a little extra cash in my pocket, which is always a good thing. Now that I am finally retired, I know that I will have more free time for writing, and so for the moment, I think I can handle three blogging platforms. My posts at each will be quite different because the audience for each is different.

To earn money on the platform, you have to sign up for a Strip account; it is very simple and safe. Once a month your earnings are transferred into your account.

So, how much have I earned in my six months there? About enough to buy a hamburger and beer for lunch. Not a lot. You’re probably not going to make enough to quit your day job. But my revenue is growing each month, so at least it’s going in the right direction, and I’m gaining followers. Articles on Medium have “a long tail”; that is, they earn money weeks after they’ve been published because the Medium algorithm filters them back around to land on someone’s homepage depending on their interests. For example, logging on to Medium right now, I have a selection of articles from today on back about four weeks.

I’m curious if any of you are Medium readers? If not, check the site out and let me know honestly what you think about it. Like I said, you get three free articles per month. 

Unlike WJJ Hoge and Stacy McCain I know little about her except what they’ve dug up bur what I’ve seen has “grift” written all over it.

In an internet age such moves have a definite disadvantage because while the MSM will always cover for grift from the left that supports their narrative there are too many outlets that can expose it and despite the advantages of having the tech giants on their side you can’t completely shut out or shut up everyone, which is why such days are important as a disincentive for those who would follow that path.

But of more significance to me personally is this.

In my daily prayers I daily offer the 4th Glorious Mystery of my 1st Rosary for “Stacy’s women” which I define as the various women feminists, cranks, crazy people etc that Stacy McCain brings to our attention on his blog.

I suspect few of these people are subject of anyone’s prayers and while we rightly call out behavior that might be outrageous dishonorable or both we must not neglect to call upon God’s mercy for such people always remembering that if we had encountered Saul of Tarsus, Matthew the Tax Collector or Mary Magdalene on the day before they were touched by Christ we might be inclined to have an “Everybody blog about Saul of Tarsus” day.

Never doubt the infinite mercy of God, nor that each of us need it ourselves and should never begrudge it for others.

According to one independent reporter, the man shot is a rapist, wanted by police, yet the governor sold out the police immediately. 

Via Independent Sentinel

Democrat Governors do that.

All things considered, the incident happened in a Democrat-controlled city by officers who are part of and trained by a Democrat-run department and Democrat-controlled city administration.

Via AceofSpades HQ

Funny how that seems to be the case so much?

If they will do this to the police, do you have any doubt left in your mind that they would do this to you?

Via Captain’s Journal

I’m sure that BLM folks shooting at police vehicles were doing so in a “mostly peaceful” way.

 The idiots in the streets, embracing fantasies about Marxism imbibed in school room, are doing precisely what they have been trained to do.

Via Fr. Z’s Blog

I’m increasingly of the opinion that the closing of the public schools has been one of the best silver linings of the entire Coivd /Wuhan/CCP/Corona Virus business.

Quick question for the left. If Trump supporters marched into a neighborhood with a guillotine, would that mean something?

Via Granite Grok

Sure, it would mean that suddenly guillotine themes would be considered “hate speech” by the left and media and not be tolerated.