Posts Tagged ‘delusional left’

I have this horrible feeling of “Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu Monty Python’s Flying Circus 1970

It’s been nearly 10 years since my post titled Enfield Rifles, Israeli Tanks & Palestinian Lies” went up on this blog in response to claims by Palestinians that Israel was targeting civilians in their response to another Hamas attack that was immediately followed by calls from the left for a cease fire since Hamas was no longer in a position to effectively kill Jews in safety.

Unlike the last time however there seem to be a massive amount of western students educated by expensive elite colleges that have been getting a lot of fund from Arab states that seem to be making the same claims of “Genocide” and “targeting civilians” that were just as false 9 years ago when Israel wasn’t all in the way they are now.

It appears that these young mush for brains while being instructed on all 387 genders have not been taught anything about simple logic so I will explain to them the fallacy of their position in a way they will hopefully understand.

If you just want to read the original post you can click here as the point as much of the text will be the same but if you want to check out my embellishments read on:

There was a great video of Ben Shapiro answering a lot of nonsense from the “Death to Israel” crowd, a crowd so ignorant at best or mendacious as worst that one actually claimed that England didn’t bomb civilians during world war 2. The Oxford Union doesn’t allow embedding but you can view it here.

It takes a lot of ignorance for people to fall for this line although I suspect it’s more in the sense of a religious belief than actual ignorance, but for all the influences out there parroting the. “Targeting of Civilians” and “Genocide” line there is a witness who can without question prove the falsehood of that claim: The late General Reginald Dwyer.

On  April 13th 1919 General Dwyer led a contingent of about 90 men to Jallianwala Bagh where there was a large crowd of Indians some for protest and some for a local fair.

After deploying 50 of his men armed with bolt action Lee Enfield Rifles (First introduced in 1895) he opened fire on the crowd.  After expending aprox 1650 rounds his troops managed to inflict over 1500 casualties on the crowd with between 379 & 1000 dead depending on whose figures you believe.

Dyer never for one moment denied that he was deliberately targeting unarmed civilians, in fact Dyer actually had armored cars armed with machine guns but he was unable to bring them to bear. At the official inquiry he bluntly stated publicly that had he been able to deploy them he would have used them.

Once again here is the scene from the movie Gandhi that vividly portrayed that scene which is a key moment in the movement for Indian independence known as the Amritsar or the Jallianwala Bagh massacre.  

Now any good anti colonialist likely knows about what happened here and rightly decries it as an evil act. I suspect that if you mentioned it to the students currently marching in favor of Hamas they might have even been taught about this as it rightly portrays a white western colonial power in a bad light.

The problem however for our friends on the left is that this action clearly establishes their claims against Israel and their narrative in Gaza as a lie.

Consider the following:

  • General Dwyer had 50 armed men, using 19th century bolt-action rifles and in only 15 minutes of deliberately targeting a civilian population inflicted 1500 casualties.
  • Israel has called up nearly 400,000 men and women, they have deployed, jets, heavy artillery, tanks and all the weapons that a modern experienced 21st century army has at its disposal. It has been on the ground in Gaza for about five days (as of this writing on Friday morning) t and for several days before this, Israel was launching air and artillery strikes on Gaza.
  • Furthermore they are operating in a very densely populated area. In fact we are constantly told by the defenders of Hamas that Gaza is the most densely populated place there is on earth.

Now think about this for a second.

If we are to believe the Arabs on twitter, the students in universities, the “experts” on various platforms like tic-tok and the Arab media, and those marching in cities in Europe and the US that Israel is and has been deliberately targeting Palestinian civilians since day 1 as part of “genocide” then an obvious question arises:

How is it that the Israeli Army and Air Force, given weeks of time are less efficient killers of civilians than 50 British soldiers armed with bolt-action rifles, introduced when Grover Cleveland was President of the United States, were in 15 minutes?

If Israel was doing what you claim then Gaza would have been depopulated when the first version of this post went up in July of 2014 let alone today.

Bottom line if you are still maintaining that Israel is targeting civilians and committing genocide in Gaza not only do General Dyer, the dead of Amritsar and simple logic call you a nonsensical liar but by speaking this lie you are dishonoring the dead of Amritsar who never even considered the evils that Hamas committed on Oct 7th to begin this war.

I was in conversation with my priest this morning after mass and confession and I noted how today’s 1st reading from Joel was almost a blueprint for what is happening and going to happen in Gaza.

