Posts Tagged ‘comedy’

Stoogakalev, Moehowardavich & Findgoldalov Russia’s Finest!

Delaware: A trio of elite Russian Agents assigned to acquire classified documents for Russian use turned themselves into US authorities when they unexpectedly discovered that President Joe Biden kept the garage housing these classified documents locked:

“I could not believe it” moaned Igor Moehowardavich at his arrangement. “A decade of training, four years undercover in America and all our plans foiled because President Joe Biden anticipated us by locking his garage.”

The trio having heard about the documents in the garage through sources moved to acquire the classified material, but confronted with the locked door and seeing no way around such a formattable defense Moehowardavich and his associates Lev Findgoldalov and Chary Q Stoogakalev surrendered to FBI agents who came across them accidently after being alerted by a tip suggesting there might be parents objecting to CRT in the area.

Democrats such as Adam Schiff praised the foresight of the President’s steps to secure the documents in his possession while the Administration took this opportunity to attempt to open talks in the hope of trading these agents for US citizens held in Russia but at last report Putin is quite content to allow America to keep them.

I’ve been a Monty Python fan since I was about 9 years old and discovered them on PBS and later the Holy Grail on the CBS Late Movie, and I also deplore the FBI raid on Donald Trump as one of the most egregious things this administration and justice department have done, so far.

All that being said I don’t see why everyone seems to consider this video so funny.

Bereft of any context and meh dialogue does not comedy make.

There is an old saying that everyone is conservative about their own situations, to Wit.

Once it’s a question of your kids future development the math changes quickly and of course unexpectedly.

Stacy McCain has discovered Louise Perry

Perry has taken a bold step, for a young woman who dares call herself a feminist, because modern feminism originated with just such a utopian ambition, as delineated by the schizophrenic radical Shulamith Firestone and others. Insofar as Perry rejects “ideology premised on . . . false belief,” she must question whether she is actually a feminist in any meaningful sense of that word.

The significance of Perry is not that she has figured it out, it’s that people who would not be caught dead publicly conceding that either Stacy or I have been right about this from day one might now decide they have the cover needed to summon up enough courage to publicly agree with things I suspect many of them already know.

One must walk before one runs.

One of the last people i had bet with on the result of the 2020 election who had never contacted me for payment of said be suddenly popped out of the woodwork.

In fairness to him while publicly noting he had not been paid (I had no name or account to send payment to and none had been provided) privately he was willing to excuse me from the debt. I declined his kind offer as the bet was made in good faith and I do not suspect him of being the person who fixed said election.

Some of you might wonder way I bothered to pay those bets given the fact that I still maintain not only was the election stolen but that this fact will be eventually be exposed and conceded as too many people were involved. The answer is simple. In the end like the Astros in 2017 who got a title by violating the rules and the 1985 Royals who won game seven after the most significant blown call in sports history those titles stand. Likewise the authorities who at the time could have done something choose, for whatever reason ( I suspect cowardice) to not act when they could and thus Joe Biden, rightly or wrongly was sworn in and is in fact for

I will leave it to him and the others who I paid my best to after Biden was sworn in to decide what to do when history shows the truth of the steal but that’s on them. As for me my honor is satisfied.

Finally later this year my wife will be traveling without me. She had been having hip pains when sleeping in bed so for the last two to three years she has been sleeping in a recliner and because of this I’ve been sleeping on the couch to be in the same room.

As she will not have a recliner to sleep in during her trip In preparation for she slept in our bed for the first time in years so when I came home I did the same.

I can not adequately describe the pleasure of being able to share a bed with my wife again, even if it was only for sleep. It reminds one of how fragile the simple pleasures of life can be.

Enjoy those pleasures and do not take them for granted because the day will come when they are gone forever

Yesterday I had some time on my hands and watched the Dave Chappelle special and came away thinking these things:

If this had been the days of my youth this special would never had made it on the air, not because of the Transgender jokes but because the absolutely vulgar sexual humor all over the place. It was about as gross and disgusting as you can get and it really says something about how our society has changed that I seem to be the only person who has pointed this out.

What really gets me about the gross stuff is that like Monty Python Chappelle’s humor is actually very intelligent humor and he doesn’t need to go with the gross stuff to be funny. Furthermore a lot of the gross humor wasn’t all that good in the sense that it couldn’t have been more telegraphed if he had been sitting behind a desk in a Western Union office in 1877.

That being said his audience liked it and I’m remined of Eddie Murphy’s famous bit about Bill Cosby calling him on being vulgar and Richard Pryor’s response.

For those who don’t want to hear the whole clip here is what Murphy said Pryor said to him about Bill Cosby chastising him over the dirty humor:

I don’t give give a f*** what every the f*** makes people laugh say that shit. Do the people laugh when you say what you say?

I said Yes

Do you get paid?

I said Yes

Well tell Bill I said have a Coke and smile and shut the f*** up. That Jello pudding eating M*****f*****..

