Maybe the Campus Protestors Will Move to Be Tried as Juveniles

Posted: May 1, 2024 by datechguy in education
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Ok. You’re a campus protestor 18-22 years old and have decided that you’re going to take the victory that life’s lottery has given you, a spot in an elite university that will lead to a high paying job and now you find yourself before a judge because you’ve decided to occupy a building or hit a cop or strike some Jewish kid because he’s a jew and you’ve done it at a time when Democrats are starting to worry that these protests are hurting their electoral chances for 2024.

What do you say to the Judge?

I think there is only one thing to do, move that they be tried as juveniles.

That might seem odd, after all if a crime is heinous enough you see juveniles tired as adults but I’ve never heard of an adult (18 & older) tried as a juvenile.

But think about it for a second.

For their entire lives they’ve been told they are special. They were given trophies for just showing up. When teachers tried to enforce rules on them they ran to their parents who immediately backed them up making school kowtow. They were told they could define themselves as they wished, remake words as they wished had their lessons dumbed down and their grades inflated. And if anything bad at all happened anywhere near them grief councilors were deployed and safe spaces created so they could cope.

In short they were constantly protected from the dreadful reality that the world is not going to be at their beck and call and life might actually be a tough slog. They were in fact so protected from the realities of life that when expected that you actually had a word created “adulting” to describe the moments when they were expected to act like adults.

I mean cripes, they have taken over a building and briefly held a hostage and even after that they are demanding that Columba feed them.

So I guess it would not be much of a stretch for them to go to court and plead that they be tried like juveniles, after all they’ve been treated like a bunch of immature kids all their lives.

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