Gee I Wonder What Binding Common Social Norm Might Have Been Abandoned over the Last 40 Years in Canada:

Posted: December 20, 2023 by datechguy in Uncategorized

Via Hotair I saw a tweet that perfectly illustrates the dangers of a “post Christian” culture.

Odd how Canada has seemingly abandoned “decency” at the same time they abandoned “Christianity” isn’t it?

Canadians and Americans for that matter have to decide if they are going to be a free nation or slaves in their own land.

Furthermore they have a very limited time to decide it because in two generations they are going to be outnumbered by people who didn’t embrace abortion and birth control and thus will be making the rules.

Gee it’s as if the Church’s decision to follow God’s rules on abortion & birth control just might have an imbedded a social good for humanity with it as do all of the rules handed down for generations before the rise of the secular left.

Unexpectedly of course.

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