Posts Tagged ‘2010 elections’

According to this fellow something that he accuses of Durant doing 10 years ago (that has no basis in reality) proves that Durant is trying to steal an election that he has been ahead of in every single count. This is even though in every city where Mr. Durant won, the recounts were held in a professional manner and matched exactly to the counts of election night.

Meanwhile in Southbridge you had a ballot boxes cracked open, one box not tied, no controls on the people in the area of the recounts and (by an odd coincidence) you have two extra votes for the democratic candidate (recall that the initial reported lead for Durant’s was 2 votes) and the town clerk happens to be the cousin of the democratic candidate. Yet this gentleman sees nothing odd here.

Let’s remind this gentleman that the judge who heard this case a decade ago took all of five minutes to decide that arguments of the lawyers opposing Durant had all the credibility of the candidacy Alvin Greene of South Carolina.

However who needs that when you have this:

Keep in mind Howard Potash told me that over 200 dead voters voted in the Great Recall Election

Tell me did Mr. Potash tell him that the Moon is populated by Mice with spiked haircuts? I suspect if he did this gentleman would believe him since apparently the arguments made before a judge in a court of law can’t compare to hearsay told to a blogger by a lawyer in a losing case not under oath.

Ya gotta love the left, they are never more fun than when they are in panic.

My first meeting with Ann Marie Burekle was the day that Syracuse Post-Standard declared that she was down double digits. The poll itself was suspect but as my friend Robert Stacy McCain often says Polls aren’t elections. (this is what I constantly remind those who say Palin can’t win due to a poll that the election isn’t held today) That day Ann Marie said this:

(UPDATE video added)

Now forgetting that the poll was…shall we say interesting all that poll proved in the end was one (or both) of two things.

The Syracuse Post-Standard had an agenda

Ann Marie Buerkle worked incredibly hard and managed to turn it around in two weeks

I thought of that last night when I saw this story that leftist blogs have been jumping on:

New poll undercuts GOP claims of a midterm mandate

By Steven Thomma | McClatchy Newspapers

A majority of Americans want the Congress to keep the new health care law or actually expand it, despite Republican claims that they have a mandate from the people to kill it, according to a new McClatchy-Marist poll.

I don’t know Steven Thomma, he may be a good writer and a nice guy and kind to animals but I know this much. He is trying to BS me and the left blogs are doing the same.

We just had an election where Republicans running against Obamacare won more seats than anyone has seen in over 50 years and you are trying to tell me there is no mandate because of your poll? As I left in comments:

Yeah all those 63 or 64 congressional seats mean nothing next to a POLL

how stupid do you think we are?

Apparently they think we are pretty stupid. Lucky for people who are not suckers we have Robert Stacy McCain at the American Spectator who isn’t buying it. His piece is called The Republican Mandate:

Those people did make a difference, and in the process made laughingstocks of pundits who said they couldn’t do it, chief among them E.J. Dionne of the Washington Post.

“It will be very hard for Republicans to take the House if they don’t break the Democrats’ power in the Northeast — and they still have to prove they can do that,” Dionne wrote five weeks before Election Day, in a column that featured this quote from Dan Maffei: “When we do retain the majority… people are going to look at the map and see that the Northeast held.” Dionne predicted: “Absent a Republican wave of historic proportions, [Maffei’s] seat now seems out of the GOP’s reach.”

Unfortunately for Maffei and Dionne, that “Republican wave of historic proportions” came crashing ashore Nov. 2 with enough power to flip six seats in New York into the GOP column. In addition to Buerkle’s hard-fought win in the 25th District, Republicans also captured previously Democrat-held seats in the 13th, 19th, 20th, 24th and 29th districts. New York’s six GOP pickups was the most of any state. Republicans gained five seats in Ohio and Pennsylvania, while adding four seats in both Florida and Illinois. If such widespread victories are not a mandate for House Republicans to oppose the Democrats’ liberal agenda, whatever could be?

How did two guys in fedoras know to visit Ny-25 in October when EJ Dionne who unlike me doesn’t have to go door to door to business to pay for his radio show? We went there any saw for ourselves!

If you choose to believe Steven Thomma and McClatchy that is your prerogative. Just don’t expect us to believe or trust your opinion

And yes this will be a topic on Saturday.

Update: Put the actual video in

The blog stop shouting has only 4 posts in it over the last 3 years, but this one should be repeated everywhere.

You MUST go to her site and read this but I’m going to grab just a few pieces to share its awesomeness:

I have been silent long enough. I have bent, I have yielded, I have endured slander, dishonesty, ad hominem attacks and actual physical threats.

Anger is a powerful motivator.

She talks of an encounter with Code Pink, first via reason and then via counter protest, it is a priceless story, she continues:

The Left likes to use what they believe to be witty signage (although I am not sure how BUSHCHIMPHITLER qualifies as “witty”), props and sheer numbers of die hard believers and rent-a-students to validate the “justness” of their cause-du-jour and to manufacture a sense of widespread support for their “issue”.

So we took your tools and began to employ them against you. And you don’t like it very much. Except we don’t have to pay anyone to come to our rallies, and that just infuriates you further.

The left absolutely positively refuses to believe that the Tea Party is grass roots because none of their operation is, instead you get stuff like this via Ann Althouse:

Bill Lueders’s Isthmus article is subtitled “The Triumph of Stupidity.” He asks UW-Madison political science professor Charles Franklin how people could vote the way they did, and when Franklin answers “They’re pretty damn stupid,” he says “Thank you, professor… That’s the answer I was looking for.

