Five Speaker Mike Johnson Thoughts Under the Fedora: Watching the Vote, Left vs Normalcy, Petard Hoist, Speculation and a Joke

Posted: October 26, 2023 by datechguy in congress
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I was watching the vote for Speaker Yesterday Afternoon and while the various demonstrations made me nostalgic for the days when there were not camera for people to ham in front of in the house it became rather clear that this vote was different as we got to the “C”‘s and the “D”‘s and all the votes were either for Dem leader Jeffries or Johnson.

Given the events of two weeks ago it seemed we were destined for drama for weeks but the vote for Mr. Johnson was so routine and so, well NORMAL that it actually lent excitement to an event that has been the norm for decades.

As soon as the vote ended it was the turn of the Democrat majority leader Jeffries to speak. His so called “bipartisan” message turned out to be yet another concerted attack, which is not to be unexpected from the left but the real surprise was the speech by Johnson. He thanked the clerks and the workers who had jumped through all the hoops on all the votes, promised to listen to the opinions of the other side even as they disagree, and sounded, well, NORMAL.

This man might be the most normal person who has gained power in DC in my lifetime. I think it’s a very good sign.

Apparently there are a bunch of stories from the left attacking Johnson as some kind of extremist for but I would remind the left that the only reason why they have to deal with Johnson is they aided the 8 GOP firebrands who decided to kick McCarthy out.

If they had held off as they had promised they would be in a much better position now but that would require restraint which is not their forte.

Of course all of this stuff is a first impression. We still need to see if he can get appropriations bills passed, aid to Israel passed, audit the Ukraine funds and most importantly get enough of the deep state GOP members and the pro maga members to vote as one to accomplish what they need to do.

I have a good feeling about his chances but it’s just a feeling.

Finally the most fun part about all of this is the fact that if you went up to Speaker Johnson a month ago and told him that before the month of October was done he would be Speaker of the US House of Representatives he would likely have laughed it off as a joke.

It would be really funny to find out 30 years from now that some Mafioso put a $10,000 bet on 9/1/23 that Johnson becoming speaker by Halloween. At 50,000-1 which would have been fair odds at the time he would have made half a billion dollars.

This is of course a joke but after what we’ve seen the last 3 years anything is possible

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