Posts Tagged ‘ron desantis’

Today I was reading a piece by Robert F. Graboyes PhD who is advocating the destruction of his Alma Marta Columbia University in order to save the University System in a piece titled Columbia Delenda Est.

Cato’s entreaty—“Carthago Delenda Est”—was intended not only to punish the Carthaginians, but also to warn other states from behaving as Carthage had. Laying waste to Columbia’s prestige would send a chilling message to other institutions choosing to tolerate, appease, and celebrate threats and acts against Jews.

While the entire article is worth your time I took note of a specific bit of it that I think speaks volumes (Emphasis Mine)

For states and morally upright colleges, make it easier for those students to transfer to your institutions. For example, in January, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ordered his state’s universities to waive usual transfer requirements for Jewish students facing “well-founded fear of religious persecution” elsewhere and urged Florida’s universities to offer in-state tuition and scholarships to financially disadvantaged transfer students.

Now I’ve always been a believer that the right thing is also the smart thing and this is a perfect example because doing the right thing: Giving Jewish students in fear of their safety a refuge is the smart thing: Attracting students who are interested in actually learning rather than protesting and are from an ethnic/religious group that despite being 0.2% of the population of the world accounts for 22% of the Nobel Prizes which is a rate of 11,250% above average.

But even more important than that fact DeSantis did this in JANUARY the same month that the president of Harvard resigned. He was smart enough to see that it wasn’t the end, it was the beginning of what was coming and took action long before Columba descended into the pit.

That’s what far sighted leadership is. Anticipating a problem in the early stages and advancing a solution that both solves the problem and helps the organization you are leading.

DeSantis’ move is a godsend for Jewish students who no longer feel safe in the Ivy league but it will be a bigger godsend for the Universities in Florida who will get an influx of hard working motivated students, donor dollars from the families of those hard working students and with a little luck end up hosing a future Nobel Prize winner who will of course attract more high level scholars and thus dollars to the state.

Thus Ron DeSantis’ decision to do the right thing will benefit the people of Florida long after he is out of office, perhaps even long after he is dead and gone.

That’s why is was my first choice in 2024 and will likely be my first choice in 2028 no matter what happens in November and it’s a reason why more than just Jewish students in fear of their lives are heading to Florida in droves.

Unexpectedly of course.

If it were done when ’tis done, then ’twere well It were done quickly:

Macbeth Act 1 Scene 7

In 2016 I was a supporter of Ted Cruz for the GOP Nomination and I stuck with Cruz till the moment he pulled out.

I had reservations about Trump at the time but made a point of endorsing him before the convention making the following argument:

But while Trump will occasionally disappoint me (when he does I’ll call him on it) I am convinced he will neither persecute me nor strip me of my rights for holding my Conservative Catholic beliefs and acting on them.

I am very sorry to say I can not make that same statement about Hillary Clinton, and I’m even sorrier to see the day when I would say this about a presidential candidate.

And I was so convinced that voting for Trump was necessary when almost every other blogger/pundit ran for the hills after the Billy Bush tape I actually re-endorsed him

No this is about convincing those who still have to values to allow the election of someone who not only is directly opposed to all you hold dear but will persecute you on every level.  This is about tricking you into letting go of your one chance to stop your own destruction.  They want you to lose your nerve. Furthermore they want the GOP to lose their nerve and the press will do all they can do enable it.

In other words they are counting on you to be suckers.

I’m still voting Trump and I’m still encouraging you to keep your nerve and do the same.

You all know how that story ended but alas he didn’t take the best advice I ever gave just a few days after the election was won: Get Ready for Fraud in 2020:

Democrat Bosses in Wisconsin Michigan and Minnesota had no inkling that the election was close, that being the case there was no reason why, in an age where proof of a federal offense is a cell phone video away, Dem bosses in Detroit or elsewhere felt the need to take any risk.  They figured those states were won (and they were right about Minnesota) and by election night it was too late to change it.

