Posts Tagged ‘gender affirming care’

Transgenderism is a denial of reality.  It is a rejection of some of the most fundamental scientific truths.  The vast majority of species on this planet are divided into to two biological sexes.  Unlike some species, the physical differences between male and female human beings are quite remarkable.  These differences extend all the way down to the genetic level. 

The political left believes that simply denying fundamental truths can make them untrue.  They are very much like small children because they still believe that pretending can over rule reality.  That is exactly what is taking place when someone identifies as the opposite biological sex.

I believe every individual has the right to identify as the opposite sex if they chose , however, no one has the right to force others to participate in anyone else’s delusions.   Forcing others to use someone’s referred pronouns violates the freedom of speech and the free exercise of religion of everyone.  The Biden Regime issued an executive order forcing all employees in the US to use preferred pronouns, in direct violation of the First Amendment.

The transgender ideology is very much a religion.  It is a system of beliefs that rely on faith rather than scientific principals.  The Biden regime’s executive order enshrines transgenderism as the official religion of the United States, in direct violation of the Establishment of Religion Clause of the First Amendment.

Individuals who believe they are trapped in the body of the opposite sex suffer from a mental illness called gender dysphoria.  Rather than treating this mental illness, healthy bodies are mutilated surgically, in direct violation of the Hippocratic Oath. Doctors prescribe hormones and puberty blockers in what is known as ‘gender affirming care.’  This does tremendous damage to the bodies of those subjected to it, very much like chemical warfare.

It is absolutely despicable that children are subjected to surgical mutilation, and all other aspects of gender affirming care.  There is an epidemic of gender confusion among children, caused by nonstop indoctrination at all levels of our schools.  It is unconscionable that these confused children are then subjected to life destroying gender affirming care.