Althouse continues:

Welcome to my world: Dane County, Wisconsin, home of people who tell themselves they are the smart people and those who disagree with them must certainly be dumb. They don’t go through the exercise of putting themselves in the place of someone who thinks differently from the way they do. But how would it feel to be intelligent, informed, and well-meaning and to think what conservatives think? Isn’t that the right way for an intelligent, informed, and well-meaning person to understand other people? If you short circuit that process and go right to the assumption that people who don’t agree with you are stupid, how do you maintain the belief that you are, in fact, intelligent, informed, and well-meaning?

What is liberal about this attitude toward other people?

Pretty damning, I’m sure the public would resent it, if they ever knew it was said as Byron York explains:

But Franklin is the real star of the story. If you read his quotes in mainstream publications, you’ll find a series of measured statements on political trends. Democrats appealing to the youth vote in the run-up to the midterms are “betting long odds, given the very long history of low turnout in midterms among young voters,” Franklin told the Washington Post recently. Final pre-election polls suggested “a Republican wave of genuinely historical proportions,” he told USA Today. Feingold’s problems had “more to do with the mood of the country than with Feingold himself,” he told the Boston Globe.

It’s all pretty unremarkable stuff. And readers would have no idea what Franklin really thinks about the voters whose opinions he’s measuring and commenting on. But now they do.

Well the Military Mom of 4 at stop shouting knows what they think and has this message to Franklin and the rest of the left in denial:

Either way, I am confident you can deduce the “tone”of my rebuttal.

Realizing that you are losing your grip on the public schools, that the youth that propelled the boy-king to victory have abandoned you, that the bitter, blue collar white workers are now Tea Party grandmas and grandpas, that you have lost control of the federal checkbook and the legislative calendar,

now you want to petition for peace?

now you cry out for civility and consensus?

I have a message for you:

Go. To. Hell.

Go read the whole thing, it will make your day!

Update: Key update from Althouse, all via Glenn

With less than 18 hours to the show premiere I’ve had little time for blogging but I see there is great news from two districts where Registered Nurses rather than career politicians are changing the face of the congress.

Renee Ellmers has won in NC-2. My congratulations to Renee, Lorie Byrd and all those who supported her but the real congratulations go to the people of NC 2 who will have a spectacular lady in congress. I had the pleasure to meet and interview her at Blogcon and wrote about her here NC 2 is in good hands.

In case you missed it here is the interview with the congresswoman elect.

As for NY 25 just before my interview with Ann Marie Buerkle I said this:

By my calculations Maffei needs to win the Absentees in Onondaga county by twice the spread that he won the vote of to come out ahead, that’s not even counting any spread in Wayne county. I think it’s looking good.

Well it’s officially not over yet but the news is REAL good:

At the last official count earlier this week, Republican challenger Buerkle lead by 824 votes. Friday, elections officials in Wayne County found a discrepancy in votes from election night, giving Buerkle another 144 votes, for a lead of 968 votes.

Onondaga County finished counting its absentee ballots Friday afternoon. Democrat Maffei picked up 557 votes over Buerkle, which gives her a total lead of 411 votes.

557 votes is just not going to cut it but the Lonely Conservative knows that the missing Maffei is going to put those lawyers and union activists to work if he can:

But that doesn’t mean it’s over. Maffei will probably wait until after the absentees are counted in Wayne County. And there’s a very good chance he’ll call for a full hand recount of every ballot cast in the district as he bitterly clings to his seat in the House. If he does that, it could take another month before we have an official outcome.

Update: A re-canvass (not the absentee count) in Wayne County netted Buerkle another 144 votes, bringing her lead up to 411.

I’ll wager that Maffei wishes he had some of the money or activists that we 300 Spartans in Massachusetts pinned down:

But the price was high; the state democratic party and candidates had emptied their war chests. John Olver spent over $800k on television and Richard Neil $1.5 Million. Barney Frank was forced to lend his campaign $200k and gave a victory speech so full of vitriol that it produced scorn around the nation.

He had cause to be upset, Massachusetts money and candidates who normally spent their time and cash helping the party nationwide were tied town as the GOP rolled through Ohio, Virginia, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York and New Hampshire in a wave not seen in nearly a century. The MA delegation held their seats but lost their chairmanships and the power that came with them.

Now Maffei’s strategy is just more counting, it’s not like the democrats are going to be pulling new voting machines out of their trunks or something.

We all have heard of ballots being found in the trunks of cars, and elsewhere during recounts. In a hotly contested race for the State Senate in New York, Democrats have gone one better, and found two new (and uncounted) voting machines.

This is in buffalo however, lucky for Ann Marie corrupt involved local democrats in the state are more worried about stealing winning the three contested State Senate seats necessary to give them a majority then to reduce a national republican landslide by one.

Stacy is feeling his oats:

C’mon, Ann Marie. This one’s for the history books, sweetheart.

Did I hear somebody say “mandate”?

And here is Ann Marie talking to the press back from our road trip:

Remember this optimism was the day after an “interesting” poll claimed she was down 12. I’ll wager Stacy and I were the only reporters at that press conference that didn’t think the campaign was over.

This race will be a cause for celebration for Axis of Fedora!

I’m sure the mainstream media will celebrate and report in-depth on the election of these two republican women in the same way they sometime after they give total scrutiny to Candidate Obama’s record 2008.

Update: Jazz Shaw is on it