However that won’t be the case in 2020,  I’ll wager that in 2020 the bosses in Milwaukee, Detroit, Madison and elsewhere will be ready, we’ll see plenty of mail in ballots and absentee ballots that we didn’t see before in those states and plenty of voters looking to go for the GOP will be in the same spot that Steven Kruiser was on election night.

We have four years to prepare for this so we’d better get ready because as our friends on the left have demonstrated in the past, they play for keeps.

After all you don’t think Soros has been quietly sinking millions into AG races, you know the people who would be protesting election fraud on a local level, just because it’s fun?

And while Trump much to my surprise and delight governed like a conservative until he fell for what Fauci sold him (I suspect this is because he was from a generation that trusted Doctors to worry about life and death vs serving China for fun and profit). he failed to take that good advice and thus “lost” in 2020. Looking at his presidency the day Biden was sworn in I rated him the 4th best president who ever served.

You literally have to go to Lincoln and Washington to find a president who did as much in the face of adversity Lincoln’s adversity being the civil war and the hatred of his own party and Washington having to do it all from scratch with a new country and constitution and nothing to back him up.

Trump in my opinion is below both Washington & Lincoln but right now with passions where they are while I’m not solid where in this group he goes. If you forced me to name a spot my gut says above Cleveland and Polk by a hair and sparing with TR for that 3rd spot as both had a personality that rubbed many the wrong way but I’ll have a better perspective in four year unless he wins in 2024 then I’ll have to completely reevaluate his position based on a 2nd non-consecutive term. A bad enough job in a 2nd terms and he could drop to the 3rd tier easy. A good enough one and he could solidify the bronze but I would doubt he could take the silver or Gold from Lincoln or Washington, but with what is likely coming from the Biden and Harris administration coming (or what is actually Obama’s 3rd term) I suspect Trump’s stock will only rise in comparison.

As time went on two things came out, one for and one against him. The information about the deep state both during Obama’s term and his own trying to sabotage him makes his accomplishments even more impressive, but his failure to fire and or restrain Fauci combined with his embrace of the untested COVID vaccines hurt him. I think they’re a wash and so I leave Trump ranking where it is (pending a 2nd term).

Meanwhile Governor Ron DeSantis impressed me by his actions in Florida and continues to do so. He’s the type of guy who gets things done and deals with reality and most important of all when he had a chance he did the vital thing that Trump did not, election reform. His election reforms destroyed Democrat thievery in the state which contributed to his overwhelming re-election almost as much as his record.

He was a prime candidate to run in 2024 and Trump realizing this started attacking at once. The Democrats realized this as well and I suspect Trump’s attacks on him were one of the prime reasons why platforms like Facebook suddenly found him acceptable again.

It was a touch call between the pair for me. I’ve compared it to choosing between Williams and Musial in Left, but there was one factor that decided it for me. The fact that there are voters Blue collar conservative voters in swing states who irrationally hate Trump and will vote against him even vs Biden:

Bottom line DeSantis draws votes that Trump can’t and doesn’t lose votes suffering from Trump fatigue and proved this by turning his squeaker election the first time around into a landslide, a landslide that came not despite his strong conservative record but BECAUSE OF IT. No matter how much you might dislike those voters who reject Trump this ability to expand one’s electorate is in fact a feature, not a bug but not as big of a feature as the fact that the left (and the Lincoln Project crowd) are scared to death of him.

We’re conservative we deal with facts. These are the facts, and these facts need to be put before GOP voters NOW before the voting begins and before all the lesser candidates dogpile on DeSantis which for most if them is the only reason they are in the race at all. There is no time to wait on this.

Like Kurt Schlichter I got a lot of pushback over this but someone had to sound the alarm.

Well in the end it didn’t matter. Trump took over 50% in Iowa which is really impressive when you consider his showing from 2016 and while I think it would have been worth staying in for a bit, mostly due to Trump’s age, DeSantis being DeSantis decided to act on the basis of reality rather than wishful thinking:

So what was the reaction of Trump people now that DeSantis is out and endorsing Trump. I expected some ribbing which is the prerogative of the winning side but I didn’t expect stuff like this:

The next few days will be fraught with demands to unite the clans.  However, please remember the proven and demonstrably accurate axiom:  Never Trust a Never Trumper. 

