The Best and Most Impossible Advice a Democrat Will Ever Get

Posted: June 5, 2024 by datechguy in Uncategorized

The foolish martyrdom of Donald Trump by the left continues as left continues to push the whole “convicted felon” line and the right counters with lists like this:

Sakharov was a convicted felon.
Solzhenitsyn was a convicted felon.
Vaclav Havel was a convicted felon.
Martin Luther King was a convicted felon.
And Nelson Mandela was a convicted felon.

Notably missing from that list is a rather famous Jewish fellow who two thousands years was was as Douglas Adams put it: “nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be to be nice to people for a change“.

And lines like this:

As for Nelson Mandela, finally, what business does that convicted felon have in being in the South African president’s office?! That’s the second convicted felon who got elected to the presidency (although for the first time, not for the second). It’s scandalous! It’s a travesty!

In fairness Mandela did actually arrange for the murder of people.

But most troubling for the left it produces cash like this:

And while Byron’s York’s advice about waiting a week or two before deciding if the bounce in the polls is permanent this entire farce, while playing well in deep blue states and liberal bubbles on twitter seems to make the “too big to rig” result a real possibility.

At least one Democrat has noticed and given the Governor of New York some excellent advice:

In terms of the election it’s the best advice the Democrats will get. Not only would a Trump pardon mitigate a lot of the outrage in place and perhaps slow down the flow of cash to the Trump campaign such a pardon would have some excellent legal side effects.

You see once the Trump cases reaches an appeals court that is not populated by elected judges who have to face deep blue votes like the ones who replied to Mr. Phillips tweet it will not only be thrown out but very likely toss out with prejudice. In short it would negate the whole effect of influencing low information voters that the entire case was about. The last thing the left wants is a headline before the election quoting judges saying Trump trial was unfair or decided wrongly.

However a pardon gives NY State judges an out. While Trump’s lawyers are still sure to appeal the convictions based on the errors the justices can declare the case moot due to the pardon rather than ruling on the merits which a lot of them really would rather not do.

Alas however as much as many Democrats might realize this is the best out for the party nobody is going to convince a sitting governor who will be facing a deep blue electorate who have been promised blood for almost a decade to invite the wrath of said voters for the sake of Joe Biden and the national party.

Unless they have something really big to hold over Hochul’s head it just isn’t going to happen.

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