As we continued to talk we discussed confession. To get the forgiveness of God paid for by Christ one must be willing to look at oneself in the light of truth. The knowledge that you have sinned and contrition for them is what drives a good Catholic to confession. This is why before absolution one recites an act of contrition like this one.

O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because of thy just punishments, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, who art all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin. Amen.

There are those who are unwilling and incapable of looking at once self in the light of truth. Who are in denial of their sins. This is why Hell is in fact a mercy of God. Demons under compulsion during exorcisms have bluntly admitted they understand the love of God and the decisions they have made but when asked if they would change their choices they’ve replied emphatically NO! Their pride will not allow it.

Thus do people put themselves into hell as the merciful alternative to admitting a reality that they can’t bear to admit. Pride the ultimate sin.

And that brings us to the pains that parts of the left, particularly the Jewish left is now feeling.

You see many of on the right, particularly folks like Pam Geller and Robert Spencer have been talking about the antisemitism of the left in General and the Muslim left in particular for many many years. For their troubles they were called bigots and hate mongers by all the “right” people of the elite left. How DARE they suggest that any people of the left might think this way! Any such statement was “hate” speech and “violence”.

And then came the Hamas attacks and the slaughter and worse of not only of men but of women and children.

That was painful and awful, particularly to those who had argued for the Palestinians (although a lot more painful for some and even fatal for others) but the pain increased when in colleges around the nation and the world groups (particularly groups heavy in the DEI defended hamas and the slaughter of woman and children. As Victor Davis Hanson put it:

In Australia you actually had the spectacle of people publicly shouting “Gas the Jews” while the only person taken into custody was a single Jewish counter protester with an Israeli flag. In America the highest bastions of Education openly supported these murderous bastards.

To some on the left, particularly the Jewish left it was an eye opening moment. A moment of clarity that shows their “allies” for what they actually are and have always been. Ready to decry “microaggressions” of any of opposed them but declaring that loud public support for the mass murder of woman and children is “free speech’ to be protected and/or excused.

To these people comes the great decision. Do they divorce themselves from this barbarians, do they admit that those of us on the right have been telling the truth all along or do they hate us on the right so much that allying with folks who support their own murder is better?

But for all the angst that this decision will bring their situation at least they now see beyond the bubble and are in a position to make a choice.

There are others on the left who still maintain denial, both of the acts of Hamas or that they bear any responsibility for them.

You see for those folks acknowledging any of these things means they must face the possibility of being wrong. They mustn’t see things in the light of truth it is more then they can handle. Much better to live the lie and remain in the bubble.

How these groups will respond to the reality will define them for the rest of their lives. The question: How many will rather suffer the hell of denial than the pain of reality?

Pray for them all.

Screwtape: If such a feeling is allowed to live, but not allowed to become irresistible and flower into real repentance, it has one invaluable tendency. It increases the patient’s reluctance to think about the Enemy. All humans at nearly all times have some such reluctance; but when thinking of Him involves facing and intensifying a whole vague cloud of half-conscious guilt, this reluctance is increased tenfold.

C.S. Lewis: The Screwtape Letters #12

Today I’ve been re-importing my hundreds of Big Finish Doctor Who CD’s that I’ve gathered over the last 15 years and in between I’ve been taking a peek at the news and noticed this excellent tweet from Britt Hume vis Twitchy concerning General Miley’s insistence that Joe Biden is “Alert” and “Sound”

Let’s for the sake of this piece stipulate that the General is using the same definition of “alert” and “sound” that Mr. Hume is (which given the Democrat/Media/Deepstate left’s redefining words for their purposes might be a leap) and let’s further stipulate that a leftist who sees this tweet also uses the same definition of said words that Hume is.

With those stipulations one might think that the answer to Mr. Hume’s question is rather obvious.

It is not.

That would seem an odd or even impossible thing to say. Given the evidence at hand it would seem impossible for any reasonable person to believe the general’s words, but you must understand that even if we did not live in an age where objective fact is under attack there is a choice to be made here for any leftist who seriously considered Mr. Hume’s question.

If he believes his eyes then such a leftist must acknowledge several things.

  1. That Joe Biden is not fit for office due to his mental state likely caused by age
  2. That the media/establishment left has been lying to him about said state for years.
  3. Conservatives who have been saying this for a while were telling the truth.