The Ron DeSantis campaign was built upon a foundation of fraud. Long planned as an effort to destroy the threat that MAGA represents to the Republican apparatus, nothing about the DeSantis campaign was grassroots, authentic, natural or real.  The Sea Island organized campaign was a specific and detailed approach driven by the professional political class.  Ron DeSantis was a vessel, a willing vessel, for the deliberate schemes and Machiavellian intents of the worst elements in USA Republican politics.

WE CANNOT UNITE with that group.  Think about it.

Think about this for a second. We are heading into a general election with a candidate who the left has already stolen one election from and is willing to steal another, furthermore we are running a candidate that is irrationally hated by a segment of the population to the point where they are willing to vote against their own welfare and beliefs in order to defeat him.

In such a situation the only prayer we have is to win beyond the margin of fraud. 

Maybe it’s just be but I think given that situation telling the 20% of the GOP who voted DeSantis to go to hell just might be a bad idea. I called it idiocy on his site and frankly that’s an understatement.

However in the end that stuff doesn’t matter. Reality matters and the reality is that we need to get the socialists and communists out of office. Schlichter nails it here:

And what you need to do is get on board and fight for the guy who won fair and square. Yeah, fair and square. In primaries, you go out, you make your case, and part of that means cutting down the other guy. If you can’t get your head around that reality, you probably shouldn’t be involved in politics. This is a tough game. It’s not for the faint of heart. Donald Trump doesn’t take it personally. As soon as Chris Christie dropped out to take on his new role as spokesman for Golden Corral, Trump was saying nice things about him. And after Ron DeSantis dropped out and properly endorsed the President in one of the best and most gracious concession speeches I’ve ever seen, Trump said he was “honored” by the endorsement of Ron DeSantis. Why, after so much acrimony? Because it’s not personal, it’s just business.

Look, I will not start sugarcoating it for you now. I still believe Donald Trump has an uphill fight to win in November. He’s got a chance to win, probably a little higher than he did a year ago, but the advantage still lies with that desiccated zombie pervert because of the irrational hatred of Donald Trump of so many people. Republicans shouldn’t add to that challenge because they are ticked off. Maybe you don’t like Donald Trump‘s tweets. Maybe you don’t like his behavior. Maybe you have some rational critiques of his policies. Whatever. Get over it.

For me it comes back to what I said the very first time I endorsed him. Yes he had a good record, yes he has a list of accomplishments worth singing about, yes if he is re-elected we will likely see the end of the war in Ukraine and possibly the final destruction of Hamas. All that is great but the bottom line is still this:

Donald Trump will neither persecute me nor strip me of my rights for holding my Conservative Catholic beliefs and acting on them.

That is the reason why I now again endorse Donald Trump for President and urge you vote for him. You may not like Trump, nor might you like the Laura Loomers of the world, but in the end your rights as an American depend on electing a president that will respect those rights.

And for all the shouting from the surrogates of the Biden administration about dictatorship in the end we’ve seen the current administration use Government as a tool to suppress the rights of political foes. Donald Trump has demonstrated he will do this, even when greatly provided he didn’t do this when he had that chance. 

If you fail to do this then you will get the pleasure of Obama’s 4th term with a government that knows the voters will not punish them for abusing their rights. You will get the government you deserve, good and hard.

You have been warned.

I’ll close with the same words I ended my endorsement of DeSantis with:

Closing thought: I’m convinced that if we nominate Donald Trump we will lose but if my advice is ignored and he wins the votes to be the nominee I will support him in the general election and make the best possible arguments for Trump (there is no lack of good arguments for his re-election) to convince those Blue collar folks to abandon their irrational hatred and vote for him, even though I think said effort is doomed to failure.  After all with God all things are possible.

Short of my sons each finding a nice Catholic wife there is nothing that is likely to make me happier then to be proven wrong in my assessment of our chances come November 2024.

