My Trump Running Mate List, Choice One: Ron DeSantis

Posted: May 14, 2024 by datechguy in election 2024, elections, politics
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It’s been a while since I’ve done a post that were pure wild speculation but as I’ve been thinking about who Trump will choose as his running mate I thought I’d put one together.

This list will consist of three “A” list choices along with one dark horse. I will cover one each day.

In choosing a running mate there is one constitutional consideration and one non-constitutional consideration that have to be made in doing so.

  1. Can’t be from the same state I’m going to be slightly loose with this because “can’t be from the same state” can mean either:
    • Not born in the same state OR
    • Not living in the same state at the time of the election
  2. Must be hated by the left almost if not more than him because if he was to take a “deep state” running mate or a person like Nikki Haley he might as well, as I’ve noted before hang a target on his back with the words “assassinate me” in bright luminescent paint.

For the purpose of this pieces I’m going to assume the former as the choice and all of my choices are going to confirm with the 2nd choice.

Choice 1: Ron DeSantis Governor of Florida

If there was ever a person who would be the natural choice for a Trump Ticket this time around it’s the governor of Florida:

Ron DeSantis is the governor of the single most successful state in the country. He has successfully resisted every single one of the Biden administration’s attempts to curtail said success.

  • He is part of the highly successful move to export illegal aliens to blue cities and states
  • He has cracked down on the “death to jews” protestors when they have violated law
  • He has (and this is huge) cracked down on cheating by the left in elections to the point where his state which was once a swing state is now as solidly red as they come.
  • He has crippled the DEI industry and taken on woke corporations like Disney and won.

There are also two considerations that would appeal specifically to Trump.

  1. He is likely the only person more feared by the left then Trump himself, in fact Trump recognized this and leveraged this fear to get himself back on social media platforms for the purpose of attacking him during and even before the primaries.
  2. Unlike Nikki Haley DeSantis recognized the situation on the ground early and pulled out of the primary race after Iowa and endorsed Trump recognizing that the voters had decided on Trump and accepting their choice.

He also has one other quality that Trump likes in people. Trump is a doer, he all about getting things done. DeSantis is the same, from handling natural disasters to getting people from Florida out of Israel who were stranded there at the start of the war he has ignored the naysayers and focused on what he could do rather than what others said couldn’t be done.

And while I think this election is all about Trump so a running mate doesn’t add a lot to a ticket a vet who has won the Bronze Star certainly doesn’t hurt.

Bottom line he has all of the positive characteristics of Trump from being a doer to being unafraid of the left with absolutely none of the baggage, furthermore he is not only hated and feared by the left as much if not more than Trump which is the best insurance against assassination but because he is so hated by the left Trump by picking him would be able to stick another finger in the eye of said left by having him as a successor.

I suspect President Trump would find that rather sweet.

The only real question is can he pass constitutional muster? (born vs living in). It goes without saying that if he’s chosen the left will go to court on that basis. If there is any doubt or if Trump wants to avoid one more court battle he can always move to choice #2 who we will cover tomorrow

  1. Tony H says:

    It would be remarkably easy for Trump to change his residence to NJ or NY, since he already has property in both.

    Cheney did the same thing back in 2000, so he could be VP.

  2. […] My Trump Running Mate List, Choice One: Ron DeSantis […]

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