It is those last two things that are the real struggle here, because to acknowledge this opens up a Pandora’s box of questions about things that the left has believed without question and disbelieved without question. They would have to acknowledge their complicity in not only believing the lies but in advancing and promoting them socially.

In short they would have to see themselves in the light of truth and that light might not be a flattering one.

But consider the alternative:

If they choose to ignore the evidence and believe the General vs their eyes then none of those beliefs need be questioned. They can remain in their bubble and enjoy the social affirmation that said bubble offers and insures, free from guilt, free from responsibility, free from the need to look in the mirror and see themselves as they are. To quote Screwtape: “His aim will be to let sleeping worms lie.”

To many that might seem incredible and impossible but remember just this week the girlfriend of Ryan Carlson who saw him murdered right in front of her refused to give the police a description of the murderer for “social justice” reasons.

In short apparently the answer to Brit’s question for the left is in fact obvious not because the answer reveals an obvious truth, but because it supports a convenient lie being told to themselves. Unexpectedly of course.

Rather sad actually


Woodrow Wilson Street in Detroit

By John Ruberry

Yesterday, on Messidor Duodi (2), 228, three statues were toppled by a leftist mob at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. One of Junípero Serra, the builder of the first Catholic missions in California, one of Francis Scott Key, the composer of Our National Anthem, and of Ulysses S. Grant.

I don’t want to get into a discussion of which statues of historical figures in this country should stay up and which should go because I believe nearly all of them should. Although I support the decision by the Dearborn Historical Museum to remove the statue of segregationist and virulent racist Orville Hubbard, a long time mayor of Dearborn, Michigan, from their grounds. It formerly stood at the Detroit suburb’s city hall.

Last week I wrote that statues of Abraham Lincoln, even in Illinois may not be safe. As far as I know, no Lincoln statues in the United States have been removed or vandalized. Although two, one in Boston and one in Washington, both with a freed slave, might go. The Great Emancipator’s greatest and best-known general, Grant, of course isn’t so lucky. The 18th president freed the only save he owned, at a time when he was suffering severe financial difficulties, was the commander of all Union forces during the Civil War, which of course saw to the ending of slavery in America. As president he pushed strongly for Reconstruction and he led the successful effort to destroy the first incarnation of the Ku Klux Klan.

Oh, the date yesterday wasn’t really Messidor Duodi (2) 228, unless you follow the French Republican calendar. Among the dementedness that came out of the French Revolution was dropping the seven-day week Gregorian calendar for a ten-day week calendar, think of the metric system only for time. That calendar began in 1792, but to the French revolutionaries it was Year One. Napoleon returned France to the Gregorian calendar in 1805 and except for 18 days during the Paris Commune of 1871, another leftist insurrection, the French have kept it since.

When the Khmer Rouge conquered Cambodia in 1975, the communists declared it Year Zero.

I’m sure you know where I’m heading in this discussion. The far-leftists who are pulling down and defacing statues–they even placed a burning US flag on a George Washington statue after toppling it–don’t want to reinterpret history, they want to destroy it.

Now that Grant can’t be protected–oh, where were the San Francisco police when his statue was removed from its pedestal?–is anyone safe? Franklin D. Roosevelt is a hero to the left. But Roosevelt ordered the internment of over 100,000 people of Japanese descent, many of them US citizens, during World War II.

What about Woodrow Wilson? To be fair, most white men 100 years ago were racist under contemporary definitions, but that makes Wilson an extreme racist. Wilson, another lion of the left, chose the ultra-racist Birth Of a Nation to be the first motion picture to be screened at the White House.

A quote from Wilson appears on a caption in that movie, “‘The white men were roused by a mere instinct of self preservation … until at last there had sprung into existence a great Ku Klux Klan, a veritable empire of the South, to protect the Southern country.’ — Woodrow Wilson.”

Wilson also re-segregated the federal workforce. As for Birth Of A Nation, that movie brought on the second incarnation of the KKK.

Wilson is already under attack. Woodrow Wilson High School in Camden, New Jersey will be renamed. Monmouth College in New Jersey–the Garden State was Wilson’s adopted home state–will remove his name from a building on its campus.

Harry S. Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower had racist views. What about them?

What about everyone?

What about you?

The far-left wants their Year Zero.

John Ruberry regularly blogs at Marathon Pundit.