Ring Doorbells, Paper Ballots and Palestinians

Posted: July 11, 2023 by datechguy in Uncategorized

Quite a while back I wrote about the Palestinians insisting that they were not bringing arms into a sacred area in one of their mosques but then objecting even more strongly to Israel putting in cameras which would have demonstrated the truth (or falseness) of said contention.

The problem was obvious, you could not allow objective truth to be seen because objective truth was contrary to the assertion that was being made.

A similar thing happened with the election of 2020 in six key counties in swing states, at the same time that the media/left insisted that everything was on the up and up they did everything they could in court to fight these assertions in court on the grounds of standing (rather successfully I might add) rather than simply demonstrate via audits and objective examination of the evidence that the elections were clean to the electorate.

The logical conclusion here being that the objective evidence was not friendly to their assertions.

Which brings me to this story concerning a ring the ring doorbell.

You see the ring camera doesn’t care what your race or religion or the desired narrative of the day is, what it does is show the image of what is actually happening, objective reality.

And while it might be considered a good thing for a homeowner protecting their property or a neighborhood wanting to keep criminals from using it as a stomping ground or even for the mother of boys discourage them from getting into the type of trouble that boys do when they’re young and stupid if you’re trying to sell a narrative based on unreality, well it can be a killer.

So expect a lot of pushback against the ring camera as a sign of white supremacy, not because it’s yet another feed that can be hacked and observed but because it provides a does of truth in an age where the lie is king.

Unexpectedly of coursetm

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