Archive for June 28, 2024

Before we start let me remind everyone that Democrats did all they could to keep Robert F Kennedy Jr. out of the Democrat Primaries.

In retrospect this was likely a bad idea.

It’s amazing how quick the narrative goes from: “The idea of Joe Biden is infirm is false these are all deepflakes” to “Joe Biden is not fit to be president” when the proof of that statement is broadcast live to the entire nation.

Not a single one of those people who spent the last year lying about how sharp Joe Biden in on air will apologize for that lie.

Reality doesn’t care what your spin is.

Apparently the only person who was honest about the condition of Joe Biden was Robert Hur

There were an awful lot of people who didn’t like the rules to this debate.

  • two reporters who had a history of bias vs Trump
  • No crowd for Trump to play off of
  • No props for Trump to use
  • And complete control of the microphones in the hands of folks who hate him.

Many people including myself thought it was foolish of Trump to agree to those terms.

He was clearly right and we were wrong

One of the reasons why the disadvantages that Trump had didn’t work is the fact that Trump is adaptable.

For example, during the campaign when he realized that the vaccines were a disadvantage he started talking about the Biden mandates (a winning issue) instead of the vaccines (a losing one).

During the debate Trump was adaptable, and in fact used the format to his own advantage as it kept him more on point and he was able to use the format to highlight Biden’s condition.

Meanwhile Biden, though he grew stronger during the debate (drugs adrenaline or both) wasn’t competent enough to pivot in the same way Trump was.

That sealed Biden’s fate.

There was one exception to the collective show of panic among Democrats.

Democrat influencer Harry Sisson thread kept insisting the Biden was winning the debate and Trump was incoherent. Check out his timeline it’s an exercise that would make Baghdad Bob proud.

I don’t know how much the democrat/left is paying this kid directly or indirectly but whatever he’s being paid it’s not enough.

I’d be worried about whatever woman decides to date him, if he’ll say stuff like that to the whole world that can see he’s lying you certainly can’t trust him to be honest with you.

Finally on every cable channel Democrats are calling for Joe Biden to be removed from the ticket. Hashtags like #joemustgo and #swapoutjoe are all over.

There is one problem with this idea.

Democrats for the last three years have been telling us that interfering with elections that they insisted were free and fair was a crime against democracy and beyond the pale. Even in last night’s debate Biden defended jailing those who thought otherwise.

Now Democrats want to overturn dozens of democratically conducted elections in states all over the country. Elections where Democrats freely choose Joe Biden as their nominee, not because they don’t think the elections were fair, but because they regret the results a few months later.

I can’t speak for everyone but it sounds kind of insurrectiony to me