The Eurovision song contest is the latest front of the war on Israel.

It’s seem a tad odd that I’m writing about the Eurovision Song Contest at all. All I really know about it comes from the Monty Python World Forum skit and the Doctor Who Episode that parodies the contest as the Intergalactic song contest in Bang a Bang Boom and frankly I’m a tad confused that Israel, a country not in Europe has an entry in it but be that as it may.

The “death to Israel” crowd has been rather vocal in protesting the Israeli entry to the contest to the point where massive security is needed to protect her from a loud and unruly mob both of Islamists and those who wish to curry favor with Islamists (the ‘kill me last caucus’ as I call them) among leftists in general and even among governments and broadcasters who lean left.

This is horribly unfair for two reasons.

The first be obvious in that it puts a young woman at risk for the ‘crime’ of “singing while Jewish” in the same way that the anti-Semite mobs at US colleges put students in danger for the crime of “learning while Jewish” The height of idiocy came from a reporter in a press conference actually asked if by her presence he was putting other contestants in danger:

The irony of course is that this has caused a backlash to the point where she has not only easily moved toward the finals…

But it had made her the odds on favorite to win the public vote

And that leads to the 2nd bit of unfairness of all of this.

You see the Islamic mobs and their enablers have been spending the last decade making a lot of European places unsafe for Europeans and it has become VERBOTEN in the woke world to call them out for it. It’s been bad. How bad? Well the best example I know of actually comes from Canada which is going down the same path as these guys:

Because the pubic can vote on this a lot of Europeans who don’t dare speak out publicly are able to take revenge on the Islamic mob by voting for Israel in this contest because they can do so without fear of retaliation. It’s a great way to stick it to the woke establishment in the same way that declining to buy Bud Light was a way to stick it to Anheuser-Busch when they insulted their customer base.

And while that might be satisfying it does defeat the purpose of a song contest which should be about one thing:

The best performance of a song.

These protesters are not just being anti-Semite bastards and putting people at risk they are also screwing other contestants in this contest who worked hard to get there and may, thanks to these ignorant bastards, not be judged by their performances. In other words they will be robbed of their chance to win.

Now I didn’t watch Eurovision as I have no interest in it And it may be that the final result (Israel 6th overall and 2nd in the public vote) might be what it deserved but the question is: if there wasn’t a mob trying to intimidate the 20 year old Israeli singer. Would we have seen a different result?

We will never know.

BTW Ukraine won the public vote, I wonder how much of that was sympathy as well?

Sadly dear readers, this will be my last post here for DaTechGuy. Unfortunately, it’s been a struggle to keep revenue coming in, and when Peter said he would have to start cutting writers, rather than let others deliberate over the decision, I made the choice to step down.

It’s not all a loss though. I recently retired from the military (hence the lack of “This post doesn’t represent the DoD…), so I’m starting a fresh new phase of life as a self-employed person. I started working for Peter when my daughter was in Yale’s Children Hospital. It was a good distraction from an otherwise depressing situation. She passed away right as we were house hunting, and that experience prompted me to write “To Build A House.” Had I not been regularly blogging on DaTechGuy, I don’t think I would have had the writing skills needed to finish the book, let alone the audiobook.

My last years in the military were busy, so although I have two books I want to write, I haven’t had the time to do so. Any writer out there knows that if you don’t keep writing, your skills diminish, so sometimes my weekend blogging for DaTechGuy was the only real writing exercise I could get. Peter gave me the freedom to write about whatever I wanted to, and often it was my escape from an increasingly oppressive military culture hell bent on DEI initiatives, white supremacist witch hunts, and anything else that would distract from its lack of warfighting ability.

As I leave DaTechGuy, I don’t get any less busy. I’m now working with a team of folks at Walk The Talk Foundation to try and bring some accountability to the military, particularly the flag and general officers that have run our services into the dirt. The media has missed the big story on the decline in military recruiting. It’s less about DEI and a lot more about the poor treatment of service members. Every person I know getting out has said they won’t recommend the service to their family members. Given that a large percentage of military members serve because mom/dad/grandpa did, that by far has been the biggest depressor of military recruiting. Since the GOFOs can’t bring themselves to apologize for losing Afghanistan, poorly managing our shipyards and not fixing military pay, people like me have responded in “Atlas Shrugged” fashion by shrugging off the expectation that we keep supplying the military with our sons and daughters. At some point it’ll break, and hopefully like in Atlas Shrugged, something better will rise from the ashes.

So between helping Walk the Talk, writing two more books, teaching travel classes and helping churches and non-profit organizations with their computer networks, plus raising 5 kids….yeah, I’ll be busy.

