Posts Tagged ‘2024 catholic men’s conference’

I spoke to Catholic Children’s author Pia Imperial at the 2024 Catholic Men’s Conference at the DCU center in Worcester.

You can buy her books here.

I talk to Dawn of Divine Mercy Ministries at the 2024 Catholic Men’s Conference at the DCU center in Worcester MA.

There are all kinds of excellent ministries out there like this one that most people never hear of. These different ministries help millions, usually on a shoestring . The good they do in the name of Christ is the real strength of the Catholic Church.

I spoke to Kenneth Murphy of the Society for the Defense of Tradition Family and Property at the 2024 Catholic Men’s Conference in the DCU center Worcester MA

These folks saw what was coming long before others.

I spoke to Peter Mercier a Catholic Musician about his album Catholic Heart at the 2024 Worcester Catholic Men’s Conference at the DCU Center Worcester MA

You can buy the Album at Amazon here