My Trump Running Mate List, Choice Three: Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Posted: May 16, 2024 by datechguy in election 2024, elections, politics
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This is part three of my series on my list of the best choices for Trump as a running mate:

  • Choice one: Ron DeSantis is here.
  • Choice two: Ted Cruz is here

Today we go for our 3rd choice on the list of possible running mates for Donald Trump. To remind everyone there are two things that any person who wants to make this list needs to qualify.

  1. Can’t be from the same state I’m going to be slightly loose with this because “can’t be from the same state” can mean either:
    • Not born in the same state OR
    • Not living in the same state at the time of the election
  2. Must be hated by the left almost if not more than him because if he was to take a “deep state” running mate or a person like Nikki Haley he might as well, as I’ve noted before hang a target on his back with the words “assassinate me” in bright luminescent paint.

Choice three is Sarah Huckabee Sanders Governor of Arkansas.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders might be a surprise to some to be on my list here. Unlike Ron DeSantis or Ted Cruz she has neither served in congress nor run for the White House in the past. She has only served in her current position since 2023, and as an actual pol has a resume that could be said to be inferior even to Barack Obama at the time of his election and of course she would not be considered a “glamorous” choice as a woman on the ticket.

All of this is deceptive, Sarah Huckabee Sanders would not only make a Trump ticket stronger than any other woman being considered but brings an invaluable skill set and a type of experience that most candidates simply do not have.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders had to deal with the most hostile press that here has been. She had to be the point woman for a president who the media has hated more than any other and she had to do it on a daily basis. She not only handed the press well and with class but she did so even as she was being pilloried by Saturday Night Live. She became the face of the Trump administration as much as any person other than Trump could be and she was a calm and reassuring face.

Moreover she was cool under fire both before the press and when attacked elsewhere such as at the Whitehouse Correspondence Dinner and when she was kicked out of a restaurant with her party for the crime of dining while openly conservative.

Of course she had help, growing up the daughter of a governor and working on his campaign for president was an education. She understands office and running for it, and as demonstrated by her first year as governor of Arkansas knows how to govern.

Yet she clearly puts her children first as a mother should and her willingness to make plan solid decisions is something that mothers across the country can relate to.

And God help the democrats if they go after her looks again, the number of votes it will drive her way is incalculable.

Can you picture her on a debate stage with Harris? Both DeSantis & Cruz might be hit for humiliating a woman but that charge would ring hollow with Sanders

And as for our two requirements, being from Arkansas qualifies and boy is she hated by the left, both for serving in his White House and being unflappable against the best of their attacks. It of course helps that she is a solid Christian in reality as opposed to being called “devout” by the press.

I suspect that is the thing the press hates about her the most.

Finally she again is assassination insurance squared, not only would they get a devout Christian who knows how to deal with the media but the left would go nuts if the first woman president was a conservative republican.

  1. dorsai123 says:

    Hated by the Left means the Left gets a say in the choice … never a good idea …

  2. […] My Trump Running Mate List, Choice Three: Sarah Huckabee Sanders […]