So Google AI Knew Col Lawson was right all along!

Posted: February 22, 2024 by datechguy in culture, tech
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Col. Tad Lawson: [drunkenly] There are no Nazis in Germany. Didn’t you know that, Judge? The Eskimos invaded Germany and took over. That’s how all those terrible things happened. It wasn’t the fault of the Germans. It was the fault of those damn Eskimos!

Sometimes we let our myths get ahead of us.

Decades of TV and Movies depicting computers and AI as something sentient, capable of independent thought or even beyond humans in terms of humanity or right and wrong has corrupted public perception in the same way that 60 years of Disney movies full of talking animals has made some people forget that animals are dangerous and if given the chance will kill and eat you.

Thus we see the shock SHOCK that Google’s AI seems to be incapable of showing a white person thus the Vikings, the founding fathers and all the popes become people of color.

As far as the AI is concerning Col Lawson was right. Given the choice between showing the Nazi’s of 1944 as Caucasians or Eskimos they’ll give them that Inuit look every time.

Why? For the same reason that it doesn’t dare show an image of Tiananmen Square…Because it’s a computer program doing what it’s been ordered to do by the people who wrote it.

The reality that Google AI is just a computer program, a complex computer program, with access to all kinds of data, but a computer program that operators under the parameters that the programmers have given it and if people understood that this is what it is then all of this stuff would be no big deal.

But folks have been sold by language and culture to convince you that it’s something it’s not.

Just like “The cloud” People upload all kinds of things to “The Cloud” not thinking that what they’re doing is uploading things to large server farms run by various companies.

If people thought of their data being freely to these folks they might think twice, but because it’s called “the cloud” that thought doesn’t hit them.

Anyone who trusts AI to do anything other than what it’s been told by the people who programmed it and thus the people who paid the people who programmed it are fools.

Don’t be a fool, no matter what Google Gemini tells you, it wasn’t the Eskimos.
