June Indulgence Calendar now available

Posted: June 1, 2024 by datechguy in catholic, catholic devotions
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It’s a new month so time for a new indulgence Calendar and it’s a busy one if you live near me because there are multiple feast days for saints who have a church dedicated to them meaning lots of extra Plenary indulgences available just for going to mass.

Remember there is always a plenary indulgence available for going to mass on the feast day of a saint at a church dedicated to said saint so this month will be a big one for all those St. Anthony of Padua and St. John the Baptist churches nationwide.

I’ve decided not to do the blank ones except on request. The lines below the names listed can be used to add additional names for a particular day.

  1. […] Da Techguy’s Blog has your June Indulgence Calendar […]