Archive for June 6, 2024

After more absurd attempts than the entire run of Wile E. Coyote cartoons, Democrats finally succeeded at getting Trump.  All it took was an utterly corrupt District Attorney,  a similarly dishonest judge, twelve partisan jurors, and a complete trampling of the American judicial system. This was the culmination of almost eight years of constant scheming  

At the beginning of each previous attempt Democrat politicians, their sycophants in the news media and Hollywood, and their useful idiot foot soldiers celebrated with extreme glee.  They only had their hopes dashed over and over again as their schemes failed just as surely as if they came directly out of an Acme catalog.

The total glee the usual collective mob of leftists displayed at the verdict out of New York was exactly what everyone on the political right expected.   Check out this statement from George Stephanopoulos.

And we begin, Michael, with another first in American history. Donald Trump, now the first and only man who’s held the presidency to face a felony conviction. There you see the verdict sheet filled out by a New York jury. Guilty on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records as part of an illegal scheme to corrupt the 2016 election that made him president. This is the third time this year that citizen jurors have held Trump accountable. In January, an $83.3 million judgment for defaming E. Jean Carroll. In February, a $450 million judgment for civil fraud in his business dealings. Juries. Ordinary people doing their duty under enormous stress, demonstrating civic courage. Remarkably, convicted felons can run for president. So, this year, in this extraordinary time, American voters will be the ultimate jurors. We’re going to cover the fallout of this unprecedented event.

It has been abundantly clear that this fraudulent verdict has infuriated Conservatives and Libertarians to a level that the Democrats never expected in their wildest dreams.  It is as if they poked a sleeping dragon in the eye.  Also a large percentage of Independents immediately rallied to Trump’s defense. 

As you can see from this headline, Donald Trump campaign has raised over $200 MILLION in just THREE days since guilty felony verdict, son Eric Trump claims (, Trump received an absolute avalanche of donations immediately after the verdict was issued.

The conviction of President Trump will go down in history as one of the greatest legal travesties ever perpetrated.  One of the most crucial safeguards of our freedom, the jury box, has been desecrated by this farce.

We must make the political left pay using the soap box.  Let the world know how outrageous this verdict truly is on social media.  I know it will be difficult because the left has compromised the soap box through censorship on social media.

We must make them pay at the ballot box. We must vote for Trump in such large numbers that another stolen election is impossible.  Reelecting Trump is the only way of preserving the shattered remains of our Constitutional Republic.  If Biden is reinstalled in the White House, the only of way of restoring the United States is using the cartridge box

Plot: Lindsey Pepper Bean has a really cool life in the really cool city of Finetime with her really cool friends inside their really cool social media bubble but there something horribly nasty going on in their seemingly perfect world but can the Doctor and Ruby convince her of it and get her out in time?

Writing: There is a reason why the Russell T. Davies Era was so successful and this episode really nails it. He takes a simple recognizable concept (the dangers of living inside of a social media bubble) and turns into into the most colorful (literally the world, the people and the color schemes all cry Barbie Movie) deathtraps that the Doctor has ever confronted. The number of twists and turns this episode (particularly the character of Rickey September) really makes it interesting although the amount of time spent discussing her urine production is weirdly troubling but also is a nod to the idea of the trivial trumping what actually matters in life. All in all a fine effort.

Acting: Ncuti Gatwa has pretty much delivered as the doctor so far and I’ve reached the point where I expect a solid performance (even in meh episodes like the Devil’s Chord) from him and he doesn’t disappoint. A lot is being made of his end scene and I’ll talk about that later but on the whole he delivers an excellent performance. Millie Gibson really grows on you as a companion and although she doesn’t have the big role that she had in last episode (73 Yards) she once again shows that she, like Karen Gilliam is more than just a great set of legs (One of the few episode that don’t show them off). While the main cast is good in the end the entire episode is completely dependent on the performance of Callie Cooke as Lindsey Pepper-Bean who has the almost impossible task of making us want to see her saved while conveying the image of a shallow, scared rich pampered kid to the point of annoyance and beyond. She keeps us locked in and makes it work which makes the moment where she shows her only moment of creative thought and uses it horribly even more impactful. Also kudos to Tom Rhys Harries as the pop star who actually has depth and is in many ways the hands of the Doctor who can’t piece the bubble to do it himself.

Best AND Worst Moment: While everyone is pointing to the end speech here the best and worst moment of this episode comes before that, it’s the best because of the writing and drama of it and the worst because it’s as horrible as it gets. It really defines the episode and the protagonist much more than anything else. I’m not going to say what it is, you’ll have to watch the episode.

