Posts Tagged ‘trump verdict’

Saw a poll result that made my jaw drop:

Logically none of this makes sense, not the reaction mind you, but the over the top efforts to destroy Trump since day one. In the normal order of things the left would take a loss, regroup, wait for a mistake and try to win at the polls.

The degree of all this stuff suggest they consider Trump a extremital threat beyond a mere election and know that they have crossed the legal and moral line to such a degree that if a Trump, uncompromised by the swamp, investigates and reveals it their destruction of their prerogatives is assured.

So if we’re not reached a point where Trump has NY state in play we’re talking Nixon 1972 numbers which are beyond the capacity to steal, the “To Big to Rig” scenario that President Trump has advanced.

Given what we’ve seen and the sheer panic I suspect this will generate the worst case scenario.

  1. The left panics as the Trump train, driven by the unjust verdict, becomes unstoppable
  2. Thanks to the situation in Ohio Biden can’t be replaced at the convention
  3. Left arranges assassination of Biden (and possibly Harris as well) to get him off ticket, blames right
  4. Left uses this as grounds for massive repression of the right leading to an actual shooting civil war

To say this would be a disaster for the country is the understatement of the century, yet given what I’ve seen over the last seven years I can’t imagine that stopping our friends on the left who seem to have gone utterly mad.

I’m old enough to remember when I would have mocked such a possibility as lunacy.