By This Time Next Week the Issue of Joe Biden Will be Decided: Update Van Jones Agrees

Posted: June 21, 2024 by datechguy in election 2024, elections, politics
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Kananga: Solitaire, why? I treated you well. You lacked for nothing.

Solitaire: I don’t understand what you…

Kananga: [interrupting] Mr. Bond’s watch, my dear. I gave you every break possible. You had a 50-50 chance. You weren’t even close.

Solitaire: I had no choice. Please believe me. The cards.

Live and Let Die 1973

Today is Friday June 21. In six days President Joe Biden will meet President Donald Trump in what I suspect will be the only debate between the pair of them before election day. I’m typing this post at 8:54 AM EST a week before the day after the debate and I submit and suggest by this time next week the fate of Joe Biden will be decided.

By this I don’t mean the result of an election between President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump, I mean by this time next week the people who are actually running this government will decide if they will allow Joe Biden to remain on the ballot.

Consider, Joe Biden has been given every possible advantage for this debate even to the point of having one of the people who help propagate hoaxes about Trump being one of the two moderators. Everything from the choice of venue, to the lack of an audience to even the mics being controlled by the moderators favors Joe Biden.

Furthermore the mainstream media will without a doubt elevate and exaggerate their description of Biden’s performance well beyond any level he manages to achieve.

But in the end no matter what is said in public privately if Joe Biden with all of these advantages is unable to preform to a level that can convince the powers behind his throne that the election can be kept within the margin of fraud he will be gone.

There would be many ways to “persuade” him to step aside. Maybe the press will “suddenly” discover evidence of corruption that they consider credible, or maybe the justice department will suddenly decide that that old Joe IS competent to stand trial or maybe they will go after the rest of his family that has been drawing water from the well all his political life. Or maybe they’ll go all in on Hunter to put him away for good.

Joe Biden could be told that any or all of those things are likely to happen if he stays in the race. The Biden family knows that none of these things would be hard as they only require people to tell the truth and/or follow the law

They could even have his doctor declare him medically unfit, again that would be really easy as it would be the truth and could even be the ground for not pursuing all these other possibilities as he would be unfit to stand trial.

And if none of these tactics shook his resolve, well he IS an old man maybe he’ll die from a fall or even “natural” causes. At his age that would be at least plausible and the left would play the sympathy card to be used by whoever they (not the voters of course) choose to replace him on the ticket with. Oh and if you think the left is not capable of this, you have not been paying attention these last few years.

This is what is on the line here for Joe Biden in the debate. You and I may not know what decision the powers that be have made but this time next week his fate will be decided and don’t think for one moment that the wheels are not all ready in place to execute whatever plan they may decide on right now.

Update: Van Jones Agrees

“This is the entire election, as far as I’m concerned. The entire world will be watching,” Jones said Thursday in an interview with CNN’s Jim Acosta. “If you are a carbon-based life form, you’re going to be watching. If you’ve got a functioning brain stem, you’re going to be watching.”

“Because, if Biden goes out there and messes up, it’s game over. If he walks out there, and a week later he’s lower in the polls, it’s panic in the party,” he continued. “But if he goes in there and he can handle himself against Donald Trump — a runaway train, a locomotive, a raging bull — then this guy deserves another shot to be president, because that is tough.”

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