Never Forget that the Same People Who Insist that Election 2020 Was on the Up and UP…

Posted: May 22, 2024 by datechguy in Uncategorized

…are the same people who insisted that this wasn’t true:

Last month AstraZeneca admitted for the first time in court documents that its covid vaccine can cause a rare side effect in an apparent about-turn that could have paved the way for a multi-million-pound legal payout. This could theoretically become a landmark legal case, although there have already been obstacles for those seeking justice. 

The story of Alex who lost a leg due to the Vaccine has several interesting twists and turns but the most telling are this:

I don’t blame the public; most are just going with what they have been told. And if the public see papers like Rolling Stone [Alex was on the front cover in January 2023] labelling me as an antivaxxer and a conspiracy theorist, that gives them open free game to give us all the abuse that you can imagine. You wouldn’t believe some of the things that have been said to me: ‘You should have died’; ‘You should have lost both legs’; ‘Could you not have lost your tongue?’ I have been called a grifter. I am still trying to get my head around that one. A crisis actor – I was also called that once. That was quite impressive.  

and this:

I was interviewed on Indian TV and I found out that they have used 1.7billion does of AstraZeneca over there. Half the population. I was told privately that they are having a massive problem because their government won’t even talk about it. So this is global, it is not just one place.  

Never forget two things:

Conventional Wisdom is always correct right up until the day it’s not.

If the steal had been unsuccessful and Donald Trump had been sworn in the same media people who insisted that the vaccines were safe and excoriated those who pointed out basic facts that suggested otherwise would have been all over this story from the start because they would have blamed Donald Trump for every single injury they caused.

Reality is, it doesn’t care how you vote.

Update: The making of the green

  1. […] of COVID origins in 2020 CDR Salamander: SSNs At Horse Latitudes Chicago Boyz: Norms Da Tech Guy: Never Forget that the Same People Who Insist that Election 2020 Was on the Up and Up… Dana Loesch: Vapid, Hollywood, & The ICC Don Surber: Billionaires for Trump grows First Street […]

  2. Windy Wilson says:

    This is why I say to people to vote Republican so the Fourth Estate does not go to sleep for four years.

    The same people who say the 2020 election was completely legitimate also will become angry with you if you say that the Russian Collusion charge was not a hoax, and can only get angry at you if you say, “If you say the 2016 election was stolen, how were election and voting laws tightened up to prevent the 2020 election from being stolen?

    Leftist efforts to get out the vote remind me of someone who wants to be paid more, but can’t distinguish between being paid with real money or counterfeit.