Hamas, Israel and Arabs And Dirty Little Secrets

Posted: June 14, 2024 by datechguy in middle east
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Watching the world push the idea that saving the Israel hostages was a massacre makes an interesting contradiction.

Israel has taken every possible step to both save the lives of the hostages taken by Hamas and held by Hamas sympathizers or members because Israel values the lives of their citizens and for reasons that I frankly can’t understand also values the lives of non-combatants who want them dead.

Personally I question the “non-combatant” status here but I digress…

Hamas and the Arab world sees it quite differently.

We know Hamas loves 200 dead in rescuing hostages because they’re pawns in their war against Israel & every one of their people killed who are non-combatants hurts Israel diplomatically and the Arab world which also hates Israel to the max agrees.

There is however another dirty secret here concerning the rest of the Arab world. They love seeing those 200 dead Palestinians no matter what their combatant status not just because it hurts the Jews but I submit the love it as well because they hate the Palestinians only slightly less than they hate Jews.

Frankly I think it’s unfair to the Palestinians the way the other Arabs hate them. It’s as if they blame them for losing to Israel (face culture you know) & that it reflects on them. I suspect that is why the Arabs who were previously “Jordanians” and “Egyptians” became “Palestinians”. It allowed them to separate themselves from their defeat by the Jews before and after the formation of Israel.

Oh and there is one more dirty little secret, if Israel & every single Jewish person in it disappeared tomorrow the various Arabs groups in the area would celebrate for about 15 minutes before getting going with slaughtering each other. The Jews are a convenient distraction from that.

Now I refer to these things as “dirty little secrets” although in fairness:

  1. It’s not really a secret to anyone who has even a basic knowledge of the area and its history.
  2. Given what we’ve seen in Syria, Lebanon and even the West Bank and Gaza while hating Jews might distract Arabs from killing each other, it’s not a highly successful distraction.
  1. The Dark Lord says:

    its because most (75% at least) Muslims are ignorant illiterate savages and their “tribe” is the most important thing to them … and there are hundreds of tribes … (forget Sunni/Shia thats our clumsy attempt to group them)

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