The Real Bottom Line and the Basis For The Lawsuits Soon to Hit Colleges Across the Country

Posted: May 25, 2024 by datechguy in education, the courts, Uncategorized
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I don’t think I can do better than this speech in explaining what’s wrong with what it going on nationwide:

He rightly asks if any of this would be tolerated if the targets were Muslims and/or a Muslim country.

That this would be the basis for lawsuits goes without saying.

A lot of institutions are risking a lot to try to shore up Michigan for Joe Biden in accordance with the Ghastly Tom Hagen Math and Jewish leftists who enabled them for years are finding out where they stand are discovering the truth of Glenn Reynolds words:

Several generations of Jews thought there was safety in secularism, and shunned Christians. That hasn’t worked out as expected.

Or as I warned back in 2016

If you are a jewish Democrat you might as well get ready to put the yellow star on because like believing Catholics and pro-lifers before you, it might be finally clear to you that unless you know your place you are no longer welcome anymore in today’s Democrat party.

However if there is one thing that human beings have an incredible capacity for, it’s self delusion and for a very long time there will be plenty of Jewish democrats who remain in denial even as their children attending elite colleges find themselves treated as second class citizens if ever and whenever they try to acknowledge and celebrate their Jewish identity and hide it due to fear.  It’s very much like some elderly faithful Catholics who somehow haven’t gotten through their heads that this is not the democrat party of JFK or Tip O’Neill anymore.

The process of discovering reality is going to be very painful for them and some will go to their graves in denial because the truth is too horrible to face.

Sometimes it sucks being right.

On the plus side if you’re a lawyer you are going to clean up big over the next few years with these suits and if you are a Jewish lawyer your victories over those who want to see you dead will be doubly sweet.

  1. […] Can Mislead CDR Salamander: From Abbey Gate to Gaza Chicago Boyz: Worthwhile Reading Da Tech Guy: The Real Bottom Line and the Basis For The Lawsuits Soon to Hit Colleges Across the Country, USA Today Accidently Conforms the Nellie Bowles Story, To fight back against the left, I say we […]