Given what we now know about Bill Cosby this Eddie Murphy clip is a lot funnier and highly ironic, but Bill would answer that he never drugged a woman on stage in front of an audience.

Dave Chapple’s job is to make people laugh and he is very good at it and if people are laughing at the jokes and he’s getting paid millions then he’s doing his job even if he gets too gross for me. As for anything else, that’s between him and Christ and I wish him the best of luck there.

That brings up another thing about Chappelle that reminds me of Monty Python and Don Rickles, he hits everybody and makes fun of Everybody and is gross about EVERYBODY. There were no sacred cows to Monty Python and Don Rickles hit people, including the autocancel to their faces. Chappelle takes this to the Nth degree I mean he was making glory hole jokes about Martin Luther King. MARTIN LUTHER KING!

Can you imagine any other comedian making glory hole jokes about Martin Luther King on a stage? Can you imagine what would happen if I got up on a stage on a comedy night and tried to make a joke about Martin Luther King concerning sleeping around let alone glory holes. I’d be up against a wall.

And you think the transgender stuff is over the line?

One of the reasons why he does these things and also breaks all the other rules (for example smoking in places where I would be fined for doing so) is to distract people as he delivers his message, and his message seems to be:

Don’t be telling black people about how oppressed you are when we were friggin slaves and went through all we went through to get where we are now.

His answer to the Trans community claiming oppression reminds me of a story Tip O’Neill told about a group of black activists who came to congress and was berating a white congressman who had grown up poor in during the Great Depression in the era before government safety nets and answered: “Don’t come to my office and talk down it me. I was poor when poor was POOR!” Go deep into these specials and that, in my opinion is pretty much what Chappelle’s entire standup humor is about, but the bottom line is it’s still humor that makes you laugh and makes him money.

His answer to Trans activists talking about the oppression of their people was to ask if they kidnapped them and dragged them here from Transylvania.

Ironically Chappelle uses his status as one of the richest and most popular living comics to exercise privilege not only do do or say things that others can’t say without being hit by society but to flaunt said privilege, the privilege of wealth, the privilege of celerity and the privilege of race to advance pretty much a left liberal/radical worldview with a streak of libertarianism and a commitment to the 1st amendment . Even more ironically he does this while living in what would be considered a conservative leaning lifestyle in a white small town.

Dave Chappelle is actually is the personification of privilege he knows he has it and intends to make you know he has it and is going to use it. The reason why this said privilege doesn’t get me all that riled up is he earned said privilege with decades of hard work and a lot of nights in small clubs busting his ass to make people laugh and he does it as well if not better than any current living comedian. That is in fact the American dream.

The final irony is the the reason why he has this dream is that hundreds of years ago a black slaver caught one of his ancestors and sold said ancestor to a ship master headed for the new world allowing him the ultimate privilege that the decedents of that slaver can only dream of, growing up in America.

I was actually wasn’t all that surprised with what I saw when I saw the article above or watched the sample of yesterday’s impeachment hearings that I was willing to waste with.

That’s because the whole argument of the left against Trump was made on TV 33 years ago by two of the funniest men who ever wrote about politics in my favorite episode of the best sitcom ever about the political world:

Sir Humphrey: So what’s the foreign office worried about then Dick? Haven’t you got the Foreign secretary eating out of your hand?

Sir Richard: Oh yes completely house trained.
Sir Humphrey: Heh, so what’s the problem?

Sir Richard: The Prime Minister’s the problem. He’s starting to mistrust our advice when the foreign secretary gives it to him.

Sir Humphrey: Ah.

Sir Richard: He’s every beginning to question foreign office policy.

Sir Humphrey: Surely not?

Sir Richard: We even see a danger of the cabinet pursuing it’s own foreign policy.

Sir Humphrey: But that’s absurd the country can’t have two foreign policies!

Yes Prime Minister A Victory for Democracy 1986

As far as the deep state is concerning the government is theirs to pursue the policies that enrich them and theirs and pols in general and particularly one like Donald Trump in particular have no business interfering. How such people are viewed are summed up breifly at the end of that scene.

Sir Humphrey: You know what happens when politicians get into Number 10; they want to take their place on the world stage.
Sir Richard: People on stages are called actors. All they are required to do is look plausible, stay sober, and say the lines they’re given in the right order.

Donald Trump has this silly idea that he is not there to enrich him and his family, after all he was already damn rich to begin with. He has the idea that he is the president elected to do a job and intends to do it, with or without the help of the deep state.

Trump’s no fool, he has had to deal with these types all his life. That’s why they were always willing to praise him and he was always willing to grease them when they asked for decades. He knows who and what they are.

I suspect if the deep state kept their head down and even if they didn’t work with him simply allowed him to do his job then they would still be anonymously intact and nobody would know a thing about Hunter Biden & Co. or any of the other stuff that is going to come out when all of this is done. Their reputations would still be intact.

They choose to fight, it was a very bad call.