If you’ve made it this far, I’d like to ask that you consider either donating to DaTechGuy or buying one of his books on Amazon. Leftist extremists’ pour money into their fake news organizations and make it hard for those of us willing to write and publish to make a living. Buying what we write and engaging with us online helps build that support community that we need. It’s not enough to not watch CNN or stop buying coffee from Starbucks…you have to take that money and put it to good use elsewhere. Think of it as you’re helping to prop up the folks punching back against the mainstream narrative…you may not be able to do the punching yourself, but you can support those that do, and it’ll make a difference. Even better, more money for the smaller groups of individuals forces Republican lawmakers to take them more seriously. It’s a slow and imperfect process, but its far better than donating to the Republican general fund and praying for results.

My only other ask is you get out and vote this year, and seriously consider volunteering as a poll watcher. I assisted on Governor Youngkin’s campaign in a small way, and it was because many of us went door-to-door and supervised voting booths that he swept in and kept Virginia from going overboard on blue policies. Yes, it requires you to get off your couch, stop commenting on social media and start doing something useful. Your opponents are doing this in droves, and our institutions will crumble unless good people stand up to take them back.

And if you think “I’m in a red state, it can’t happen to me,” remember that your opponents aren’t content to leave you alone…they will come after you until you bend the knee…just look at the Jewish students being hunted on college campuses if you need an example.

Take care, fight the good fight, and always punch back twice as hard!

It never ceases to amaze me how many people are shocked at the acts of the Biden Administration concerning Israel, particularly folks like Jonah Goldberg (a nice guy in person) and friends.

It appears that the folks who could have made a difference but decided to let the steal of the last election slide presumed that the goal of said steal was simply to remove Donald Trump which they were completely on board with. They now appear shocked SHOCKED that said folks had an actual agenda they wanted to push and are using said power to do so.

You mean to say if you let a bunch of bought and paid for crooks have power they might just use it? Amazing!

Apparently the shock SHOCK of Joe Biden deciding to suspend arms to Israel over attempting to destroy a group of terrorists who tired to annihilate them and still hold Israeli (and American) hostages is too much for some US senators.

 of the Democratic senators running for reelection, most are staying mum, including those running in swing states. They include, at the time of publishing, Wisconsin’s Tammy Baldwin, Montana’s Jon Tester, Ohio’s Sherrod Brown, and Nevada’s Jacky Rosen. Michigan Rep. Elissa Slotkin—who is running to replace the state’s outgoing senator, Debbie Stabenow—has also remained silent, as have her fellow House colleagues running for Senate seats, Rubén Gallego of Arizona and David Trone of Maryland.

Oddly enough those who are shocked into silence are almost exclusively running in either red or swing states. Senators from deep blue states like Massachusetts, Vermont and Connecticut where even supporting the slaughter of Jews can’t hurt a democrat have no problem praising the move.

Unexpectedly of course.

One person who is incapable of being shocked into silence is James Carville who at 80 is just as loud as he has ever been. However while he is not silent he is in fact shocked.

He is shocked that nothing the Democrats seem to do in this campaign is working against Trump:

What you might note in this tirade is no mention of Biden’s policies or the overreaching of the left or the abandonment of Israel or the Economy that’s tanking faster than the Chicago White Sox. He might take a lesson from this old piece written on the day of the Scott Brown vs Martha Coakley election so many years ago: (My comment) in bold underline

If Brown wins today in Massachusetts, we’re going to hear all kinds of explanations. Misplaced voter anger is already being invoked. Coakley ran a horrible campaign. The incumbent party is unpopular when times are bad. It snowed. Or it didn’t. Whatever. The simplest explanation is that a majority of the citizens of Massachusetts oppose ObamaCare. Maybe they shouldn’t. Maybe they don’t realize how great it will be. (HA! DTG) But if Brown wins, the simplest explanation is that the most important issue, health care, was decisive. The voters don’t like ObamaCare and this is their chance to say so.

The actual performance of this administration or the state of the country is not relevant to Mr. Carville. It’s all about the game. He’s a salesman one might even say a master salesman and his product is Democrats any democrats no matter what they do, no matter what they say and after decades of selling a crappy product to a gullible public he is shocked SHOCKED that there doesn’t seem to be enough marks falling for the pitch.

So let me get this straight:

Bill Maher does an excellent eight minute monologue on the media covering irrelevant things for the sake of clicks and agenda:

And then leads the overtime segment of that very same with a story about a Virginia school district that had renamed two schools named after confederates restoring the original names.

Because on a weekend when Joe Biden is withholding military aid to Israel to the point where even Jonah Goldberg’s friends are done with him there is no issue bigger that needs to be addressed than a school named after Stonewall Jackson who died in 1863.

I can’t contain my degree of shock that he might just be another self serving liberal after all.

Finally I laughed aloud when I saw this story out on the Daily Wire:

Speaking on the support that RFK Jr. enjoys from some on the political right, Penn said: “I think that it will drop in half if Republicans learn the views, right now they don’t know these things.”

