Democrats Channeling Lincoln in a Ghastly Tom Hagen Math Way. It’s not Personal, it’s strictly electoral Business.

Posted: June 13, 2024 by datechguy in culture
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Tom Hagen: Well, I say yes. There is more money potential in narcotics than anything else we’re looking at now. If we don’t get into it, somebody else will, maybe one of the Five Families, maybe all of them. And with the money they earn they’ll be able to buy more police and political power. Then they come after us. Right now we have the unions and we have the gambling and those are the best things to have. But narcotics is a thing of the future. If we don’t get a piece of that action we risk everything we have. Not now, but ten years from now.

The Godfather 1972 Emphasis Mine

Boston Common 2018 leftist “anti-racists” mob a guy wearing an Israeli flag

There is an interesting piece at Hotair concerning Pittsburgh and change in (almost all) Democrats concerning the aftermath of the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting titled: Is Pittsburgh still stronger than Hate? by Salena Zito. She talked about the unity against the slaughter of Jews and the Pittsburgh stronger than hate campaign which isn’t what it once was:

seemingly everywhere you went, the Pittsburgh Stronger Than Hate logo, which cleverly had the Steelers’ distinctive mineral elements as part of the design, was on T-shirts, kippahs, lawn signs, hoodies and more.

Recently, however, Pittsburgh became the site not of strength and unity but of hatred and division. A group of over 300 far-left activists established a Gaza solidarity encampment on the private property of the University of Pittsburgh, and the community has not been the same since.

You see the Ghastly Tom Hagen Math has caught up with Pittsburgh and math being math it’s unrelenting:

Right now the left has the Gays and the Transgenders and the Hollywood elites & media in which they are overrepresented and they figure that’s the best things to have, but in America Islam is a thing of the future.  In 20 years the children of Muslims now being raised on the tenets of Sharia law in America will be old enough to vote and Democrats going to make sure they get those votes when the time come, not now but 10-20 years from now.

And if that means more LGBT Americans have to live in fear during those two decades, well it’s small price to pay for power.

Given the rise of “Queers for Palestine” It seems the LGBT community has seen the tiger charging and decided their immediate goal is to run faster than the Jews in order to be eaten last.

Meanwhile Democrats with power can also do the math and with new math comes new priorities:

Both the city of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County leadership were noticeably mute in the first 30 hours, with both Mayor Ed Gainey and Allegheny County Chief Executive Sara Innamorato, the latter having her early political success as a member of the Pittsburgh Democratic Socialists, saying absolutely nothing for over a day.

When Gainey finally did offer a statement, it was through the Pittsburgh Public Safety spokesperson who wrote that the “encampment/sit-in at the University of Pittsburgh is strictly taking place on private campus property.”

As one elected Democrat who asked not to be identified said to me in a fit of frustration, “If the KKK had been doing this at Pitt, private property or not private property, I can guarantee you Gainey would be there in a heartbeat.”

Jewish progressive Democrats don’t seem to get it:

“The swiftness of it when you think of it is head-turning,” DePasquale said. He said no matter what happens on social media, he will always stand up for what is right when it comes to any religious group.

“I am all for standing up for the First Amendment,” he said, adding that calling for the end of Jewish groups or intifada is beyond a bridge too far.

Pennsylvania state Rep. Abigail Salisbury, a Democrat, Jew and proud progressive, who Gainey, Innamorato and Rep. Summer Lee (D-Pa.) recently unsuccessfully tried to oust in a Democratic primary, (emphasis mine) said on Facebook, “It seems that many people expect Jews to sit quietly with our hands folded and allow others to tell us what is antisemitic. We won’t.”

They don’t see the math behind all of this both those Democrats who denounced hate all those years ago who now wanted the pesky Jew defeated see Muslims who want Jews dead as the future of their party:

For every Frankel, Heisler, Salisbury and DePasquale, there were the posts or retweets by Lee, county Councilwoman Bethany Hallam and city Councilwoman Barb Warwick that cut to the heart of Salisbury’s post.

Warwick, who tried but failed to introduce a Pittsburgh City Council ceasefire resolution and represents Squirrel Hill, issued a statement that said in part that the words “intifada” and “from the river to the sea” hold different meanings to different groups.