Cue the Donald Trump song:

Oh Trump he's a bastard,
he offends us every night,
He's tweets out very nasty things
and there's no end in sight,
and we're embarrassed in return
while he triggers up such fuss,
what has the Donald ever done for us?  ♫

♫ What has the Donald,
what has the Donald,
what has the Donald ever done for us? ♫

The tax cut?
...he, he gave us the Tax cut...

♫ Yes, he did give us that, that's true
And Isis is crushed and now they're through
The tax cut I'll grant is one
thing that Donald Trump he may have done
And the regulations he's cut right back too
And the embassy move ♫

♫ Well, apart from ending ISIS and regulation,
And the Jerusalem relocation
And safety from terrorists for all the nation
Apart from those, which are a plus,
what has the Donald ever done for us ?♫

♫ What has the Donald,
what has the Donald
what has the Donald ever done for us? ♫

The Wall?
...He's built hundreds of miles of real wall...

♫ Oh, yes, he did... ♫ 

♫ The southern border now is more tight,
and the New Space force will be ready to fight.
Vets now have choice instead of grief
The China travel ban and COVID relief
Killed the deal funding the Iran terror hoards
and new stock market records ♫

♫ Well apart from China and the VA choice,
Space force, Iran, relief and 401k rejoice,
And the wall stopping the immigration fuss
what has the Donald ever done for us? ♫

♫ What has the Donald,
what has the Donald,
what has the Donald ever done for us? ♫

Justice Reform?
...Criminal Justice Reform...

♫ Oh, yes, yes... ♫

♫ Criminal Justice reform made a wrong a right,
and new trade deals mean a fair trade fight.
Abundant Energy for our needs,,
Right to try and NATO deals
the great new judges for all our nation
and funding black education ♫

♫ Well apart from, Health, Judges, trade and NATO deals,
Independence from Arab oil fields,
And black colleges funded instead of handcuffs,
what has the Donald ever done for us? ♫

♫ What has the Donald,
what has the Donald,
what has the Donald ever done for us? ♫

Brought peace.
Peace, Oh, shut up!

Well the Nikki Haley boom turned out to be a bust. Did the MSM and Bill Kristol really think their (Temporary) support would carry her over the top in Iowa? The real question is how long will she remain a stalking horse to make sure that moderates who don’t want President Trump as their nominee have someplace other to go than DeSantis? I suspect Trump will want her in through Super Tuesday although a poor showing in South Carolina should finish her off.

I hoped to see a better finish by DeSantis but 2nd will do for now. Given the size of Trump’s victory the real question will be how long there are 2 alternatives to Trump rather than three. The squish republicans in NH don’t want Trump but I suspect they hate DeSantis more because he has the potential to be trouble for a lot longer and as he has proved as Governor of Florida, he really means it.

That why Gov Sununu will likely decide to die on Haley hill.

President Trump drawing 50% in the caucus is significant for several reasons:

  1. It indicates that he is the preferred candidate of a majority of Iowa republicans.
  2. It indicates that a majority of the GOP in Iowa approved of his performance as President
  3. It indicates that neither the rantings of the media have no effect on the majority of GOP voters
  4. It indicates that at the very least a majority of GOP voter don’t give a fig for the “interesting” charges against him

If the President keeps up with 20 or 30 point wins in New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina this primary will be finished before we reach the first of the court cases against him.

There are two historic bits concerning yesterday’s primaries that would have gotten a whole lot more play if it had not been for the unprecedented and despicable tactics being used in an attempt to drag Trump off the national stage.

The first is that Donald Trump is the first ex president in over a century to appear on a primary ballot against members of his own party.

It’s a big difference from the last time President Trump won in Iowa when he was an incumbent running unopposed or the first time he ran in Iowa in 2016 when he was simply a businessman and one could only speculate has to how he would govern as president.

His victory in those circumstances would have been a great story even without the frantic (and highly satisfying) cries of the left and the relentless attempt of the left to eliminate him as a candidate.

The 2nd Historic event or lack thereof was the absence of a Democrat primary. This was a step taken to protect Biden from any primary challenge in a state that might have been iffy for him. While it’s not all that unusual for a party to make sure the slate is clear Biden’s record even among Democrats is not all that secure and a caucus would have been an excellent and useful test of his strength among the party.

