Archive for the ‘war’ Category

Well, at least a little anyway.

For the longest time multiple people have raised the alarm about the Chinese Navy developing more ships, more capabilities and especially more missiles. The worry has been the US Navy would get “out-sticked,” as in the range of Chinese missiles would be so great they could hit US ships before those ships could even fire back.

This was true over the past decades because the Navy primarily used the Harpoon anti-ship missile, which has an effective range of 75 miles, and has been in service since 1977. Meanwhile, the Chinese Navy rolled out a nearly matching missile, the C-705, in 2006, and kept rolling out missiles, from the YJ-12 and YJ-18 to now the YJ-21, which claims to be a hypersonic, sea-borne anti-ship missile. During this time, the US sat on its hands and did almost nothing to increase the range of our missiles.

This was made worse by the fact we already HAD a long range missile. The Tomahawk, normally considered a land-strike missile, had a maritime strike version known as the TASM as early as 1990, yet they were all scrapped after the first Gulf War. The TASM had an effective range of around 900 miles, making it far superior to the Harpoon in all things but speed.

Range makes a big difference…if I can shoot first and force an enemy to maneuver to avoid getting hit, I get to call the shots and drive any engagement. While Chinese missiles aren’t known for their quality (just ask the Indonesians, who watched two failed C705 launches from his vessels in 2016), having multiple missiles hurtling towards, even if they aren’t the greatest quality, still puts you in a reactive mode.

Thankfully, this story has a better ending than most. In 2020 the Navy asked Raytheon to re-develop the maritime strike tomahawk. Not surprisingly, since this had been done once before, it rolled out quickly in 2021, and made front page news today.

This proves a much bigger point though: decline is a choice. We never had to give up long range missiles. Even if we would have kept them in low production, we could have easily updated the design over the 90s and 2000s to keep a competitive edge over any adversary. Instead, we pissed away our advantage for years and are now playing catch up. We chose to decline, but thankfully we’re slowly choosing to do otherwise.

This post represents the views of the author and not those of the Department of Defense, Department of the Navy, or any other government agency.

By John Ruberry

Sherman McCoy, the Yale-educated lead character of Tom Wolfe’s novel The Bonfire of the Vanities–and an old money WASP–saw himself as a “Master of the Universe.”

But as the Book of Proverbs says, “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.”

At America’s elite universities, such as Yale and the rest of the Ivy League, as well as NYU, Stanford, and some others, there are thousands of students who see themselves as Masters of the Universe. In reality, they have the right family connections, and they are very good at taking standardized tests, such as the SAT. Or, instead of being old money types like McCoy, they check the right woke boxes. 

Ryna Workman, who is non-binary (box one), Black (box two), and a leftist (box three), in her (Workman prefers they/them pronouns) role as president of the NYU Student Bar Association president, wrote a hateful anti-Israeli statement about the October 7 attacks that, among other things, said that the Jewish state “bears full responsibility for this tremendous loss of life.” Among those murdered were babies. The Nazi’s Einsatzgruppen also indiscriminately killed babies–and many others–during the Holocaust.

People calling their political enemies Nazis is as old as the Nazi movement and almost always it’s an overstated charge–but calling Hamas members Nazis is accurate. 

Fortunately, there has been some pushback. Winston and Strawn, an elite Chicago law firm where Jim Thompson, Illinois’ longest-serving governor–and a Republican–once served as CEO, repealed its job offer to Workman. 


After former Harvard president Lawrence Summers, who had previously served in the Clinton and Obama administrations, decried the dozens of Harvard student groups siding with Hamas over Israel in a statement, some of those organizations retracted their support. 

Summers, on X, said, “In nearly 50 years of @Harvard affiliation, I have never been as disillusioned and alienated as I am today.” 

These so-called Masters of the Universe are playing with half a deck of cards, one filled with jokers, not the harmless harlequin types, but evil clowns of the Heath Ledger and Joaquin Phoenix ilk. 

In the words that Dan Bongino uses so often, “They are stupid smart people.” These young elitists don’t know the difference between good and evil.

So many of them are the evil Jokers of the Universe.

John Ruberry regularly blogs at Marathon Pundit.

I was in conversation with my priest this morning after mass and confession and I noted how today’s 1st reading from Joel was almost a blueprint for what is happening and going to happen in Gaza.

As we continued to talk we discussed confession. To get the forgiveness of God paid for by Christ one must be willing to look at oneself in the light of truth. The knowledge that you have sinned and contrition for them is what drives a good Catholic to confession. This is why before absolution one recites an act of contrition like this one.

O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because of thy just punishments, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, who art all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin. Amen.

