Archive for April 25, 2024

The political left inhabits an alternate universe, one where the most basic scientific truths are looked at with disdain.  Knowledge, facts, and logic do not matter to those Marxists, only their feelings and their radical beliefs.  They take great pleasure in forcing their distorted world view on everyone else. 

Whenever a radical leftist inhabits the White House, that individual works tirelessly through unconstitutional executive orders, to cram their radical beliefs down the throats of the American people.  This is in direct violation of the Establishment of Religion Clause of the First Amendment.

Just last week, Joe Biden issued the proclamation documented in the following article: Biden’s Title IX Rewrite Is Here (

On Friday, the Biden administration released new rules to protect LGBTQ+ individuals under the federal civil rights legislation Title IX. Title IX went into effect in 1972 to protect sex discrimination in educational programs that receive federal funding.

Going forward, the basis of “sex” now encompasses the concept of “gender identity.”

“These regulations make it crystal clear that everyone can access schools that are safe, welcoming and that respect their rights,” Miguel Cardona, Biden’s education secretary,

This final regulation strengthens and restores vital protections against sex discrimination, including sexual harrassment. It also protects students against discrimination based on pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation and gender identity,”

This Executive order is unconstitutional in the extreme because it completely distorts the original meaning and purpose of the original Title IX legislation.

“Extending Title IX to cover gender identity means that schools will no longer have discretion over whether – or how – to provide certain services and activities to students on the basis of self-declared gender identity. Title IX was written in 1972 when ‘sex’ meant male and female, and no amount of interpretive jiujitsu permits a cabinet agency to rewrite the plain language of the law,” Nicole Neily, president of Parents Defending Education, told Townhall. “Efforts to do so have failed repeatedly in Congress for one simple reason: such an expansion of law is deeply unpopular, with opposition to these changes spanning both political and racial lines. This betrayal of students will not soon be forgotten by American parents, and we look forward to suing the Administration over this policy soon.”

“It’s 2024 and the Biden administration doesn’t believe there is a difference between biological females and biological males. They believe extending the definition of sex in Title IX to include gender identity is ‘inclusive,’ when in reality it excludes biological females. Not only will this change effectively eliminate the intended purpose of Title IX, it will open the floodgates for Districts to require minor females to share restrooms and spaces with male students and teachers, leading to an increase in sexual harassment and sexual assault,” PDE Vice President Caroline Moore added.

Taking opportunities from women and giving them to men doesn’t enforce Title IX, it violates it. That was true before the Administration dropped this rule, and it is still true today,” Jennifer Braceras, vice president for legal affairs at the Independent Women’s Forum said in a statement. 

Transgenderism is very much a pagan religion.  Biden’s rewrite of Title IX enshrines it as the official religion of the United States in direct violation of the Establishment Clause.  This rewrite also violates the Freedom of Speech clause of the First Amendment,

The Biden administration’s new Title IX regulations issued last week avoided using the word “transgender,” but the rules, which go into effect on August 1, are already being interpreted as protecting transgenderism, especially in the use of specialized pronouns when transgender and LGBTQ students demand their use.

  • King Richard: Well, sir rascal, tell me, who are you?
  • Robin Hood: I’m called Robin Hood.
  • King Richard: It seems I’ve heard of you.
  • Robin Hood: Nothing good, I hope.
  • King Richard: Oh, now I remember. How does your loyalty to Richard set on a killer of knights, a poacher of the king’s deer and an outlaw?
  • Robin Hood: Those I’ve killed died from misusing the trust that Richard left them. And the worst rogue of these is the king’s own brother.
  • King Richard: Oh, then you blame Prince John.
  • Robin Hood: No, I blame Richard. His task was defending his people instead of deserting them to fight in foreign lands.
  • King Richard: What? You’d condemn the Holy Crusades?
  • Robin Hood: I’ll condemn anything that leaves the task of holding England to outlaws like me.
    • The Adventures of Robin Hood 1938

Yesterday I talked about the pampered college radicals who never had to deal with responsibility in their lives and contrasted them to my father. Today I want to talk about the some of the folks responsible for them.

For many years a group of us decided the culture wars were worth fighting. We bemoaned the idea that children were no longer disciplined. We scoffed at the idea that everybody got a participation trophy, we bemoaned the culture of death and the removal of God from the public square.

And when we warned that being American was not enough to guarantee our freedoms, that people had to be taught and encouraged and educated about how and why we were the richest and most powerful country that ever existed, that if we did not do so our society would fail that the laws of cause and effect had not been repealed. What happened? We told to shut up.

We were trying to turn back the clock, we were out of step with the times, we were on the wrong side of history. I remember years ago at a Tea Party event there was a “mainline” conservative who came down on us who fought the culture war hard. We were told those fight cost votes that the GOP needed and if we just kept our mouths shut about the culture we would win. They didn’t believe that it would come to this, that the fight wasn’t worth having. They wanted us to keep still. They didn’t realize what Andrew Breitbart always noted, that politics was downstream from culture.

These folks share a good chunk of the blame for what’s happening today but that’s not the biggest irony of the situation.

The biggest irony of all of this is that the primary targets of these attacks. The Jewish students on campus, come primarily from families who embraced the culture wars, who had to problem with restricting conservatives speakers and demonizing conservatives. Who treated Tea Party rallies and the people who attended, people who left their venues cleaner than they found them as the epitome of evil. They are among the folks who enabled the left wing ideologues, who supported the redefinition of marriage, man and woman and who though both the campus, media, both news and entertainment and via large corporations gave into to the radicals in order to be considered part of the proper crowd.

And when conservatives were banned on campus or shouted down for years they at best said nothing or at worst agreed. The worst of their wrath were saved for people like, Pam Geller and Robert Spencer and Bridgette Gabriel and David Horwitz who saw what was coming and warned them of the anti-Semitism of the left. They were labeled as purveyors of “hate speech” to be shunned and banned.

Pam, Robert, Bridgette and David would have likely given anything to be wrong about what was coming but they were rejected like the Prophet Jeremiah and treated as such.

Now the whirlwind is upon those who rejected them and all that remains is to decide what they consider a worse fate:

  • To be hounded, threatened and attacked by anti-Semites who want them dead OR
  • Or to admit they were wrong about us and Join the side of folks they hated & vilified for years.

I honestly don’t know which choice they will take.

UPDATE: Kurt Schlichter doesn’t know that answer either but he’s not confident that they will choose wisely:

Jewish Democrat voters are going to need to make a choice, survival or the comfort of liberal illusions.