Posts Tagged ‘hawaii’

Hawaii vs Pa-12

Posted: May 23, 2010 by datechguy in elections, opinion/news
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I’m not going to go deeply into the the Hawaii special election since I have to catch my ride to the airport but I will leave you with this question:

In Pa-12 a republican loses a special election in a district where A republican hasn’t won since 1972, although it has gone back and forth in presidential elections over the last decade. The election takes place on the same day as he faces a contested primary. That is a sign the Republicans are in trouble.

In Hawaii a republican wins a special election in a district where a republican hasn’t won since 1990 in a place where Democrats have not lost on the presidential level since 1984 and the district where the president is born and took 70% of the vote, and it is due to democratic infighting.

Why is one due to infighting and the other not? Why is one a sign of Republican weakness and the other not a sign of democratic weakness?