Archive for June 29, 2024

Morning Joe 5/16/16 discussing Jeffrey Epstein publicly for the 1st time

Prime Minister Jim Hacker: You’ve been briefed by MI5

Sir Arnold Robertson: Indeed Prime Minister

Prime Minister Jim Hacker: Bad Business

Sir Arnold Robertson: Unfortunate

Prime Minister Jim Hacker: Disastrous I’d say

Sir Arnold Robertson: Not disastrous surely, it will never come out.

Prime Minister Jim Hacker: You’ve mean things are only disastrous if people find out about them?

Sir Arnold Robertson: Of course

Yes Prime Minister: One of Us 1986

8 years ago in May the defining moment, at least to me, of the Presidential campaign of 2016 took place when this segment aired on Morning Joe:

I wrote about this at the time and noted the following:

take a look at the video and two things become immediately clear.

Everybody at the Table knows who Jeffery Epstein is, and what the story is

Nobody at the table wanted to talk about it

It’s also worth noting 7 years later that while people keep trying to connect Trump with Epstein today, NOBODY at the table even slightly hinted that there was any connection with Trump & Epstein.

At the time this segment took place MSNBC did something they didn’t usually do, they made copyright claims on this segment and made it very hard to find, but I was a daily Morning Joe viewer so I knew where to find it, albeit with some difficulty.

I can see the NBC reaction now: Nonsense, we’re not censoring the clip at all. The seven minute clip IS available IF you

  • Go to the Morning Joe site
  • Hit search taking you to the MSNBC search engine
  • Search for Donald Trump
  • Narrow the field to Morning Joe
  • Narrow the field to May 16th 2016
  • and sit through all the videos till you find the right one.
  • And skip ahead to the 12 minute mark on that video.

If you do so you CAN find the clip and watch the Morning Joe panel’s reaction to what Donny Deutsch says

Well Donald Trump won the election and Jeffrey Epstein crimes became public knowledge and the celebs who mixed with him freely because he was a friend of the Clintons were suddenly publicly aghast causing Stephen Green to say:

I’d take their apparent umbrage more seriously had they covered the story with this much energy any time from, say, 2009 to last Friday.

Well Epstein went to jail (where he DIDN’T kill himself) and the fact that everyone with power on the left and media knew and didn’t care until the public found out faded from memory.

Now it’s happening again.

Today all over the news is the talk that Barack Obama and others are approaching Joe Biden urging him to leave the Presidential Race, for the good of the country, all over the New York Times were editorials insisting that old Joe drop out. On Morning Joe Joe Scarborough the same Joe Scarborough who not a month ago insisted that Joe Biden was the sharpest knife in the drawer was saying this:

And he is being joined by so many others all bemoaning what we all saw.


Here is the supercut:

Meanwhile four months ago while all these people were saying Joe Biden was fine to the American people Italian Television was running comedy skits like this about Biden

Bottom line this was all out there and people knew, as Byron York put it:

 But it is clear that for years, Democrats at all levels of the party have looked the other way, buried their heads in the sand, and lied to themselves about Biden’s condition. Just in recent weeks, they have nodded their heads in approval when sympathetic journalists attributed troubling video of Biden to Republican “cheapfakes.” They have told themselves the GOP was spreading lies about the president’s condition. This month they looked at Biden standing frozen for two minutes amid a joyous concert and explained it by saying he was never much of a dancer. They deceived themselves.

Then, at about 9:01 p.m. Eastern time on Thursday, the self-deception stopped. The CNN debate presented a brutal picture of the president’s condition. Until now, everyone’s comparison of Biden’s vs. Trump’s mental and physical abilities rested on comparing videos of the two men in different situations and at different events. In the debate, they were side by side in real time on a TV split screen. The contrast was unavoidable. Biden looked out of it. Trump looked with it.

Even the farthest left of the farthest left understood what the real scandal was:

Cenk Uygur on being lied to by the left

Bill Akerman who recently had his eyes opened by the left’s embrace of the “death to the Jews Crowd” had a longer thing to say let me excerpt his tweet:

Left wing media have had total and complete access to the president, his staff, and his administration. They all knew, but they told you otherwise. They outright lied to you. When Robert Hur, the special counsel who deposed the president, said that the president was not fit to stand trial and therefore chose not to bring charges, the media described him as a tool of the Republican Party and character assassinated him. When the

@WSJ recently published a several-thousand-word, carefully researched, front page piece on the president’s mental and physical health, it was described by left wing media as outright propaganda. Now consider who has been feeding you propaganda.

Bryon York again:

Of course he is not up to being president until he is 86 years old. He’s not up to being president right now. The question is, why didn’t everybody already know that?”

The scandal here isn’t that Joe Biden isn’t competent to be president, the scandal here is that all the people in media and government knew for months or even years that this was the case, but carried on as if it was not and let whoever who has been running the country (I’m Betting the Obama team) since his “election” carry on and would have been happy to continue doing so until the events of Thursday evening.

In other words to all those people who lied for years, to paraphrase Sir Arnold, It’s wasn’t disastrous or dangerous for a person who wasn’t compos mentis to be President of the United States, at least in name, until YOU the public found out about it. Then it became a disaster.

Just like Jeffrey Epstein.

UPDATE: Two quotes accidently were merged in the same area fixed

Update 2: Let’s have a poll

Am I the only one who thinks this is actually the most important question out there right now?