Under the Fedora: UN Talk vs Shot, The Just Murdering Kids High Ground, Pam and Robert Being Right Sometimes Sucks, Self Inflicted Wounds, Schlichter and Wayne on Barbarians

Posted: October 30, 2023 by datechguy in culture, Israel, Israel vs Hamas, middle east
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Given what we’ve seen from the UN lately there are a lot of people wondering why we bother with the UN. People who ask this forget what the actual job of the UN is which was so aptly described by Sir Humphrey Appleby in the Classic series Yes Prime Minister over Israel striking back after a PLO attack nearly 40 years ago:

PM James Hacker: Surely we should use the debate to promote peace, harmony good will!

Sir Humphrey: Well it would be most unusual. The UN is still the accepted forum for the expression of international hatred

Yes Prime Minister A Victory for Democracy

That’s the secret. Instead of going to war against Israel in a fight that would not go well for them Every single one of those Arab states can go back to their population that would like to see Israel wiped from the face of the earth and the Jews exterminated and point to their vote in the UN to show how they gave the Jews what for.

That’s 3D chess.

Had a commentator who insisted that the beheading babies stuff was a myth. Guys like that are the reason that Ike made sure US troops and generals saw the death camps and recorded the evidence of them.

But what I’d really like to ask the fellow is this: “Given that you deny that Hamas beheaded babies, would you object if they did and concede that if it was done it would constitute a terrorist act?”

I suspect the answer would be a long speech about Israel and a lot of ducking because if your base position is. “They didn’t behead babies they just killed them.” there isn’t a lot of high ground left to hold.

I saw this tweet a few days ago concerning how the British Taxpayer was subsidizing the radical mosques and put up this response:

Geller and Spencer and company have been right about this from the start and spent a decade warning the west about it and for their efforts have dodged assassination attempted, been banned from countries and have been put on all kind of “hate” lists.

The only hate that I suspect they have is hating the fact they they were right about all of it. I suspect they would have been much happier if they had been wrong about radical Islam and the antisemitism of the left.

Being right sometimes sucks.

That actually brings up another aspect of not only this story but the decline of the US and the west. Every single part of it was preventable and was only made possible by people making choices at worst for personal gain and at best out of sheer ignorance and stupidity.

The bottom line is those who made these choices hated those who warned them more than they hated the possible consequences of their decisions, particularly if the consequences were pretty much restricted to the plebes.

I suspect that they will remain wed to those choices because they would rather continue with these consequences than admit we were right.

Finally Kurt Schlichter has a piece today that illustrates the reality that our friends on the left have spent the last 40 years denying:

What happened over the last 70 years or so was an interregnum of peace in the West, created by violence against barbarians and facilitated by people willfully looking away from the butchery still continuing at the fringes of the map. The West managed to build a civilization that was – for the first time in history since perhaps the Pax Romana – generally internally peaceful. And the West convinced itself that this was normal.

But it was not normal. It was an anomaly, a glorious one, but an anomaly nonetheless. The world is not a peaceful place, and it never was, and it never will be.

You can read the whole thing but if you want the best possible summery of the truth he is saying you can’t do much better than this two minute clip from John Wayne’s Oscar winning performance in True Grit.

Consider the closing line from the clip: “The rat catcher’s too tough on the rats, give them rats a fair show they say. Well what kind of fair show did they give old man Potter. Tell me that!”

I can’t think of a better summing up of the left’s call for a cease fire than that.

My parents generation that fought World War 2 understood this. Their grandchildren and great grandchildren who whine about “microagressions” do not.

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