Always Look on the Bright Side of the Ukraine War

Posted: June 26, 2024 by datechguy in war
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I’m not a big fan of continuing the war in Ukraine.

When the potential for the entire country to fall existed and Kiev itself was under threat the necessity of preventing Russia from steamrolling the breadbasket of the area and potentially going beyond said borders in my opinion justified western aid, even to a country as corrupt as Ukraine.

And while others discouraged Ukraine drone strikes in Russia I disagreed. Ukraine & Russia are at war and such strikes are of course legitimate acts of war no matter what the potential for escalation is.

And while a stalemate does weaken the Russian military which isn’t a bad thing the potential for this conflict to go beyond their borders or go nuclear remains and that alone is a good reason to find a peaceful solution before things get worse.

Well they’ve gotten a bit worse:

If these reports are correct that’s an escalation that is not helpful and frankly I think this move by South Korea is foolish as well:

South Korea is now rattling its sabers in response to the news from North Korea. After an emergency meeting of its National Security Council, the non-communist Korea stated it would send arms to Ukraine, something it had previously decided not to do.

I think that’s foolish because if I was in charge of South Korea, I’d welcome this move.

Yes it does give troops of the north experience in actual combat which is a valuable commodity, but I think there are many more positives than negatives here for the south.

  1. Every NK soldier who is sent to Ukraine is a soldier not able to be on the front lines of the DMZ.
  2. Every NK soldier casualty in Ukraine not only bleeds that army but might be a source of demoralization for soldiers told to fight thousands of miles from home.
  3. If NK casualties become high enough it might cause some pushback at home. It’s one thing to lose a son or daughter fighting against the South close to home, it’s quite another to do so in a war 10,000 miles away in a fight that has no relation to their land.

None of this makes this escalation a good thing but as this post suggests one should always look at the bright side of things and anything that weakens the North Korean army or has the solid potential to create dissent at home certainly qualifies as such.

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