Posts Tagged ‘meta ai’

By John Ruberry

Artificial Intelligence, AI for short, is dangerous.

Musical instruments can be used to create beautiful and soul-stirring music, such as Beethoven’s 9th Symphony; they can also be abused to grind out aural rubbish such as Screaming Lord Sutch’s Lord Sutch and Heavy Friends, which a BBC poll found to be the worst album of all time.

Artificial intelligence can be twisted to produce ugliness, distortions, and lies.

On my smartphone, I asked Meta AI, thru Facebook, “Is Biden healthy?”

This is the answer I received:

President Joe Biden has generally been considered healthy for his age. In 2021, his physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, released a medical report stating that Biden was “healthy” and “vigorous” and that he was fit to serve as president.

However, like many people his age, Biden has had some health issues, including:

– A history of brain aneurysms (Successfully treated in 1988).
– A pulmonary embolism (treated in 1988).
– Atrial fibrillation (an irregular heartbeat).
– High cholesterol.
– Acid reflux.
– A minor foot fracture in 2020.
– COVID-19 in 2022 (mild symptoms).

Despite these issues, Biden has maintained an active schedule and has been cleared by his doctors to continue serving as president.

While I am not a doctor, but clearly the president is that the president is “an old 81” and at the very least, should submit to a full cognitive exam from a qualified and unbiased team of psychiatrists.

Meta AI doesn’t mention Biden’s frequent mental wanderings, the most recent of which was last month’s disastrous Biden press conference that was abruptly ended by Karine Jean-Pierre.

Let’s check into Meta AI’s opinion on the presumptive Republican nominee for president, Donald J. Trump.

“Is Trump healthy?”

Former President Donald Trump’s health has been a subject of interest and controversy. In 2019, his then-personal physician, Dr. Harold Bornstein, wrote a letter stating that Trump was in “excellent physical health” and that his lab results were “astonishingly excellent.” However, there have been some concerns and controversies surrounding Trump’s health, including:

– Obesity (he is reportedly 6’3″ and weighed 230 pounds in 2019).
– High cholesterol.
– A history of fast food consumption and poor diet.
– Questions about his mental health and cognitive abilities.
. – A bout of COVID-19 in 2020 (he was hospitalized for a few days).
– A history of esophageal reflux and sleep apnea.

It’s important to note that Trump’s health records have not been fully disclosed, and some of his medical information has been disputed or controversial.


As the Washington Post says, “Democracy dies in darkness.” It can also choke to death from lies.

Yes, Trump’s diet sucks and he’s overweight. Yet one Meta AI distortion about Trump jumps out: “Questions about his mental health and cognitive abilities.” Trump’s political rallies are an exercise of streams of consciousness. No one ever questioned James Joyce’s cognitive abilities. The same goes for legendary baseball manager Casey Stengel. Trump’s mind is as sharp as a pin, while Biden can’t even make it through a brief speech in front of a teleprompter.

“Controversy” and “controversial” are used in Meta AI’s account of Trump’s health, but not in Biden’s health rundown.

I could go on and on, but two more things: I’ve always been skeptical about the established line that Biden’s “minor foot fracture” was the result of the then-president-elect playing with his dog. And while Meta AI while mentions that Trump suffers from sleep apnea, it’s been widely reported–but not by Meta AI–that Biden uses a CPAP machine to treat his sleep apnea.

If America ever collapses, an Edward Gibbon of the future will need to include a chapter or two about social media in that account of the decline and fall.

I played around the Meta AI a bit more, not every answer about Trump’s health was a biased as the one documented here, but perhaps Meta AI was getting wise to me.

I’m sure Meta AI has a file on me that includes the words “right-wing lunatic.”

John Ruberry regularly blogs, without the use of AI, at Marathon Pundit.