There are those who are unwilling and incapable of looking at once self in the light of truth. Who are in denial of their sins. This is why Hell is in fact a mercy of God. Demons under compulsion during exorcisms have bluntly admitted they understand the love of God and the decisions they have made but when asked if they would change their choices they’ve replied emphatically NO! Their pride will not allow it.

Thus do people put themselves into hell as the merciful alternative to admitting a reality that they can’t bear to admit. Pride the ultimate sin.

And that brings us to the pains that parts of the left, particularly the Jewish left is now feeling.

You see many of on the right, particularly folks like Pam Geller and Robert Spencer have been talking about the antisemitism of the left in General and the Muslim left in particular for many many years. For their troubles they were called bigots and hate mongers by all the “right” people of the elite left. How DARE they suggest that any people of the left might think this way! Any such statement was “hate” speech and “violence”.

And then came the Hamas attacks and the slaughter and worse of not only of men but of women and children.

That was painful and awful, particularly to those who had argued for the Palestinians (although a lot more painful for some and even fatal for others) but the pain increased when in colleges around the nation and the world groups (particularly groups heavy in the DEI defended hamas and the slaughter of woman and children. As Victor Davis Hanson put it:

In Australia you actually had the spectacle of people publicly shouting “Gas the Jews” while the only person taken into custody was a single Jewish counter protester with an Israeli flag. In America the highest bastions of Education openly supported these murderous bastards.

To some on the left, particularly the Jewish left it was an eye opening moment. A moment of clarity that shows their “allies” for what they actually are and have always been. Ready to decry “microaggressions” of any of opposed them but declaring that loud public support for the mass murder of woman and children is “free speech’ to be protected and/or excused.

To these people comes the great decision. Do they divorce themselves from this barbarians, do they admit that those of us on the right have been telling the truth all along or do they hate us on the right so much that allying with folks who support their own murder is better?

But for all the angst that this decision will bring their situation at least they now see beyond the bubble and are in a position to make a choice.

There are others on the left who still maintain denial, both of the acts of Hamas or that they bear any responsibility for them.

You see for those folks acknowledging any of these things means they must face the possibility of being wrong. They mustn’t see things in the light of truth it is more then they can handle. Much better to live the lie and remain in the bubble.

How these groups will respond to the reality will define them for the rest of their lives. The question: How many will rather suffer the hell of denial than the pain of reality?

Pray for them all.

Yes, makin' mock o' uniforms that guard you while you sleep
Is cheaper than them uniforms, an' they're starvation cheap. 
An' hustlin' drunken soldiers when they're goin' large a bit
Is five times better business than paradin' in full kit. 
Then it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an` Tommy, 'ow's yer soul? "
But it's " Thin red line of 'eroes " when the drums begin to roll
The drums begin to roll, my boys, the drums begin to roll,
O it's " Thin red line of 'eroes, " when the drums begin to roll.

Kipling: Tommy 1892

One of the side effects of the Hamas attack on Israel is you aren’t hearing a lot of talk about “toxic masculinity” or microaggressions or even the horror of “misgendering” from our friends on the left.

This is as predicted by CS Lewis who wrote about pains and pleasures:

The characteristic of Pains and Pleasures is that they are unmistakably real, and therefore, as far as they go, give the man who feels them a touchstone of reality. Thus if you had been trying to damn your man by the Romantic method…you would try to protect him at all costs from any real pain; because, of course, five minutes’ genuine toothache would reveal the romantic sorrows for the nonsense they were and unmask your whole stratagem.

If you’re a man insisting your a woman, or if your a person who declares themselves “nonbinary” or declares that their “pronouns” are “ye” or a BLM activist decrying white supremacy it’s very hard to declare yourself a victim of “violence” when a person refuses to call by your desired gender or pronoun or orientation or enforces the law when during the same week when men, women, children and infants are slaughtered and abused and the images of this slaughter is on every TV channel and video platform as it exposes you for the shallow self loathing narcissist that you are.

You see only in a country that is rich and comfortable and safe can you get away with and even become rich declaring yourself a victim of violence that is either in your own head or due to enforcing of laws that you are breaking.

But there is another thing that has been noticed lately, in fact I’ve noticed it myself while watching the baseball playoff. Suddenly the armed forces seem to be changing their ads, it seems that white heterosexuals males with the masculine desire to protect are in.

This is likely due to failures to meet recruiting goals in the services.

The whole DEI scam and the left agenda is all well and good if all you need is a force for virtue signaling, but now that there is a real prospect of fighting well you need people who can FIGHT.

The only problem is, are potential recruits going to forget the Army’s war on it’s own men?

I think not