Archive for April 22, 2024

Sgt. Schultz: Oh I know nothing, I was not here, I didn’t even get up this morning!

Hogan’s Heroes Hold That Tiger 1965

If you’ve followed the MSM at all for the last 40 years you know that if there is one thing they love it’s stories that promote the disarming of citizens.

What they particularly love are stories that suggest the disarming of citizens that take place in Red States because that why they can point the finger at the GOP rather than themselves, and if that story is about a mass shooting well that’s the trifecta when it comes to creating a national story.

However there is one thing that can get in the way of such a story and that’s DaTechGuy’s 3rd Law of Media Outrage which states:

The MSM’s elevation and continued classification of any story as Nationally Newsworthy rather than only of local interest is in direct correlation to said story’s current ability to affirm any current Democrat/Liberal/Media meme/talking point, particularly on the subject of race or sexuality.

Well you would think a mass shooting with over 300 shots fired which took place in Memphis this week would qualify, even it it was in a blue city oasis in the middle of a Red State, alas there is a catch. See if you can spot it from this video of the event:

Alas the shooters were of the wrong race, and thus this story hurts the Democrat message on race. Even 300 shots and video are not enough to get this story onto any national broadcast so like the Superbowl shootings this story will be confined to the local news until it dies away.

Cue Ann Coulter: