Carry On Tommy Jazz is Wrong Here

Posted: August 6, 2023 by datechguy in Uncategorized

I know and like Jazz Shaw but on the subject of Senator Tuberville’s refusal to allow unanimous consent he’s dead wrong.

In case you missed it, Army Secretary Christine Warmuth retired on Friday after serving in the post since May of 2021. At this point, both the Army and the Marines do not have a Senate-confirmed leader, and the ranks of the Joint Chiefs are growing thin. This is because Alabama GOP Senator Tommy Tuberville has placed a hold on all military promotions. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told reporters that both troop retention and readiness are at risk because of this logjam. And it’s happening at a time when the military was already missing most of its recruiting goals prior to Tuberville shutting down the process. Considering how close we seem to be to a possible war with another major world power on any given day, this is an unacceptable situation. (Associated Press)

That’s false in two ways, first of all as Shaw himself notes this is not a hold, they could bring up the promotion for the Army and Marines and scheduled a regular vote which would likely pass. Yes that would not cover ALL the promotions on hold but it means neither the Army nor the Navy would be short of a head.

2nd of all the problem with retention has nothing to do with these held up promotions, it has to do with the remaking of the armed services from a fighting force to an organization out to push the woke agenda of the left, and I strongly suspect that many of those awaiting promotion at the highest levels can’t wait to push such an agenda because if they were not, this administration would not be out to advance them.

I suspect the real fear in putting these promotions through regular order would be the public exposition of those woke records and agendas because if there are hearings and votes those type of things tend to come out.

So while I respect Jazz and his opinion, let me say it’s a splendid thing to see someone fighting this administration in a way that works. Carry on Tommy!

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