That the party did all it could to chase away folks even driving RFK Jr. away from the democrat primaries to run as an independent speaks volumes as to how they percieve Joe Biden as a candidate.

Presuming he is the candidate that is.

Finally nobody is talking about what is normally called the Elephant in the room but in this case is the scythe in the room.

Donald Trump is 77, Joe Biden is 81. Most men their age…are dead.

Now it’s true that Donald Trump is a very vigorous 77 and Joe Biden is a comparatively frail 81 but no matter how you slice it if either one dropped dead tomorrow it would not be a gigantic shock, though perhaps it might be a bit of a surprise in Trump’s case.

The life expectancy of a man born in 1946 is under 66 years. In fact according to the CDC if you were a man born in 2015 your total life expectancy is less than Donald Trump’s age today.

People can say 60 is the new 40 but the reality is 60 is still sixty, 70 is still seventy and Bill Belichick interview not withstanding very few men of their age are generally hired to do a job of such responsibility.

Of course given the mechanisms of the dishonorable deep state left to try to disqualify Donald Trump from the ballot and the hints that Joe Biden might be replaced by a candidate who doesn’t need to face voters age might be a moot point but in the end all the scheming and shenanigans are nothing if the call that all men face demands an answer.

The first of the three David Tennant Doctor Who specials meant to try to get the views they chased away to tune back in prepare for the 60th anniversary of the show is due out this week but for the Red Nose day children in need business in England there was a short special that came out yesterday:

It was not only hilarious but had several little things for the folks who have been gone:

  • Julean Blech as Davros who played him in opposite both Tennant and Capaldi
  • Reference to the Mark Three travel machine, vs Mark 4 in the premiere Davros episode
  • Reference to Genesis of the Daleks
  • The joke about messing up the Canon (in reference to the actions of Chibnall)

It’s a promising start.

Thanksgiving comes very early this year meaning that Advent, the beginning of the church year will not be starting the Saturday after thanksgiving as usual, but the week afterwards. So technically we have a full week between Thanksgiving and the start of the shortened Christmas season but the start of the shopping season still begins on the 24th.

The media and the admin keeps insisting that the economy is doing fine. The events of the next two to six weeks will tell us if they are right or if they are full of it.

In my tabletop baseball league my team which has been overachieving has dropped out of 1st but is still solidly in the playoffs. But no matter how it ends I’m looking good for next year.

Both unanimous winners of the MVP Ohtani in the AL and Acuna Jr. in the NL are currently on my roster so no matter what happens the rest of this year, It going to look pretty good for me next year.

But I think Ohtani would look much better in a Redsox Uniform next year. It would be the best marketing move to bring the Redsox fans back to the stands.

Will they have the balls to do it?

The Celtics with Porzingis and Jrue Holiday have gotten off to an incredible start and it has become apparent that Holiday has more than adequately replaced Marcus Smart both in terms of defense and in terms of intentional fortitude.

At least one writer has suggested that Philadelphia go after Smart to shore up their defense as they chase Boston, but no matter what the situation there is no question that I was completely wrong in terms of the effect of this trade.

The Celtics and the Bruins both with incredible starts are making a serious move to win over the Boston/New England fans who are walking away from the Pats. If they can follow through they might just do so.

Both the media and the Trump campaign have gone all in on the idea that Ron DeSantis is finished both to serve their own purposes as both fear him but despite this DeSantis continues to pull in money and continues to make the fight.

Yesterday he made the case for him over Trump noting some basic facts that people ignore

“As a lame duck with poor personnel, and the distractions, it’s going to be hard for him to get this done,” DeSantis said. “My candidacy is lower risk, because we’ll run Biden ragged around this country, but high reward because you get a two-term conservative president who’s going to stand for your values and deliver for you for eight full years.”

And on CBS he played the age card rather effectively:

Trump is still my 2nd choice and if he’s at the top of the GOP ticket next November he’s have my vote no prob but anyone who is discounting DeSantis is deluding themselves

Update: Here is one more