“And there’s a group of Republicans that don’t like anybody and he’s now the alternative to the alternative,” he continued. “So he’s got some votes, but I agree with you, he would lose a lot of Republican votes if this screen that you’re putting up there really got out and got broadcast.”

Here is the video

So let me get this straight, Republican votes are going to be shocked SHOCKED that a President Candidate:

  • Whose Father was AG in a Democrat administration and ran for President as a Democrat
  • Whose uncle was a Democrat congressman, Senator and President
  • Whose other Uncle was a Democrat senator for 40+ years
  • Who has been a democrat all his life
  • And who initially attempted to run for the Democrat nomination

Might have a bunch of opinions that are completely consistent with the Democrat party?

My degree of surprise can’t be understated!

Let me tell you something Mr. Penn, any republican who votes for RFK doesn’t care what his opinions are. They just want to be able tell their republican friends at GOP events they didn’t vote for Biden and tell their celebrity friends at events attended by all the “right” people that they didn’t vote for Trump.

CBS’ popular series Young Sheldon has been trending on twitter/X last night because the character of George Cooper, Sheldon’s Dad excellently played by Lane Smith was killed off by a heart attack.

It was very realistic in the sense there wasn’t a lot of “drama” involved. No big scene with him, nobody else around, he left for work that morning heading for his job in the knowledge that he had just achieved what has to be the dream of every high school football coach in Texas, being recruited to coach at the college level and just like that he was gone, all of his plans and the plans of his family eliminated in an instant.

All over twitter all kinds of users were in mourning even though it had been established by the parent series “The Big Bang Theory” that Sheldon’s dad died when he was 14. Everyone knew it was coming, although perhaps they figured it was coming next week or they and the fictitious Cooper would get a chance to say goodbye. The series writer Chuck Lorre who has a history of leaving endcards at the end of his shows left this one:

In case you can’t read the print:

Eighteen years ago , when we were writing and producing The Big Bang Theory, it seemed like a good idea to imagine that Sheldon’s childhood was deeply disrupted by the loss of his father. No one could have thought that someday we would regret that decision. That someday is now.

There were a lot of tears on stage when this episode’s last scene was shot. A reminder that we had all fallen in love with a fictional character Which is itself, a reminder to love the characters in our live who are real. To do otherwise is to live with regret

While I agree with the sentiment I found it rather ironic considering this story from a few days ago concerning Chris Cuomo late of CNN, apparently having nasty side effects from the COVID Vaccine and is taking ivermectin daily, the same drug that the administration along with practically the entire media and entertainment industry and CNN insisted was only for horses and urged the public to avoid.

His admissions drew a nasty rebuke from Gino Carano one of the many people tarred as “anti-vaxers” over questioning the shots, an excerpt:

You were a part of one the most powerful news organizations in the world and you bullied and shamed the genuine questions from the public that you were supposed to be offering unbiased news to. Instead, you all called them “anti vaxxers” and “alt right extremists”. Don’t try and change the story now. Show some humility. People weren’t allowed to sit next to their loved ones as they died because of the propaganda you spread! This phase in major news media history will go down as one of the most embarrassing, destructive moments that cost people’s lives and careers, broke up families and destroyed our economy. You don’t look like a hero now, you look arrogant with no idea how deep this goes for the people this destroyed.

What’s even more ironic, news that Astra Zenica has withdrawn its COVID vaccine from the market insisting it has nothing to do with any side effects. Perish the thought!

I bring this up because the grief of the cooper family that so many are commenting on and sharing is the same grief that the families of the 1483 young athletes who had sudden heart attacks and died after receiving the COVID vaccine and of thousands and thousands of others who have “died suddenly” since the push for the vaccine and the push against ivermectin.

Now for the record Mr. Lorre while supporting Joe Biden, did not attack people who didn’t take the vaccine (putting up a single vanity card making a joke about side vaccine side effects) and I can’t find a single entry in his cards containing the word: “ivermectin”

But I DO wonder how many people in mourning over George Cooper online were part of the crowd that pressured people into taking the COVID vaccines, who went after people who recommend ivermectin, who were part of the crowd who tired to cancel Joe Rogan for speaking the truth about this subject?

I wonder how many of them were hiring managers who would not let people work if they didn’t get the vax, I wonder how many of them were people involved in decision making that penalized and ostracized folks in the medical profession who spoke out about the safety of Ivermectin and how many if they were not part of that decision making crowd, merely added their voices online in support of the treatment of any who dared strayed from the orthodoxly of the message pushed every day by the media, the administration and the left?

I wonder if such people have any grief for all those families whose suffering and grief are real and question, even for a tiny moment, if they had any the slightest part in enabling that suffering and reflect on it.

I suspect such number are few but for those who are self aware enough, particularly those who had the power over others and made decisions that cost lives, be aware forgiveness for these acts is a single sacramental confession away.