What kind of dark magic do you think they’ll use to animate Biden for the debates?

Posted: May 23, 2024 by Jon Fournier in Uncategorized
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It is exceedingly obvious that Joe Biden’s handlers will load him up with enough stimulants to animate a corpse so he can appear marginally coherent for the upcoming debates.  That was the approach they used during the last State of the Union Adress.

I thought it would be a fun bit of political satire to come up with some truly off the wall and absurdly ridiculous ideas that Biden’s handlers could also use to make him appear to be coherent.

One of the more amusing scenes from Harry Poter novels occurred in Prisoner of Azkaban when they used the locomotor corpus spell on Snape.  Am I a bad person to laugh out loud at a mental image of Joe Biden bobbing along like a Thanksgiving Day parade balloon with his head lolling to the side?  Is that any different from the way he normally appears in public?

Joe Biden could not actually become an Inferius because his body is still alive.  Mentaly he definitely would qualify.

The Weekend at Bernie’s approach would also be quite humorous although the services of a good ventriloquist would be needed.  Jeff Dunham would not be available because he is not a Biden supporter.

LIVE: President Biden Press Conference | JEFF DUNHAM – YouTube

A Vulcan mind meld would work but would probably be too traumatic for the Vulcan.  Could you imagine wandering through the empty wasteland of the remnants of Biden’s brain.

I’ve seen many movies where voodoo was used to animate corpses.  Would turning Joe Biden into a zombie actually be an improvement?

Alien parasites would also work, like those in Robert Heinlein’s Puppet Masters.

There are just so many options available to Joe Biden’s handlers if they really wanted to be creative. 

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