Posts Tagged ‘colleges’

Greta:  He knocked over another ATM.  This time at knifepoint.  He needs your legal advice.

Fletcher Reede:  [taking the phone and shouting into it]  STOP BREAKING THE LAW ASSHOLE!

Liar Liar 1997

There was an old Batman comic story in Detective Comics 168 (1951) where Batman is invited as a guest instructor at State University to teach a course in criminology. The primary lesson that he teaches is the value of Observation and Deduction.

Detective Comics #168 1951 Bill Finger & Bob Kane with George Roussos on Inks

Well Stanford University deals in law rather than criminology and doesn’t have any masked Superheroes on faculty these days but has apparently discovered the value of Observation and Deduction.

  • OBSERVATION: High profile schools have allowed pro-hamas students to run wild at colleges at the cost of reputation, grants and enrollments and quality students who decide to go somewhere else where they can actually learn in safety.
  • DEDUCTION: When a group of Stamford student decided to occupy the President’s office, barricade themselves in and issue demands they decided the best move is to give said students a lesson in the application of law.

Rather than negotiate with them, the administration called the police. Police had to break through a door but then went inside and arrested all 13 students who were present. The administration also announced that seniors in the group would not graduate and everyone who was a current student would be suspended. But it turns out that was just the start. The Stanford Daily reports those students have now been charged with felonies.

The far left is already begging for money for their legal defense however I suspect even with a conviction they won’t do as well as Donald Trump did.

This move, along with the restoration of the SAT for incoming students shows that even colleges in blue states can, through observation and deduction, figure out that any short term cost in terms of leftists angry at this move will pay long term dividends in terms of the lesson it will teach potential student troublemakers:

  • OBSERVATION: The students who occupied the President’s office are facing suspension, expulsion & Felony chargers that could hinder the chances of getting a job or even a degree
  • DEDUCTION: It’s a good idea to steer clear of these protests and protesters concentrate on studies and or parties instead if I want a job after college

and of course it’s not just the current students who are getting this lesson in observation and deduction.

There are parents

  • OBSERVATION: Stamford is not putting up with this pro-hamas nonsense.
  • DEDUCTION: My $62K a year won’t be wasted and my kid will be safe and educated with a degree won’t be a red flag to employers.

Potential donors:

  • OBSERVATION: Stamford is not putting up with this pro-hamas nonsense.
  • DEDUCTION: My money won’t be wasted on folks who want to kill Jews or Destroy buildings

And of course potential employers:

  • OBSERVATION: Stamford is not putting up with this pro-hamas nonsense.
  • DEDUCTION: Hiring a Stamford grad means I’d get an employee who is not only educated but doesn’t carry the risk of causing trouble or embarrassment to the firm that a Columbia or Harvard grad might.

Of course as noted the left will try to pressure the university to reverse themselves and given the cost of tuition it’s likely that the parents of those students involved will have the resources to hire some heavy duty lawyers to defend them, but in the end the costs of such litigation and the annoyance of such pressure are miniscule compared to the returns that will come from standing their ground and preserving Stanford’s reputation as a school worth the $62K a year you will pay and these predators will likely move on to easier prey.

The only question is, will other universities in blue states Observe this result and come to the same deduction in time?