Who are you Going to Believe, My Tweet or Your Own Eyes?

Posted: May 23, 2024 by datechguy in Blame Biden Administration, culture, politics
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One of the things that tend to irritate me is when people say something so obviously contrary to reality and expect me to play along. These tweets are a great example.

Funny how corporations magically become greedy only when the left is in power isn’t it?

Or this bit of nonsense:

Yup Donald Trump slaughtered them all and put them all in a mass grave but on January 21st 2021 like John Cleese’s Character that was turned into a Newt they all got better.

I had a Lesbian co-worker years ago who was convinced that Donald Trump would put her in a concentration camp if he was elected and the lack of being put in the concentration camp during the Trump years never convinced her otherwise.

As you can see fame is not a cure for this inability to see reality

Bill Mahar tried that same thing with Megan Kelly, it didn’t go well.

And sometimes even the most intelligent celebs made really dumb moves to sell a meme:

Seriously? Cleese is trying to sell Trump as mentally impaired when he’s running against Biden? Cripes even Bill Mahar won’t play that game.

But even with all I’ve seen the most incredible bit of BS I’ve seen pushed at me was this:

Because I do the shopping in the house and have for years and that very day I went to the soda aisle and for the first time ever saw 2 liter bottles of soda offered at 2 for $5. I grabbed a cheaper brand and went to the frozen food aisle figuring to buy some Michelina’s frozen Penne & pasta meals & maybe a fettucine alfredo as they are a cheap alternative for lunch. They’re normally a buck each but I had seen them as high as a buck and a quarter lately.

They were $1.50 each A 50% increase over the Trump years and remember these are the bottom of the line in terms of price (not in quality however they are rather tasty).

So imagine what went through my mind when I saw this:

Why on earth is this stuff effective to some? The answer comes from human nature.

People hate to admit they were wrong, to notice the crashing economy, the rampant antisemitism, our rejection around the world, the abandonment of our allies, the massive amount of illegal immigration, the emptying of our strategic petroleum reserve all of the layoffs nationally and of course the President’s inability to walk or talk or complete a speech without a long list of corrections coming out from the White House is to concede that perhaps they were wrong for either their support for Joe Biden or the opposition to Donald Trump or both.

And to make that admission is more than they can bear.

My Pastor at St. Bernard’s Parish at St. Camillus church often talks about seeing yourself in the light of truth and that part of reason why so many choose hell is they give the choice of seeing themselves in the light of truth and accepting mercy and denying that truth for all the sufferings of hell they find all the torments of the damned preferable to the uncomfortable truths about themselves.

The truth about Joe Biden in general and the party they have adopted not as a means to a political end but as their religion is too much for them to bear.

Rather sad actually.

  1. sldug1e says:

    There are two and only two varities of human being: the stupids and the rest of us. The stupids are making it easier and easier to identify them. Crucial test: did you vote for Biden? If so… stupid.