Could you imagine Democrats supporting someone who defended the Confederate battle flag saying it meant different things to different people?

The truth is that this is all about timing. It’s likely true that Mayor Gainey would have acted if the KKK was behind the camps today, but I suspect if the KKK ran such a camp in say 1920-1950 when the KKK was a political powerhouse within the Democrat party then I suspect Mayor Gainey would have acted much as he did now. And it goes without saying if Gainey was mayor of a city in the deep south during that period he might have joined the encampment itself.

You see the Democrat party needs to explain to Jewish Democrats like Frankel and Salisbury the real mathematical and demographic principle that’s in play here and nationally among Democrats. This principle can best be expressed by rephrasing Lincoln famous speech concerning his priority being not abolition but union. It would go something like this:

Our Paramount goal is to elect democrats and is not to prevent or enable the slaughter and/or oppression Jews in Israel or America

If we can elect democrats by protecting Israel and Jews in America from slaughter or oppression we will do it

If we can elect democrats by enabling the slaughter or oppression of Jews in Israel and America we will do it.

and if we can elect democrats by enabling the slaughter and/or oppression of Jews in some places while protecting Jews from slaughter and/or oppression in others we will do that too.

Now there was a time when such a manifesto might have been unacceptable to Democrats and to some like Senator John Fetterman who was Lt. Gov of Pennsylvania at the time of the Tree of Life Synagogue slaughter such a position still is but to those more “pragmatic” democrats in a party that his largely secularized such position doesn’t pay any percentages. Islam is a thing of the future and the Democrats want those young voters from large families who are now calling for the slaughter of Jews in their camp.

I’m sure that someone can be sent privately to Frankel, Heisler, Salisbury and DePasquale that none of it is personal, it’s strictly political business.

Closing thought #1: The real irony here is that many of these progressive Jewish democrats fought hard to secularize the nation and the laws to push Christian faith out of the public square and out of their party. In retrospect that might have been a bad idea.

Closing thought #2 One of the most interesting things about this development is how it crystalizes the Democrat’s war on the past. They were against anti-Semitic hate when it didn’t cost anything politically but now demur when it does. It’s very telling.

If you want to figure out which democrats would have stood against the KKK when it was electorally dangerous to do so (1920-1950) look at the ones who have stood against the anti-Semitic encampments all over blue states & universities and if you want to figure out which Democrats will be making excuses for those who who will be lynching Jews and throwing gays off the roofs of tall buildings in blue America in twenty years look at those who are not.

Closing thought 3: I personally saw all of this coming in Boston 6 years ago when organizers of an “anti-nazi” protest had to hold their people back from beating a person wearing an Israeli flag.

Now they don’t feel they need to so do anymore.

UPDATE: Here is an article title that nobody born in 1963 ever expected to read:

New York City Is Getting Really Scary for Jews

Hey the dems who run the city would like to help but the math is the math.

It’s nothing personal, it’s strictly business.

  1. bobsykesc0109499b4 says:

    The current mass immigration, some 3 to 4 million per year, will permanently change our culture and politics. It’s not just Muslims. Most of the immigrants are Hispanic, and they have no interest in white, black, or Jewish history or relations. The immigrants are by and large both anti-Semitic and anti-black, and they are willing to openly state their disdain for blacks and Jews, and to act on their disdain. Consider how the Mexicans ethnically cleansed the blacks out of much of Los Angeles.

    The new element is the wanton, egregious, in-your-face genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. Israeli Jews have a blood lust for killing Palestinians, both Muslim and Christian. Their blind rage has permanently alienated many whites and permanently stripped them of any sympathies based on the Holocaust horrors their grandparents suffered.

    The future of Israel is in doubt. A single Palestinian state stretching from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea and devoid of Jews is the probable outcome. And it is likely American Jews will lose influence and power here in the US, and become unwelcome and persecuted.

  2. […] Be Beguiled By Talk of “the Common Good” CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday Da Tech Guy: Democrats Channeling Lincoln in a Ghastly Tom Hagen Math Way. It’s not Personal, it’s strictly e…, also, Here’s what is what is wrong with the ideology of transgenderism Dana Loesch: Biden At G7 […]

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