Posts Tagged ‘Volkswagen’

The Tea Party Commercial

Posted: January 18, 2011 by datechguy in culture, oddities, tea parties
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There are some commercials that just rub you the wrong way, (I hate the e-trade baby commercials) but I never get sick of this one:

Why, because it is all about a guy who wants something, wants it bad and what does he do? Does he max out his credit? Does he beg for it as a gift? Nope, he works and works at job after job, most of which are not enjoyable, and keeps his eye on the prize. And when he can afford the car he wants, only then does he get it.

This simply screams Tea Party values, hard work, perseverance, spending responsibility. In fact I would dare to say it screams American Values.

And look at the license plate on the two cars he buys. It says “The fly over state”. That says Red State all over it. How fitting.