Archive for June 24, 2024

The Hamas Gonculator Caucus

Posted: June 24, 2024 by datechguy in culture, middle east
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Sgt Andrew Carter: [standing over the ‘Gonculator’ with a piece of a clock] Hey Colonel where should I put this?

Colonel Robert Hogan: Carter, what difference does it make?

Hogan’s Heroes: Klink vs the Gonculator 1968

I was checking out Twitchy last night when I saw this:

This is just the latest of things like this:

and this:

and this:

And some of the stuff gets even wilder.

None of it surprises me. Why? Because when you have a group that repeatedly lies and makes things up out of the whole cloth why would they NOT go farther and farther. Remember these guys were claiming that Israel attacked themselves when their own folks livestreamed their attacks on Oct 7th.

When you’ve got a group that’s unwilling to deal with actual reality the taller the tale the faster it will spread and the angrier you can make your mob that has never gotten over the fact that a bunch of ragtag Jews were able to defeat them time and time again.