History Repeats Itself Dems Can’t Outdraw Trump in a +60 Biden City of 8 Million

Posted: May 23, 2024 by datechguy in election 2024, elections, politics
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Back in 2016 I covered a Trump Rally at the DCU center in Worcester Ma a deep blue city which is not only the 2nd largest city in New England with 200,000 people but has 10 colleges the breeding ground for the left. The left had called for a massive showing of protesters. Well there was a massive showing…of Trump supporters. As for the counter protesters…

The voice you heard at the end was a protester saying “people had to work” in response to drawing 15 people.

I ended up at the press conference asking Donald Trump about it.

This is where Trump paid me the complement: “Nobody reports that but you do. That’s why I like you.” (A quote that I suspect put me on the shit list of a lot of people in the GOP, particularly here in MA but I digress.)

Fast forward 8 years..

Donald Trump schedules an event in the Bronx. Nationally known NY Dem AOC says he isn’t welcome. Various leftist groups say they are organizing a counter protest. Yet Hotair.com reports Trump draws 30,000 for an event where they were planning for 2500.

5:52 Here’s hoping Fox has it. The place looks packed – they’re saying 30,000 people already. 

Yahoo, no friend of Donald Trump admits 25K

Trump rallied a crowd of what his campaign estimated to be 25,000 supporters at Crotona Park in the Bronx on Thursday, far more than the initial 3,500 it said were expected to attend. Those numbers appeared to also include those lined up outside the event – who waited hours for a shot at getting inside even after the event began.

Now that’s a good number of people, but what about counter protesters?

As I said before in Worcester MA the 2nd biggest city in New England with a population of 200,000 drew a pathetic 15 protesters against Donald Trump in 2016 . New York City not only has a population of over 8 million, 40 times that of Worcester but Joe Biden won the city by over 60 points. Furthermore nationally known Democrats and large Democrat organizations called for people to protest.

So how many people did they manage to draw for a counter protest? Lets ask the Trump hating New York Daily News:

About 200 protesters rallied against him on Claremont Parkway, which cuts through Crotona Park, some holding a sign that read, “F–k Trump, F–k Biden, the people of the Bronx, we run this s–t.”

here is some video

Doesn’t look like 200 to me but for the sake of argument let’s go with the New York Daily News’ 200 number.

Now run that number through your head for a moment. In a city of 8 million a city 40 times the size of Worcester, after 8 full years of attacks on Trump with the NY DA going after him in court and the full might of the liberal media and governments working against him 24/7 they managed to draw only 200 to protest against supposedly the most hated president since LBJ at the end of his term.

Remember the number of protesters is Worcester in 2016 was a pathetic 15 people but that’s a city 40 times smaller than New York City and before the Trump Derangement was in full bloom. To match that Worcester number proportionately they would have needed to draw 600 people in a city of 8 MILLION.

They could only manage a third of that. To put it in perspective that’s as if they had drawn only 5 people to protest Trump in Worcester way back when.

Combine that with an attendance a minimum of 10 times larger then they had anticipated per yahoo and you get a very unhappy CNN:

The Daily Mail’s report on the rally is here.

If I was running the Trump Campaign I’d hold more rallies in deep blue areas. This would force local news to cover the events and get his message out to people who thanks to the censorship of national news never hear him. It’s the type of thing that will give Democrats fits.

Or as Phil Sheridan used to say: “Ride right through them, they’re demoralized as hell!”

  1. sldug1e says:

    Let me get this straight: Trump shows up in Da Bronx to rally blacks and hispanics/latinos. Gets about 25-30 thousand to show up in support. Counterprotesters number in the dozens. And… they look to be all… white. So, if Trump is there supporting blacks and latinos, the white protesters are opposing blacks and latinos? Anybody report it that way?