Joe Biden Sir Humphry and the Deep State’s Dream Candidate or Who is Actually the President?

Posted: June 30, 2024 by datechguy in media, Blame Biden Administration
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Oh and an FYI: You’ll note I said “Biden Administration” nominations rather than the “Biden” nomination. That’s because in the stylebook anything to do with this presidency should be referred to as being done by the “Biden Administration” rather than Joe Biden because the reality is Joe Biden is no more in charge of this administration than I am.

DaTechGuy: February 25, 2021

As I ponder the decision of the Deep State and the Obama Team to re-run dementia Joe Biden for President when they could have had someone else in the primaries all I can think of is this scene from the final Episode of Yes Minister before it became Yes Prime Minister:

In fact it might even have been the conversation that took place when they ran him in 2020.

The Key Exchange:

Sir Arnold: So we’re looking for a compromise candidate

Sir Humphrey: [pondering] hmm mailable

Sir Arnold: [pondering] Flexible

Sir Humphrey: Likeable

Sir Arnold: No firm opinions

Sir Humphrey: No bright ideas

Sir Arnold: Not intellectually committed

Sir Humphrey: Without the strength of purpose to change anything.

Sir Arnold: Someone you know who can be manipulated, professionally guided.

Sir Humphrey: And leave business of government in the hands of the experts

Sir Humphry & Sir Arnold: [Both pause, look at each other and break out in laugher]

Watch and read that exchange and tell me that doesn’t sound like Joe Biden all over.

Can you think of anyone else who would be content to be the public clown face of an administration (while getting his cut of course) while others remake the United States in their own image for fun power and profit?

Biden is the dream candidate for anyone who has been doing this and continues to do so but consider this:

During the Trump years the warehouse I have been working at since I gave up blogging as a full time job was rocking. We had three locations in the town I was in and not only employed hundreds but also had hundreds of temps employed to keep product moving.

Then the Trump years ended and things changed and there is something I want to know

  • I want to know who was running the country when our first warehouse closed.
  • I want to know who was running the country when our middle management was offered buyouts.
  • I want to know who was running the country when all our temps were released.
  • I want to know who was running the country when our 2nd warehouse closed.
  • I want to know who was running the country when our second shift was eliminated & hundreds laid off.
  • And I want to know who was running the country when another 37 people who had been here for years were let go.

Somebody has been in charge of the United States for the last four years and we sure as hell know it wasn’t Joe Biden so please tell me who has been in charge while Joe Biden was cosplaying President for the last four years? Because I’ll tell you one thing, feigned media shock not withstanding Joe Biden didn’t become dementia Joe the night before the debate.

That’s we don’t know who the actual president of the United States has been since Jan 21st 2021 is the biggest scandal in the history of this republic.

That so many don’t care what the answer to that question is suggests that sine Jan 21st 2021 we have gotten the government that we deserve, and that’s a biggest disgrace of all.

If you want to put in your two cents on who the boss is feel free to answer the poll:

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