Archive for June 20, 2024

I live in a medium sized town in Massachusetts.  In my town there is lake with a rather famous name, a name that is found in the Guinness Book of Records.  This lake is now rather infamous amongst us locals because of the way it is managed by the town government. Residents constantly complain that a day spent there is no where as much fun as it used to be.  I completely agree with them.  Every bit of fun you could have at this picturesque lake has been banned.

When I was young you could swim anywhere you wished.   If you chose to swim outside of the area guarded by lifeguards it was swim at your own risk.  About a decade ago the town government outlawed all swimming outside of the roped in area, you could only wade everywhere else.  This was done for our safety.  I have no memory of anyone drowning back when we were allowed to swim where ever we wished but the nanny state knows best.  Only big government can decide what is acceptable risk for each and every individual.   We are all too stupid.

Today even walking in ankle deep water outside of the roped off area is verboten.  If you dare to engage in this outrageously risky behavior the lifeguards scold you and demand you return to your proper place.  Forget about playing catch with a nerf football or floating peacefully on an air mattress.

After a few individuals left a mess and dumped hot coals into the wrong trash barrels no one can grill at the town beach.  A much more just system would be to punish the guilty and let the rest enjoy themselves.  That ain’t how big government operates.

I would love to sit back at the lake, relax, and enjoy one of my homebrewed beers.  Just because a small percentage of individuals would drink themselved into the state of intoxication, no one is allowed to consume any adult beverages at the lake.

The town government robbed everyone at the lake of the freedom to enjoy themselves. This was done slowly, incrementally, over time.  It happened so slowly that few noticed, and fewer spoke up against it.  That is just how freedom most often dies.

You know maybe it’s just me but if I wanted to convince people that election 2020 was on the up and up I likely would pass a law making it illegal for the canvasing boards from investigating election fraud.

Of course if my goal was to win at all costs and didn’t have a problem with people knowing I was cheating I might think otherwise.

One of the side effects of Caitlin Clark joining the WNBA has been on X / twitter.

Every time her Indiana team plays the WNBA and her team trend on X / twitter

I’ve been on twitter for a while and I don’t remember seeing the WNBA trending before, now it trends every few days.

Still not breaking even though, at least not yet.

Last week’s Doctor Who was one of the best of the season in terms of writing and plot. A real barn burner of an episode.

Which makes it such a shame that so few people saw it as Doctor Who is setting records for the lowest viewership in its history.

Davies has tried to bring back classic villains and classic characters to bring old fans home, however he also gave us the previous week’s episode Rogue which was described by my son who watched it as “below the level of the Chibnall years” as it seemed the only point of the episode was to generate a gay make out scene that Davies wanted to have with Capt. Jack but didn’t do before.

I skipped that one myself as I don’t watch shows with guys making out.

Bottom line when you tell established fans to get lost that you don’t want them, they tend to grant your wish and the Disney+ money won’t last forever.

There are a lot of sad stories from the war against Hamas but one of the saddest is this one:

The sad thing here is that it took her being taken hostage to believe what has been plain to many of us for decades. The Palestinians wants Jews dead and no amount

Reality never cares what your beliefs are

Finally the “Just stop Oil” crowd decided that damaging Stonehenge was an appropriate action for their group and it appears that they might have actually crossed a line red enough to generate real punishment for their crimes.

I have a simple suggestion myself, if they are so dedicated to forcing people back to the 18th century sentence them to an 18th century prison.

No Electricity, no plastics, no internet of course, no modern toilets, no pesticides to keep out vermin, hot in summer, freezing in winter with only whatever they can set afire for heat.

Give them the life they desire for others, then go after the backers who have paid for all this nonsense.

Until there are consequence it won’t stop.