The Joys of a Quiet Life

Posted: June 7, 2024 by datechguy in Uncategorized

I watched the Trump interview with Dr. Phil and something hit me during it.

There have been several times when I have been in the middle of things, from clearing the camps in Denver and the attack on the hotel where Conservative bloggers stayed, to boarding the Tea Party express bus to Washington, to being in the middle of the mob of “antinazis” in Boston that had to be held back from attacking two men one wearing a Trump flag and one wearing an Israeli flag back in 2018 ( a story that’s very relevant now).

But there have been also times when I just missed being in a bad spot, I had hoped to be in Texas at Pam Geller’s event but things fell through so I wasn’t there when the gunman started shooting, work prevented me from getting to DC to cover the J6 events which almost certainly in this environment would have put me in jail and destroyed my family finances.

Furthermore it has also hit me that if I had made it as an independent reporter I would have been targeted by the left in a way that would have again made life difficult for DaWife and family.

I’d like to think I’d have still done a good and honorable job if any of those things had happened, but part of faith is trusting that even if you don’t know what God’s doing God knows what he’s doing.

I’m wondering if I’ve been granted a quiet life simply because a less quiet life might not have been conducive to the heath of my soul.

It would be nice to do something for the country and in a very small way I hope we still do good here but being a good husband, a decent father and doing well in small ways in the community where you actually know and see people face to face is of no less value and might even be of greater value.

Either way may I be grateful for the quiet life that I have now been granted and carry myself well within it.

It’s a small vocation but if that’s where God has put me and might put you let’s do that job that we have been given.

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  2. Pod Hamp says:

    The most saintly people I have known in my life are almost all quiet people who do good for those around them without drawing attention to themselves.