Archive for September 17, 2020

I spend a lot of time on Facebook debating liberals.  I don’t intend to at all.  I just post the stuff I want to and my liberal friends declare all out war on just about everything I post.   I never return the favor..  I have a live and let live policy. I enjoy debate but I loathe all out war.

It is not an enjoyable experience.  Both sides often end up angry and it is tedious because we keep repeating the same points over and over again with neither adopting the other’s positions on any issue.  I’m absolutely fine if my liberal friends never adopt any of my positions or beliefs.  I firmly believe every individual is entitled to their own opinions, positions, and beliefs   It appears to me that those declaring war on me when I share my beliefs find it unacceptable that I hold and share beliefs that contradict the liberal orthodoxy.  I’ve been told on a few occasions that the reason for the all out war on my posts is because they do not accept by views and beliefs.  They are bullying me into abandoning my beliefs and taking on theirs. Forcing others to accept my beliefs and views has never entered my mind when I post on social media.  I post on social media to inform which cannot be construed as forcing my views on others.  I never badger those who post items contrary to my beliefs, or who post items I find offensive, or know to be inaccurate. I just scroll past.

Even though I am usually calm and laid back I’ve lost my temper far too many times during these debate sessions.  False accusations of bigotry and nonstop personal attacks will cause anyone to lose their temper.   They bother me immensely.  Did you know that right wing opposition to professional sports embracing Black Lives Matters is based on bigotry?  That is news to us right wingers who know that we are angry because Black Lives Matter is a Marxist organization who’s members have killed many police officers, rioted and burned buildings, and openly called for violence against police officers.  I am sick to death of being called a racist because I respect and honor the Constitution and also respect and honor the founding fathers and principles of this great nation.

It is not much fun when individuals demand I prove every statement I make regardless how innocent it is then constantly reject my proof because it is from right wing, accurate, hard journalism sources such as Breitbart, Townhall, American Thinker, The Federalist Papers, and Federalist.ORG.   I’ve tried educating my friends about the history and culture behind left wing fake news and how right wing sources are accurate journalism sites only colored by right wing window dressing.  There is only so many times you can experience the same conversation with out it becoming extremely tedious.

I’ve come to the conclusion through these debate sessions that real communication  between those on the political right and those on the political left is not possible because both sides view the universe at large so differently.  We no longer share the same reality.  Those on the political left too often live in a bubble dominated by liberal orthodoxy.  If it is not on MSNBC, CNN, or NPR it is not true to them.  Cultural Marxism has warped the reality of the political left too much. 

I’m a Libertarian who a few decades ago was a left wing socialist.  My journey from one political side to the other was brought about through an enormous amount of research, study, and soul searching .  I’ve lived in both political universes and I know the political left is the insulated side that exists almost devoid of reality. 

Leftism is one of those harmful cult like religions that demand unthinking obedience to a rigid dogma. Any posts and comments against one of the many sects of the leftist religion is viewed as the worst kind of heresy. I admit that Libertarianism, the original interpretation of the Constitution, and the founding principles of this country are a kind of religion to me. It is a religion I embrace through an overwhelming amount of study and research. I am perfectly fine with others not embracing or following my personal religion. Every individual is free to believe whatever they want to.

One of the problems with Twitter for a blogger is that you tend to write what would be a good blog post on twitter thus giving a platform that hates you free content. I will now occasionally post on some of these tweets and exchanges. Today it stars Rick “I’m really a Conservative unlike Trump” Tyler.

He retweeted a poll of Wisconsin and NC whose results I found….interesting

Here’s the exchange as an image

and of course there were others who decided it was a joke that anyone would question such polls I made them the same offer

here’s the full exchange as an image

I then went to work. 10 hours later I checked my twitter feed and surprise surprise, neither Mr. Tyler, Mr Crystalballops nor any of the others who saw my offer seemed to think that it was worth $100 of their money to affirm those polls that they insisted I was some kind of loon for doubting:

Bottom line the battle cry of the #nevertrump Biden left on polls is this:

I’ll stand behind the accuracy of these polls against you ignorant Trump supporting poll deniers with my life…but not my money

Personally if I was the big money left I’d risk the $100 to shut me up, i’d think it’s short money compared to the price of online trolls unless they are outsourcing said trolls on the cheap