The hysteria over the hottest day on record BS proves just how far to the left Boston News Channels are

Posted: July 13, 2023 by Jon Fournier in Uncategorized
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Overwhelming biased news stations is the number one reason why New Englanders lean so far to the left.  The news coverage is so incredibly infected with Democrat propaganda and talking points.  No other point of view is given.  There are few other sources of news available.  Most are unaware that they are being indoctrinated and brainwashed.

The nonstop coverage of the deeply flawed pronouncement that we are experiencing the hottest days ever is proof of how far these stations are willing to push climate change hysteria.

This article is one of two that Channel Five has featured on their local weather webpage for a week: MIT climate scientist urges action after hottest days on record (

A climate expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is urging action after a new report shows the earth just experienced the hottest days on record.

“I’ve seen a lot of messages that this is yet another wake-up call,” said Dr. Sergey Paltsev. “I’m afraid something is wrong with either us that we don’t hear the alarm clock or something is wrong with the alarm.

Paltsev is the deputy director of the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change.

“I’m afraid the worst is yet to come,” he said. “So hopefully, this is going to bring attention from policymakers and the general public who will push policymakers to do something more to prevent these extreme events in the future.”

As you can see from the article, the main purpose of this diatribe is to stir up the populace so much we demand our politicians enact something akin to the Green New Deal.

Here are the absurd claim made by supposed scientists.

Earth’s average temperature on Wednesday remained at an unofficial record high set the day before, the latest grim milestone in a week that has seen a series of climate-change-driven extremes.

The average global temperature was 17.18 Celsius (62.9 degrees Fahrenheit), according to the University of Maine’s Climate Reanalyzer, a tool that uses satellite data and computer simulations to measure the world’s condition. That matched a record set Tuesday and came after a previous record of 17.01 Celsius (62.6 degrees Fahrenheit) was set Monday.

This next article has also been featured on the Channel Five local forecast page: Museum of Science expert weighs in on Earth’s record heat (

“It is an opportunity for us to think about how we can reduce our emissions right now and the tools that we have at hand. There are good pieces of understanding that some of the things we can do can make us both resilient to extreme weather like heat waves and flooding and also reduce our emissions at the same time,” said David Sittenfeld, the director of the Center for the Environment at the Museum of Science.

I am absolutely certain that no Boston News Channel dared to share the truth that is contained in this article: About those “hottest days ever” – HotAir

One obvious problem with the updated narrative is that there are no satellite data from 125,000 years ago. Calculated estimates of current temperatures can’t be fairly compared with guesses of global temperature from thousands of years ago.

A more likely alternative to the 62.6-degree estimate is something around 57.5 degrees. The latter is an average of actual surface temperature measurements taken around the world and processed on a minute-by-minute basis by a website called The numbers have been steady this year, with no spike in July.

Moreover, the notion of “average global temperature” is meaningless. Average global temperature is a concept invented by and for the global-warming hypothesis. It is more a political concept than a scientific one. The Earth and its atmosphere is large and diverse, and no place is meaningfully average.

Nor this article: Data Shows We’re NOT Seeing Record Heat – CO2 Coalition

Paulo Ceppi, a climate scientist at London’s Grantham Institute stated: “It hasn’t been this warm since at least 125,000 years ago, which was the previous interglacial.” And, of course, it was reported that it was our fault due to our “sins of emission.”

This didn’t meet the smell test for the scientists at the CO2 Coalition. We know that previous warm periods were warmer than our modern temperatures. For example, during the Roman Warm Period there was citrus being grown in the north of England and barley was grown by Vikings on Greenland 1,000 years ago. Why aren’t they grown there now? It’s quite simple: Lower modern temperatures.

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