Flashback moment: All I could think of just before the final big speech was this moment from Voyage of the Damned when Mr. Copper turns to the 10th Doctor and says: “Of all the people to survive, he’s not the one you would have chosen, is it? But if you could choose, Doctor, if you could decide who lives and who dies… that would make you a monster.” because the irony is that Rickston was much more worthy then Pepper-Bean.

Annoying moment: While it’s a given and clearly established that Lindsey would have been completely incapable of saving any of her fellows you might think that the  Doctor might be doing SOMETHING to get a few of those people just starting to get trapped in.

Big Finish Flashback (s): The monsters reminded me of the Slithergees from the excellent Big Finish Seventh Doctor episode Flip/Flop who were sightless and needed humans to guide them. These creatures were also sightless and needed their prey to literally walk into their mouths. The situation was also analogous to the 6th Doctor Lost Story episode Paradise Five where people are in a trap but don’t know if and finally the 3rd Doctor Story The Transcendence of Ephros where a bunch of people on a dying planet don’t want to be saved.

Doctor without the Doctor Moment: When Rickey September sees what’s happening in the home world and doesn’t share it to keep Lindsey focused on staying alive.

Fooled me completely moment: I presumed that this was basically a farm run by these creatures and was completely surprised to find out who the real “killer” was.

Funniest exchange:

Fifteenth Doctor: Well, what if it can? What if it wants you to walk right into them?
Lundy: Why would it do that?
Fifteenth Doctor: Imagine if that Dot has achieved sentience and then it has to spend all day hovering and listening to you lot chattering away. I’m… I’m not being rude, but I think it’s learnt to hate you.

Plot hole (s): If we are to believe the Doctor’s conclusion above then, given the fate of their homeworld, we must conclude that their entire home world was built by a bunch of annoying shallow useless prats. It would seem unlikely that sad prats would have reached this point of advancement. Furthermore if a bunch of useless prats could build such a world and civilization then it’s possible that despite all odd the bunch of useless prat who survived might actually survive again.

Totally Missing the Conservative Point #1: The fact that the scene where the Doctor pleads with the survivors to let him save them was filmed has caused people who see everything in terms of race decide that the survivors didn’t want to go with the Doctor over his race, in fact the choice to film that first suggests that Davies intended that reaction, but alas there is the little matter of the rest of the story where it is made completely clear that all of these people are the children of the richest of the rich who consider it a great hardship to work 2 hours a day before partying the rest of the time. This screams class, which given England’s social structure and history makes perfect sense. These are the type of useless rich people who their parents would have bought commissions in the army to get rid of them. They see the Doctor as inferior not because of race, but because of class, he’s not one of them. Oddly enough something conservatives have been warning about

Totally Missing the Conservative Point #2 All through the episode the Doctor and Ruby try to save Lindsey by getting her to see what’s outside of the bubble and right now that’s the situation in England where Pro-Terrorist mobs have pretty much been able to take over the streets when they want with the police not enforcing the law on them. This doesn’t even count the various situations of crime were laws go unforced because of the fear of being called racist. The elites and the government inside their bubble refuse to see or acknowledge the danger while British girls and now British Jews are endangered. The allegory of the home world destruction to where England is heading is both telling and completely ignored by apparently all

Totally Missing the Christian Allegory / Conservative Point #3: As a devout Catholic watching the Doctor plead with Lindsey and the other prats to come with him and be saved I couldn’t help but think that this is what Christ and the Church does every single day. The Doctor spends the episode trying to make Lindsey she the world as it really is. Christ does the same. The Doctor does his best to steer Lindsey past the dangers of the world. Christ does the same. In the end the Doctor offers to save all of them, even though he concludes they are shallow and selfish but that doesn’t matter he’ll still save them if they wish. Christ is the same in the end offers us salvation for our sins, regardless of if we deserve it. All we have to do is just take it, but because he wants brothers and sisters rather than slaves he won’t force the choice on us. If we choose to reject that saving hand he will let us go saying Thy will be done. That is as complete an allegory to Christianity as there is and most viewers will completely miss it.

Bottom line: Great episode and more meaningful than the writer might have thought or intended Five stars

Ranking in this season

Well you knew where this was going from the spoiler I gave you:

Episode ranking as I see it (not including specials nor Dot and Bubble which I’ll review this week)

  1. Dot and Bubble
  2. 73 Yards
  3. Boom
  4. The Church on Ruby Road
  5. Space Babies
  6. The Devil’s Chord