Archive for May 30, 2024

  • Ernst Janning: Judge Haywood… the reason I asked you to come: Those people, those millions of people… I never knew it would come to that. You *must* believe it, *You must* believe it!
  • Judge Dan Haywood: Herr Janning, it “came to that” the *first time* you sentenced a man to death you *knew* to be innocent.

Judgement at Nuremburg 1961

Well the Trump verdict is in and the only people who might be surprised by the result are those who have no familiarity with the soviet show trials and how they worked.

I have nothing printable to say to those cheering the verdict but I do have two thoughts about what we will see thanks to it.

The first I’m spotting already:

I think a lot of people have this idea. While I supported difference candidates in the 2016 primary (Ted Cruz) and in the 2024 primaries (Ron DeSantis) I had no problem voting for Trump in the general in 2016 or 2020 and of course have no trouble voting for him in 2024.

I think a lot of people who might not have realized it before realize it now and are making a final attempt to restore the rule of law by the ballot box before it has to be restored by the ammunition box.

But that’s only one thing that’s coming from this verdict. There is a second think that we haven’t seen yet but I hope to see soon:

Let me remind you of the wise words of Kurt Schlichter:

Well, unlike the Fredocons, folks like you and me don’t do two sets of rules. One set of rules, for everyone, applied good and hard. The new rules are in effect and may God have mercy on your souls.

What do these new rules mean? Well they mean in you are a deep red state with a deep red electorate and with a conservative who wants to gain strength with the base, the trick is now to promise to prosecute national leftists. Political leaders, Cultural leaders, University leaders members of the media and of course all these darling leftists who were and are all in on the Trump prosecution.

If there is one thing this country is awash in it’s laws and I’m sure if you reach deep enough you can find ones that have been broken and can turn them into felonies. It’s been said you can indict a ham sandwich, well it’s time to turn our leftist friends into pork.

Now there are those who might think this is a bad idea, who might not like it, in fact I don’t like it myself but I have to say I’m again with Kurt Schlichter:

Now, I am not saying that I like the new rules. I don’t – I think the new rules are bad. I’m just accepting that the rules have changed, stating what the new rules are, and strongly urging us to play by them. I want to be very clear, as I have been for nearly a decade,  because there are stupid people out there who can’t hear this often enough. I was against imposing the new rules. I argued against them. I warned people against these new rules time and time again. But you know what? I was overruled about the new rules. A lot of people, mostly leftists but some pseudo-conservatives, decided we would go with the new rules. Again, I told them it was a bad idea. I told them it would lead to outcomes that they would not be happy with, but they decided not to listen to me. No, they decided that they were smarter and wiser and blah blah blah blah blah and that suppressing the speech of bad people – like us – was a moral imperative.

Well, they got their new rules. Now they get to enjoy them, really hard and free of lubrication.

The new rules boil down to one thing – if you’ve got power, exercise it to promote your interests over the interests of your enemy. That’s it. That’s the basic rule in 2024.

But frankly the bottom line is the left will continue to impose these “new rules” on anyone they see as a threat. The only way to cause this to stop is to apply the same rule to them and to use them brutally.

Remember Illinois, Massachusetts and New York didn’t give a damn about illegal immigration until red state governors started bussing them to their states and “sharing the wealth”. The Democrat left has decided to use lawfare as a political tool. So be it, I urge red states to do the same to the fullest degree that they are able.

They have made their choice and their rules, make them live by them until they cry “enough”.

I have never been a fan of the Libertarian Party.  Actually, I rather despise them.  They give true Libertarians like myself a bad name.  Most of the Libertarian Party’s platform is asinine, having very little to do with actual liberty.  Only a small percentage of the membership are true Libertarians. The rest only identify as Libertarians because the think that word sounds cool.

This past week Donald Trump spoke at this year’s Libertarian Pary convention, hoping to possibly garner their endorsement.  A sizable percentage of those in attendance behaved rather childishly, they booed and raised a ruckus with kazoos that were passed out by convention organizers.  That was nothing compared to the immaturity the membership demonstrated when they chose their nominee.

For decades, the Libertarian Party was the edgier conscience of the Republican Party. It was louder and prouder about wanting a small government rather than the behemoth that Republicans helped birth.  However, libertarians still recognized that smaller government must be grounded in the Constitution and morality. For example, Ron Paul’s pro-life stance reflected the fact that constitutional liberty starts with the first spark of life. This year, however, the Libertarian Party abandoned the Constitution and nominated a presidential candidate indistinguishable from the most radical people in Biden’s base. That’s good for Trump.

There has often been animosity between Conservatives and Libertarians.  Here is one of the primary reasons.

Frankly, most people really don’t think about the Libertarian Party. Depending on their political orientation, they either resent or celebrate it when the 2-3% of votes it gets in every election harm a Republican candidate in a close race.

This election I believe the Libertarian presidential candidate will steal more votes from Biden than Trump for this reason:

Now, the Libertarian Party has gone even further down the path to irrelevance because of its chosen presidential candidate, a guy named Chase Oliver. Oliver is essentially a rehashed far-left Democrat. Indeed, he was once a Barack Obama supporter. He is gay, pro-trans, pro-abortion, pro-open borders, pro-drugs, and pro-Hamas. However, he’s all in for big government when it comes to masks, vaxes, and lockdowns.

In other words, Oliver is indistinguishable from any other member of the Democrat party. He’s not supporting a small, moral, pro-American government; he’s just a radical leftist who’s found a welcoming new niche.

This article documents the radical positions held by Mr. Oliver.  I read thru the article and came to the conclusion that he is fine with all forms of tyranny as long as the tyranny is perpetrated by private groups rather than by governments.  This includes forced masking by businesses and liberal mob rule in the form of transgender ideology.

The Babylon Bee wrote a perfect satire article summing up this farce.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Libertarian Party has concluded its convention and nominated its latest presidential candidate: a 20-foot-tall, rainbow-colored, glass bong.

The gay, oversized marijuana smoking device edged out candidates RFK Jr., Donald Trump, and Sparklepaws the Transgender Furry to secure the coveted nomination to run for President this November.