Animal Farm at the Atlantic

Posted: February 2, 2009 by datechguy in Blame Bush, opinion/news

As a follow up to the last post I thought I’d check to see what Andrew Sullivan had to say about the change. I found that all pigs are equal but some are more equal than others:

What some on the far right seem not to grasp is that opposition to torture is not about being soft on terrorism. It is about being effective against terrorism – ensuring that intelligence is not filled with torture-generated garbage, that we retain the moral high-ground in a long war against theocratic violence, and that we can better identify, capture, kill or bring to justice those who threaten our way of life. Rendition and temporary detention are tools in that effort – tools that now need to be as closely monitored and assessed as they were once recklessly abused.

Yeah they will be as closely monitored as the tax records of senior democrats when they are not considered for cabinet positions. Andrew is a good writer, the first blogger I ever read. His “view from your window” feature is one of the nicest things on the web but if he believes this he’ll believe anything.

UPDATE: Patterico takes a less charitable view of Andy than me (and my view isn’t all that charitable).

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